Skits from the Istrouma Area Council 1995 Pow Wow Book

Thanks to John Carminati, ASM-Venture, Troop 85, Roundtable Commissioner.

The audience participation stories in this file have also been placed in the Audience Participation Stories page.

Table of Contents

Blue & Yellow Theater

Skits are a dramatized joke or funny situation with a snappy line or sight gag at the end. Skits help channel a boy's imagination. He doesn't just play he's a pirate. He IS a pirate sailing the ocean blue under the Jolly Roger. Dramatics are important in the growth of boys because it gives them an outlet for the "let's pretend" part of their character. I gives him a chance for creative expression. Skits help develop his power of observation and recognize the desirable characteristics in the people he sees. Skits help develop his coordination and timing while gaining self confidence. Skits show the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

Skits also set the mood of the monthly theme. Skits serve as ice breakers and comic relief during the pack meeting. Skits take the pack meeting out of the hands of adults and focuses on the boys.

Once in a while there is a shy boy who would prefer not to take part in skits. A costume often will help overcome his shyness. He can also handle other important roles like lighting, scenery changes or sound effects.

If a boy is having trouble remembering his lines, write them down on index cards or use cue cards (poster board size).

Keep It Simple. Simple lines, simple costumes, and simple props are more effective than elaborate ones done poorly. A sign can do wonders... it turns a box into a wagon, boat, plane, etc. It can even turn a boy into a tree or a mountain.

Good skits...

    1. are short (3 to 5 minutes).
    2. have simple dialog... no long memorized lines.
    3. Use pantomimes.
    4. Let every boy participate.
    5. Have liberal usage of stage direction... who goes where, when and does what.


    Program Helps
    Pow Wow Books
    Cub Scout Leaders How-To Book
    Den Chief's Handbook
    Public library
    Childrens magazines like "Highlights" and "Jack and Jill".

They must be heard... Boys must speak slowly and face the audience. If the audience applauds or laughs, scouts should pause before continuing their lines.

You could pre-record all the sound effects, dialog, music, etc. and play it back on a tape recorder. The advantage is that they can be heard. A disadvantage is that you can't react to the audience and if anything goes wrong, you'll have to ad-lib. Lip syncing takes lots of practice.

Make-up... Make-up helps the audience identify the character and makes them more real.

Make-up base can be made with equal parts of liquid cleansing cream and powdered sugar. This makes a simple white base for clown make-up. Add food coloring for monster make-up (green) or Indian war paint (red, yellow and blue).

An eyebrow pencil can be used to darken or change the shape of eyebrows, to line the eyes, to make freckles, moustaches, sideburns, beards, and wrinkles.

Beards can be made with coffee grounds applied over a layer of Vaseline or cold cream.

Cornstarch powder in the hair makes characters look older. Hair usually begins to gray at the temples first. You can also use talcum powder.

A wig can be made by pulling an old stocking down over your hair and ears. Tie it off and cut off the excess. Use scotch tape to fasten colored cotton balls all over the stocking.

Indian braids can be made by cutting 3 strips of crepe paper into lengths about 3/4" wide. Twist each strip around the other. Now braid the 3 strips together.

Wounds can be made by drawing them with lipstick. Blend it in slightly with your finger. Edge the wound with white liner.

For shoulder padding, make small triangular cushions and tie them with point towards your neck. Cushions are made from scrap cloth stuffed with rags. Sew long tapers to cushions and cross them over body.

Nose putty is often needed to make lumps, creepy hands, etc. Mix together 2 teaspoons white vegetable shortening, 5 teaspoons cornstarch, 1 teaspoon white flour, a few drops of glycerin, and food coloring. For a brown color add 2 teaspoons cocoa.

Scenery for skits... Scenery should be made from corrugated cardboard. Use latex or tempera paints to decorate as needed. Do not paint on over printing on the box. It will show through.

Alternatively, you can just explain to the audience beforehand, "Here is the bedroom..." and so forth, or "This is the Mississippi River...". Use the power of suggestion!

Acting the part... Too look old, walk with your feet about 30 cm apart. Too walk with a limp, place a ball of paper in your shoe.

FX... If you plan to use sound effects in your skit, it is important to have access to a microphone. Check with the facility where you are holding your pack meetings. Most rental stores carry karaoke sound machines. Also, you can pre-record your sounds on an audio cassette and play them back when needed (do I see a den meeting idea here?).

Airplane: Heavy paper striking blades of electric fan.

Auto brakes: Slide a drinking glass across a pane of glass.

