Games Suitable for Outdoors or Indoors

Table of Contents

  • Burst the Balloon
  • The Huron Hop
  • Whale Ahoy!
  • Tail Tally
  • Fill the Basket
  • The Mystery Number
  • I'm a Great Big Whale
  • Clear the Deck
  • Doctor Who and the Daleks
  • Ball Pass
  • C.U.B.S.
  • Defending the Fort
  • In the Pond
  • Earth, Water, Air and Fire
  • Come Along
  • Head It! Catch It!
  • Steptoe and Son
  • Here I Am!
  • Guards and Guerrillas
  • Tunnels
  • Warriors and Brigands
  • Deadly Circle
  • Brothers
  • Jack Sprat
  • Pass-Change-Hit
  • Pass the Bag
  • Squirrel in the Tree
  • Follow the Leader
  • Bat Ball
  • Gun Ball
  • Mowgli and the Red Flower
  • Empty Pockets
  • Commando Course
  • Bricklayer's Relay
  • Putt It There
  • Pack 'Em In
  • Burst the Balloon

    Equipment: 30-40 balloons; pencil and paper for the scorekeeper
    Formation: Scatter

    The balloons are blown up and scattered on the floor. Players stand in scatter formation.

    On 'GO', the object is to break as many balloons as possible, by sitting on them! When a person breaks a balloon, he shouts 'I SCORE!' and must put his hand in the air.

    The scorekeeper then runs up to the person whose hand is in the air, marks a point down on his tally sheet. The player then tries to break another balloon and earn more points.

    When all balloons are broken, scores are added up and a winner is declared.

    Variation: Break the balloons by putting them between the knees and squeezing them until they break.

    Burst the balloons by jumping on them with both feet.

    Burst the balloons by squeezing them between two people.

    The Huron Hop

    Equipment: 10 black headbands with one feather; 10 white headbands with one feather; 50 inflated balloons with pieces of string attached to each; tape or rope to mark circle on the ground.

    Formation: teams

    Divide the group into two teams; give each team headbands.

    Draw a large circle on the floor and have 5-10 players from each team enter the circle. A balloon is tied to each player's left ankle.

    The object of the game is to break your opponent's balloon while trying to avoid having your own broken. Once your balloon breaks, you leave the circle to join the audience.

    The game is played for five minutes and the team with the largest number of braves and maidens still in the circle wins. Play the game several times with new braves and maidens each time.

    While the game is going on, the audience shouts war whoops !

    Whale Ahoy!

    Equipment: 1 paper or sock ball or beanbag
    Formation: Scatter

    One boy is selected to be the 'whale', he may run freely about the room. The rest of the Cubs each choose a position and since they are 'rocks in the sea', they may not move. The aim is to 'harpoon' the 'whale' by hitting him with the ball. Whoever hits him takes his place as the next 'whale'.

    The skill of the game lies in passing the 'harpoon' from 'rock to rock' in an endeavor to corner the 'whale', rather than the Cubs taking random shots. This is good training in playing for the game rather than for the individual.

    Tail Tally

    Equipment: 1 rope per Cub, color coded for each Six; 1 whistle
    Formation: Scatter

    One Cub from each Six is a 'catcher'. All the other Cubs have a 'tail', a length of rope which they tuck into their back pockets. The 'catchers' try to snatch as many tails as possible in a given time. A Cub who loses his tail goes to a 'pen' from which he may be released if the 'catcher' from his Six gives him a tail.

    When the leader blows the whistle, the Sixes return to their corners and count their tails, including those that their 'catcher' has snatched.

    Fill the Basket

    Equipment: A pail or a large basket; as many balls as possible.
    Formation: Scatter

    The leader has the basket and endeavors to keep it empty, throwing the balls as far away as possible. The Cubs do their best to fill the basket. See who wins at the end of five minutes !

    The Mystery Number

    Equipment: A whistle
    Formation: Circle

    The Pack forms a circle with the Sixers in the middle. The Sixers choose a mystery number known only to themselves. The Cubs march round in a circle chanting the number of each step they take. When they reach the secret number, the Sixers chase them. After ten seconds, the leader blows the whistle and the chase ends. Any Cubs who have been caught go into the center and help the Sixers. The next number is decided upon and the game goes on until time is up and the Cubs who remain free are acclaimed as winners.

