Scavenger Hunt Games

Table of Contents

Scouting Scavenger Hunt

Each Den has 10 minutes to solve the riddles and find the corresponding Scouting or nature objects. They must give the correct numbers for each item:

1. You use this to find NEWS.

2. This silver life saver can be used on anything from tents to camera cases.

3. When the wind blows and the snow comes down I'll still be around.

4. Flash this for someone and they may just come to the rescue.

5. It's always greener on the other side of the road.

6. Sounds like something that would help an orchestra.

7. I'm created by rivers and streams and thousands of years.

8. It can help you on hot days, cold days, and while you sleep.

9. Be sure to take this if you want to pack light.

10. Keeps you from wearing embarrassing garbage bags.

11. If you're falling off a cliff, it's good to be able to do this.

12. You don't have to be a Star Scout to wear one of these.

13. If you served in the military in Geneva, you might be issued one of these.

14. It's whipped but it's not cream.

15. You see me in red superimposed on red and white stripes sometimes.

16. With these you can do something you also do in baseball and bowling.

17. It's pretty much isosceles in shape.

18. It's the opposite of "can oot"

19. Useful for ticks every time.

Scouting Scavenger Hunt Answers

Each Den has 10 minutes to solve the riddles and find the corresponding Scouting or nature objects. They must give the correct numbers for each item:

1. You use this to find NEWS. Compass

2. This silver life saver can be used on anything from tents to camera cases. Duct Tape

3. When the wind blows and the snow comes down I'll still be around. Pine Needles/Branch

4. Flash this for someone and they may just come to the rescue. Signal Mirror

5. It's always greener on the other side of the road. Grass

6. Sounds like something that would help an orchestra. Band Aid

7. I'm created by rivers and streams and thousands of years. Sedimentary Rock

8. It can help you on hot days, cold days, and while you sleep. Hat

9. Be sure to take this if you want to pack light. Flashlight

10. Keeps you from wearing embarrassing garbage bags. Poncho

11. If you're falling off a cliff, it's good to be able to do this. Tie one-handed bowline

12. You don't have to be a Star Scout to wear one of these. Service star (or Baden-Powell Star)

13. If you served in the military in Geneva, you might be issued one of these. Swiss Army Knife

14. It's whipped but it's not cream. Whipped Rope

15. You see me in red superimposed on red and white stripes sometimes. Maple Leaf

16. With these you can do something you also do in baseball and bowling. Matches

17. It's pretty much isosceles in shape. Triangle Bandage or neckerchief

18. It's the opposite of "can oot" Canteen (can't iin)

19. Useful for ticks every time. Watch


Akela has invited one Den to work with the Cub pack next week. To help the Court of Honor decide which Den will best represent the troop, here is a test for your Den. By no later than...., bring back the necessary ingredients for staging successful demonstrations of:

1. a left-handed non-Scout

2. a left-handed cat

3. how to separate a mixture of salt and pepper

4. how to determine which is more dense: apple or carrot

5. what happens when you add two spoonfuls of vinegar to one spoonful of dish washing liquid and mix in one big spoonful of baking soda

6. a southbound footprint

Scouter's Notes

2. I'm not sure there is any such creature, but a Scout once assured me that his cat was left-handed. Another Scout brought in a cat and left it to me to prove it wasn't left-handed.

3. Pour mixture into a glass of water. Salt sinks; pepper floats.

4. Again water. Carrot sinks and apple floats, ergo carrot is denser.

6. Perhaps a compass set alongside the footprint or a photograph of a footprint relative to an object that has a definite direction.

Space Age Technology

Space invaders have demanded that you produce evidence of the earth's current level of technology by no later than.... You must collect samples that demonstrate our society's use of: transistors; incandescence; fluorescence; luminosity; polystyrene; polypropylene; polyester; acrylic; latex; nylon; laser; liquid crystal display (LCD); light emitting diode (LED); magnetic diskettes; magnetic recording tape; electricity (plug in); electricity (battery power); stainless steel; molded plastic; sheet plastic; laminated plastic; metal alloy.

Scouter's Note: Relate to the Engineering and Science Challenge badges.


Mr. Wizard blew up his laboratory. He needs your help to replace some parts of his physics experiments. By no later than...., bring in as many examples as you can of the six basic machines: screw; wedge; inclined plane; lever; pulley; wheel & axle.


With your Polaroid camera, take one photograph of each of the following situations. You have film for 20 attempts. Don't let any other Den photograph a member of your Den. No later than..... deliver photographs of: the whole Den inside a telephone booth; a Scout at least 5 m up a tree; three Scouts blowing bubble gum; all the members of the households of two Scouts; the Canadian flag; a woman on a bicycle; a Scout in the back seat of a bus; two Scouts in a police cell; three Scouts on the back of a fire truck; a suspicious-looking character often seen walking near the troop's meeting place about 30 minutes after the meeting starts (don't let this person see you take the photo); a Scout from another Den; a Scout beside a statue; a Scout holding a chicken.

Scouter's Notes: You have to provide your own suspicious-looking character. Relate to the Photography Challenge badge.

One is One

In the words of the song, "One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so." Some things are found only as solitary items. Other things occur only in groups of two, three, four, or more.

By no later than...., bring back one sample item from each of these groups: one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten; eleven; twelve; twenty; twenty-five; fifty; one hundred.


We have received a message from the planet Graidot in the Garbajio Galaxy. Their environmental pollution is so bad that their world is slowly becoming a colorless, featureless gob of gray goo. Unless they install some sensory organisms soon, they will lose touch with reality. We have agreed to help.

By no later than...., bring back one each of something: hot; frozen; sweet; sour; sticky; rough; smooth; slippery; squishy; rubbery; wobbly; perfumed; stinking; salty; bitter; cheesy; prickly; corrugated; colorful; pure.

One Square

The television game show, Scouting Squares, is offering a grand prize of one trillion dollars. How to win? Examine a 2.5 cm square of an object and, from that, identify the whole object then bring in an example. The Den with the largest collection of objects wins.

Scouter's Notes: You need to assemble a series of 2.5 cm squares of different items. To avoid cutting an object of value, make a template with a 2.5 cm square hole in it. The template must be large enough to cover the object, except for the critical 2.5 cm square. Invite Dens to challenge each other by producing their own series of samples.

Tape Recorder

The National Center for the Visually Impaired is compiling a library of sounds to use in their training programs. By no later than...., use your tape recorder to record 5-10 seconds each of: cash register operating; telephone ringing; book pages flipping; washing machine agitating; backpack zipper opening or closing; typewriter pounding; Scout belt buckling; cloth ripping; group committee chairperson singing O Canada; Scout with mouthful of crackers whistling; your PL at the other end of a telephone call; piano playing; brass wind instrument blowing; Scout playing Happy Birthday on paper and comb; shoes being brushed; newspaper tearing; bell ringing; Scout blowing over the mouth of an empty bottle; three hole punch punching; cellophane paper crackling; deck of cards riffling; coffee pot percolating; popcorn popper popping; television commercial blaring; paper bag bursting; magic marker squeaking; car starting; referee whistle whistling; dog barking; three adult non-Scouts responding to your polite request for their opinion of Scouting.

Earn bonus points by recording a sound that no other Den can identify.