Boat whistle: A wooden or plastic spool, a 3/4" strip of balloon and a rubber band. Fasten the balloon over the hole in one end of the spool. Wrap rubber band around spool over the ends of the balloon and pull the balloon tight. Blow into open end of spool.

Crashes: (a) Fill a wooden box with broken glass and a few stones, then nail it shut. Tip the end of the box to create various kinds of crash sounds. (b) Drop two pie pans taped together with mason jar lids inside.

Creaking door or animal roar: Use a coffee can. Tie a string in the center of a pencil and rub string with violin resin. Punch a hole in the container, place the pencil inside and pull the string out through the hoe. Drag fingernails along the string to produce noise.

Crickets chirping: Run a fingernail over a fine-tooth comb.

Door slam: Slam two hardback books together.

Fire: Crumple and twist cellophane into a ball and then release it.

Gong: Hit a pan with a metal spoon.

Gurgling stream or boiling liquid: Put a straw in a cup of water and blow hard.

Hail: Pour rice on an upside down flat cake pan.

Horse hooves: Alternately tap two inverted cups or bowls on a wood floor or board.

Knock at door: Hit a half-gallon plastic milk jug on the end with a rubber spatula.

Lightning: Grasp a metal cookie sheet on one end, placing your thumb on the underside. Shake the cookie sheet so it vibrates. Bang it against the knee for an occasional loud thunderclap.

Pistol shot: (a) A rubber band is stretched around the center of a small foil pie pan. Pull out the band from bottom of pan and release. (b) Snap a yardstick or thin board on a hard surface.

Puppy dog: Blow up a balloon. With first 2 fingers of both hands stretch neck of balloon, slowly releasing air.

Rain: Fill a soup can 1/3-full of dry peas or beans. Roll the can slowly on a table.

Running water: A wooden box 1 foot x 2 foot x 2 inches is fitted with tin on bottom and ends. Finishing nails are driven into the bottom and ends in a 1 inch diamond pattern. Place a small amount of BB's into box. Tilt to make noise.

Rustling in underbrush: Crush broom straw.

Sword fight: Holding an aluminum cookie sheet in one hand, hit it with a metal spoon.

Telephone ring: Use a bicycle bell.

Writing my own skits... Writing your own skits is simpler than it would first appear. To write a skit, first determine what the moral of the skit will be. Then follow this simple outline to write your skit.

    1. Boy wants something... friendship, a gold mine, a trophy, to find a lost planet, etc.
    2. Boy went to get it... by canoe, plane, horseback, foot, etc.
    3. Obstacles stop boy... crocodile, native hunters, a locked chest, etc.
    4. Boy achieves goal... through an act of kindness, bravery, wisdom, magic, unexpected help of some kind, etc.

Write your skit to be 7 to 10 minutes long. The boys will shorten the skit when they present it.

Pantomime... Pantomime is the expression of a thought, emotion or action without the use of words. Words may be supplied by a narrator or pre-recorded. Movements are often exaggerated.

December '95 - Do A Good Turn

The Bad Turn

Cub #1: (to Den Leader) I did a bad turn.

Den Leader: Now, (Cubs Name), you know you should always do Good Turns.

Cub #1: I tried. Honest.

Den Leader: OK.

(Each Cub enters and says similar things to the Den Leader)

Last Cub: (carrying a small fry pan with a "pancake" in it) I did a good turn. Watch. (flips pancake over and catches it in pan) But, you should see the mess in the kitchen! (other Cubs look ashamed)

Mr. Boyce and the Good Turn

Narrator: It's a foggy night in London. The year is 1910. An American businessman is lost in the fog.

Businessman: (Mr. William Boyce dressed in top coat, carrying brief case and umbrella. He wonders around the stage looking for a house number.) I don't think I can find my way tonight.

(A Scout comes on stage.)

Scout: May I help you sir?

Businessman: I am looking for this address. Can you tell me how to find it?

Scout: I sure can. I'll take you there.

(They walk to a certain spot on stage.)

Scout: Here you are, Sir!

Businessman: Thank you, and here you are (gives him some money) for helping me.

Scout: Thank you, but I can't accept anything. I am a Scout and this is my Good Turn for the day.

Narrator: Mr. Boyce was so impressed with this action that he looked up the Scouting movement in England. He brought back to America a suitcase full of pamphlets. He incorporated the Boy Scouts of America on February 8, 1910.

The Boy Scouts of America grew by leaps and bounds. A Federal Charter was granted to it by Congress in 1916, an honor given to few organizations.