    Note: As the chasers become more numerous, they must hold hands until the mystery number is reached. Set a limit to the mystery number. Anything over ten becomes tedious.

    I'm a Great Big Whale

    Equipment: Wool or some sort of flag to put into the back pocket.
    Formation: Scatter

    The Sixers stand in the middle of the room. They are the 'whales'. The rest of the Pack with a flag in their back pocket (sticking out), line up at either end of the room. They are little 'fishies'.

    The 'whales' then chant, in deep whale-like voices, 'I'm a Great Big Whale at the bottom of the sea.'

    The 'fishies' reply in high-pitched fish voices, 'And I'm a little fish and you can't catch me!'

    The 'fishes' then race to the far end of the room and the 'whales' try to catch them by pulling the flag out of their pocket. Any who are caught become 'whales' and help to catch the rest of the 'fishes'. The game continues until one little 'fish' remains as the winner.

    Clear the Deck

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Group

    The four sides of the room are given names, i.e., 'Clear the deck!'; 'Man the boat!'; 'Shore leave!'; 'In the galley!'.

    When the leader calls out any of those commands, the Cubs rush to that side of the room.

    There are extra commands as well: 'Boom coming over!' - lie flat on the floor; 'Admiral coming!' - all stand and salute.

    No one is ever out but the last Cub to obey the order loses a life and rolls down a sock or rolls up a sleeve.

    Note: In the original version of the game the four sides of the room are Port, Starboard, Bow and Stern, although this is merely a matter of choice.

    Doctor Who and the Daleks

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Scatter

    Three 'Daleks' and three 'Doctor Who's' are suitable for a Pack of 24 boys. The 'Doctor Who's' turn their caps back to front for identification and the 'Daleks' wear their scarves back to front. At the word 'GO' from the leader, the 'Daleks' chase the rest of the Pack. If the 'Daleks' touch anyone, that Cub must freeze, until he is released by the touch of a 'Doctor Who'.

    No one is out and no one ever really seems to be caught when the time is up, but it is a splendidly exhausting game!

    The game should be played for roughly two minutes before the 'Doctor Who's' and the 'Daleks' are changed.

    Ball Pass

    Equipment: 1 ball
    Formation: Circle

    The Pack forms a circle and one Cub has the ball. He passes it to the neighbor on his left and immediately starts to run round the circle, his aim being to be back in his place to receive the ball when it has been passed right round the circle.


    Equipment: 1 beanbag
    Formation: circle

    The Cubs sit in a circle with the beanbag in the center and the leader gives them a letter in the order C.U.B.S. all the way round the circle. The leader calls out one of the letters and all the Cubs with that letter run right round the outside of the circle and back through their places into the center - where they try to snatch the beanbag. The Cub who get the bag is the inner.

    Defending the Fort

    Equipment: 1 soccer ball
    Formation: Circle

    The Cubs divide into two teams, the attackers and the defenders. The defenders form a circle holding hands and facing outwards; they choose their captain who stands in the center.

    The attackers surround the fort and try to kick the soccer ball in. It may go through the legs of the defenders or over their heads; if it does the latter, the captain may catch it and throw it out again. But once the ball touches the ground inside the circle the fort is captured and the players change places.

    In the Pond

    Equipment: chalk
    Formation: Circle

    Draw a large circle in the center of the playing area.

    The Cubs all stand round the circle just outside the chalk line. The leader stands in the center, and gives the following commands:

    'In the Pond!' - all the Cubs jump into the circle, and

    'On the Bank!' - all the Cubs jump out.

    If an order is given for the Cubs to jump in the Pond, and they are already there, it should be ignored. Incorrect orders such as 'On the pond!' and 'In the Bank' should also be ignored.

    Those Cubs who make two mistakes are out and the last remaining Cub is the winner

    Earth, Water, Air and Fire

    Equipment: 1 bean bag
    Formation: circle

    The Pack sit in a circle with one Cub in the center holding the bean bag. He throws the bag at someone and shouts 'Earth!', 'Water!', 'Air!' or 'Fire!'.

    If it is 'Earth', the chosen Cub must reply with the name of the animal, before the center Cub counts to ten. If it is 'Water!', he must think of a fish, if 'Air!' - a bird and if 'Fire' - whistle for the Fire Engine.

    Note: Once a creature has been named, it may not be called again. If the Cub cannot reply in time, he changes places with the thrower.

    Come Along

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Circle

    All the Cubs stand in a circle with their right arms outstretched with one Cub outside. He runs round the outside of the circle and grabs an arms of one of the other Cubs who follow him around. They go on collecting others, until there are six to eight running around. Then the first runner calls out 'Home', and they all dash to get in the circle. The Cub who is left out is the new runner.

    Head It! Catch It!

    Equipment: Soccer ball
    Formation: Circle

    The Pack form a circle and the leader stands in the center with the soccer ball. He throws it to a Cub calling 'Heading!' or 'Catching!' and the Cub responds accordingly and if he fails, he sits down.

    The leader then complicates the game by shouting the same commands but expecting the Cubs to respond with the opposite action.

    Steptoe and Son

    Equipment: Ball
    Formation: Circle

    The Pack form a circle and two boys go into the center. They are 'Steptoe and Son'. 'Steptoe' guards his 'Son' as the Cubs in the circle try to hit him with the ball. The Cub who is successful in hitting 'Son' comes into the middle to be 'Steptoe' and chooses his own 'Son'.

    Here I Am!

    Equipment: 1 large ball per team
    Formation: Teams

    Divide the Pack into teams of eight to ten Cubs. Each team forms a circle with one Cub with a ball in the center. The Cubs number off round the circle and then the center Cub goes out of the room.

    While he is away, the Cubs change places so that the numbers do not run consecutively. The center Cub returns and picks up his ball. When the leader calls 'GO', the center Cub calls 'Number 1!' and he answers 'Here I am!' The center Cub turns and throws the ball to him and he returns it. That number sits down. The center continues through the numbers until all the team is sitting down. The first team seated being the winners.

    Guards and Guerrillas

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Teams

    The Pack divides into two teams. One team stands in a line at the end of the room, facing the wall. They are the 'Guards'. The second team, who are the 'Guerrillas', form a line at the opposite end of the room.

    They creep quietly up on the 'Guards'. When the leader of the 'Guerrillas' thinks that his team has crept as near as they dare, he gives a signal and all the team gives one loud clap and then turns and runs home. As soon as the 'Guards' hear the clap, they turn and chase the 'Guerrillas'. Any who are caught become 'Guards'. When there are not 'Guerrillas' left, the teams change roles.


    Equipment: 2 soccer balls; 1 whistle
    Formation: Teams

    The Pack divides into two teams and line up about 3 metros apart facing each other. They stand, legs apart, with their feet touching those of their neighbors.

    The leader throws a soccer ball down between the lines and each team tries to score a goal by sending the ball through the legs of the other team. The Cubs may only defend with their hands and must not move their feet. When the teams become adept at this, the leader can send in a second ball.

    Warriors and Brigands

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Teams

    The Pack is split into teams, one is the 'Brigands' and the other is the 'Warriors'. Each team has one end of the room as its base. The teams then line up facing each other and the leader gives various commands, e.g., 'Warriors two paces forward' or 'Brigands one step back'. This goes on with mounting suspense (although three or four times are usually enough) until the leader says, 'Warriors (or 'Brigands') attack!' Then the team ordered to attack gives chase as the others rush to their base. Any prisoners taken by the pursuing team immediately transfer to that team.

    Deadly Circle

    Equipment: Rope
    Formation: Circle

    Tie the ends of a long rope together in order to make a large circle. Mark off another circle about one-third the size of the rope circle. Have all players take hold of the rope with both hands, forming a ring around the marked circle. On signal, try to pull as many of the other players as possible into the circle while keeping out of it themselves. As soon as a player steps into the middle circle, he is out of the game. The game continues until only one player remains.


    Equipment: None
    Formation: Two circles, one inside the other

    Divide the Cubs into groups. Group A forms the inner circle facing outward and group b the outer circle facing inward. Have the players facing each other hold hands to pair off like 'brothers!' They drop hands and on signal, the circles march in opposite directions. When you shout 'BROTHERS!', the pairs find each other, link arms together backwards, and sit down. The last pair to sit down drops out of the game. Continue until two brothers are left.

    Jack Sprat

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Circle, in pairs

    Have all the players except 'Jack Sprat' form pairs and stand in a circle. When Jack Sprat says, 'face to face', the partners face each other. When he says 'back to back', or 'side to side', his directions must be followed. If he says 'Jack Sprat', everyone, including himself tries for a new partner. The one left becomes Jack Sprat and the game continues.


    Equipment: 1 ball or rolled up newspaper
    Formation: Circle

    Arrange the players in a circle, have them number off, and select a player to be 'it'. He stands in the center of the circle with a ball or rolled up newspaper. When he calls out two to five numbers, these players should exchange places in the circle. After calling one to three numbers, 'it' passes the ball to any member of the circle, who in turn passes it back to 'it' who then tries to hit one of the players exchanging places.

    Pass the Bag

    Equipment: 2 beanbags
    Formation: Circle

    Form a circle with an even number of players. Every other person is on the same team. Give one beanbag to a player on one side of the circle and a second beanbag to a player on the other side on the opposite side of the circle. On signal, the bags should be passed from one team member to the next in the same direction around the circle. The first team to have its bag overtake the other wins the game. (This is a good pack game. Use parents on one team and Cubs on the other.)

    Squirrel in the Tree

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Small circles of 3-4 boys

    Form small circles of three or four Cubs. They hold hands to form 'trees with hollow trunks'. A Cub representing a squirrel stands in each tree. Have one more squirrel than there are trees. On signal, the squirrels must change trees. The one left out becomes 'it' for the next game.

    Follow the Leader

    Equipment: None
    Formation: Single line

    Choose a Sixer or Cub who is especially resourceful to be the leader. Have the others form single file behind him and imitate anything that he does. The leader keeps the line moving and performs stunts for the others to copy. He gradually does more difficult tasks such as climbing or vaulting over obstacles; jumping certain distances; taking a hop, skip and jump; walking backward; turning around while walking; and walking or running with a book on his head. Anyone failing to perform the required feat drops out of the game. The last one to follow the leader is the winner.

    Bat Ball

    Equipment: Soccer or volleyball
    Formation: Teams

    Any outdoor area or gymnasium will do. Mark a home base in the middle of a 40 - 50' end line. Then mark a far base about 80' from home base.

    The batter himself tosses up the ball and hits it with his hand or fist. After hitting the ball, he must run around the far base and return home before being hit by the ball, thrown at him by the defensive team. If he does not hit the ball over the 20' line, he gets another try. If he fails the second time, he is out. Members of the team in the field have no definite positions but scatter about the space beyond the 20' line. They try to put out the batter either by catching a fly ball or by hitting or tagging the batter with the ball. The fielders may not take more than one step while holding the ball or hold the ball for more than three seconds. They may pass it to another fielder closer to the runner. The batter may not run wider than the extent of the end line. Three outs retire the side. Any predetermine number of innings may be played.

    Every time a home run is made, score 1 for the team at bat.

    Gun Ball

    Equipment: Soccer or volleyball
    Formation: Teams

    Divide the players into two teams. Locate the pitcher's box 20' in front of home base. Mark a far base about 80' from home in the normal direction of first base. The pitcher rolls the ball on the ground to the first batter, who kicks the ball. As the ball is kicked, all the players on the batter's team must run to the far base and return home. The fielders try to hit the runners below the waist with the ball. All players getting back home safely scores runs for their team. After three kicks the teams exchange places. If hit, the runners stay on the sidelines until their team becomes fielders.

    Mowgli and the Red Flower

    Equipment: 1 red scarf or beanbag
    Formation: Circle

    Pick one player as Mowgli. He hides his eyes. Pick another player as 'it', without letting Mowgli know who 'it' is. Mowgli then comes into the village (circle) and tries to get the Red Flower (fire). The player who is 'it' tries to catch Mowgli before he can leave the village with the Red Flower. 'It' cannot move until Mowgli touches the Red Flower. Mowgli must enter and leave at the same point in the circle. The two boys he enters between can put up their arms to signify a gate, so Mowgli will remember where to leave. If Mowgli is caught by the villager before he leaves the village, the villager becomes Mowgli and a new villager is chosen. If Mowgli leaves the village before he is caught, he gets to try again with a new villager. Have the boys in the circle lunge in a couple of times to confuse Mowgli so he doesn't know who the villager is.

    Empty Pockets

    Equipment: Prize
    Formation: Straight line

    Without telling anyone in advance, offer a prize to the one who can produce the largest number of articles from his pockets. Ask each one to spread the articles on the table in front of him and have two or three judges look over the collections and make a list of the articles produced by the prize winner. Read the list to the group.

    Commando Course

    Equipment: Per team: 1 6' pole; 1 small bike tire; 1 bowling pin; 2 balloons per team member; 2 chairs; rope to tie ankles.

    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. Line up each team at the start of each obstacle course.

    On 'Go', the first member of each team ties his ankles together. He crawls on his stomach under the poles, (which are set up like jump poles, about 1 *' off the ground, supported by the chairs). He wiggles through the tire, knocks over the bowling pin with his nose and bursts two balloons (the explosions). Players then crawl back to the start, where the second member of their 'combat team' is ready to begin.

    Bricklayer's Relay

    Equipment: Per team: 1 hard hat; 1 dustpan; 1 flag; 3 or more 'bricks' - stones, pieces of Styrofoam, blocks of wood.

    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams. Have them stand in parallel straight lines at one end of the playing area.

    The leader shouts 'BUILD'. The first member of each team dons the hard hat, places a brick in the dustpan and runs down to the other end of the playing area. He places the brick on the ground and runs back to the starting line. Each team member in turn, races down to build up the wall. The race continues until all bricks on each team are used up.

    If the wall falls down while the race is on, all bricks must return to the starting line, so the relay can begin again. Therefore, allow the teams time to plan a building strategy, so they will know how and where to place the bricks to avoid a collapse.

    When the wall is complete, the last member of each team races down with the flag, and plants it on top of the wall.

    Afterward, see what kind of super structure can be built. Have the teams work together to build one giant wall, or building, or structure of some kind.

    Putt It There

    Equipment per team: 1 golf umbrella; 1 golf sweater; 1 golf hat; 1 golf glove; 1 golf putter; 1 golf ball; 1 putting cup.

    Formation: Relay.

    Divide the group into teams of six. One player from each team is selected to be the model. The teams are lined up at one end with the models in the middle of the playing area and the putting cup at the far end.

    On 'Go', the first player from each team runs to the model, carrying the sweater. He puts the sweater on the model, and runs back. THE MODEL MAY NOT HELP ANY OF HIS TEAMMATES IN ANY WAY. The second member puts on the hat, et., until the model has on all of the above pieces of equipment.

    Using the putter, the model then putts the golf ball into the putting cup. The first team whose golfer sinks the putt is the winner.

    Pack 'Em In

    Equipment: per team: suitcase; umbrella; hat; coat; gloves; scarf (it is ideal if the clothing is oversized).
    Formation: relay.

    Divide the group into even teams and line up each team in relay formation. Place the suitcase, filled with the clothing, in front of the first player on each team.

    On 'Go', the first player opens the suitcase, puts on all the clothing and runs down to the other end of the playing area and back. Here, they remove all the clothing and put it back inside the suitcase, shut the suitcase and tag the next player in line. That player opens the suitcase and gets dressed and runs down the playing area and back.

    The relay continues until all players have had the chance to get dressed, travel and unpack.

    Provide additional articles of clothing or accessories, to make the outfit even funnier.