Today it is a world brotherhood bound together by common ideals and a common oath or promise.

Mind Reading

The mind reader sits behind a table with a number of slips of paper before him. One at a time he names a famous person and his or her good turn. He writes the name of the person on a slip of paper, folds it in half, and places the slip in a clear glass. He then asks someone to come up and take a slip of paper out of the glass, look at it, but do not tell him the name written upon it. The mind reader then pours water into the glass and stirs until they are thoroughly saturated. He then pours off the water into another glass and throws the paper away into a waste basket. After examining the water in the glass, he announces the name of the slip drawn. Solution: Write the name of the first person named onto every slip of paper.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Characters: Bob, 12 Cub Scout friends (if den has less than 12 boys, have them repeat their entrance on stage)

Props: Items called for in skit on a table (use your imagination to create wilder items)

Setting: Bob is standing by table with props. As each boy enters, he hands him the appropriate item.

Cub #1: On the first day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- a knob to adjust my TV. Thanks Bob.

Bob: You're welcome!

(Each cub takes items and exits. Then next cub enters from opposite side of stage)

Cub #2: On the second day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- two napkins. Thanks Bob.

Bob: You bet!

Cub #3: On the third day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- three french fries. Thanks Bob!

Bob: No problem!

Cub #4: On the fourth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- four comic books. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Glad to do it!

Cub #5: On the fifth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- five rusty nails. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Don't mention it!

Cub #6: On the sixth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- six greasy rags. Thanks Bob!

Bob: OK!

Cub #7: On the seventh day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- seven soggy sweatshirts. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Yeah, you're right!

Cub #8: On the eighth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- eight mugs for milk shakes. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Give me five! (does high five with Cub #8)

Cub #9: On the ninth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- nine dirty dustpans. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Cool dude!

Cub #10: On the tenth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- ten leaping lizards. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Check you later!

Cub #11: On the eleventh day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- eleven pies for pitching. Thanks Bob! ( A pie plate full of whipped cream can actually be thrown at Bob here - if you like!)

Bob: (wiping off cream) That's what friends are for!

Cub #12: On the twelfth day of Christmas my good friend gave to me -- twelve dump trucks dumping. Thanks Bob!

Bob: Bye, pal! (last cub exits, table is cleared of all props) Now, let's see. That was (singing) twelve dump trucks dumping, eleven pies for pitching, ten leaping lizards, nine dirty dustpans, eight mugs for milk shakes, seven soggy sweatshirts, six greasy rags, FIVE RUSTY NAILS, four comic books, three french fries, two napkins and a knob to adjust my TV. (looks at audience and wipes brow) Whew! I finally did it. I finally got my closet cleaned out!

January '96 - Working with Wood

Dad's Tools

Characters: Narrator, Dad, Mom, Cub Scout

Narrator: As our plan begins, Dad is looking for his hammer...

Dad: Has anyone seen my hammer?

Mom: No dear, did you look in your toolbox?

Dad: It's not there. No one ever puts anything back where it belongs around here.

Cub Scout: Look, Dad. I found it. It's over here behind the door where you used it to fix the loose door hinges.

Dad: Now, where is my saw?

Mom: It should be on your workbench.

Dad: Well, it's not there. No one ever puts my tools away.

Cub Scout: Dad, don't you remember? You left it out by the garage when you were sawing those boards to build my clubhouse.

Dad: Good grief! Now where is my file?

Cub Scout: Oh, that's out in the yard where you used it to sharpen the lawn mower blade.

Dad: I can't find my screwdriver now, and I just had it! Did you use it, son?

Cub Scout: Yes, Dad. And here it is in the toolbox - right where I put it when I finished with it.

Dad: Oh! I never thought of looking for it there!

A Simple Block of Wood

Characters: Each Scout holds a cardboard figure in front of him starting with a square block of wood. Boy 2 is roughed out pinewood derby racer. Boy 3 is a racer with a little paint. Boy 4 and 5 are the finished cars.

Setting: Each boy walks on to the stage to read his part. The last scout runs onto the stage shouting his line.

Boy 1: I'm only a simple block of wood,
Cut from a tree so tall.
Unlike the tree that thundered down,
No noise would I make should I fall.

Boy 2: But in the hands of a wide eyed boy,
Armed with a knife and a saw.
There are many shapes that I can take,
Some wide, some short, some tall.

Boy 3: A little paint, a line or two,
Nothing fancy, but not too plain.
No two alike, made with loving hands,
We are all of the tree that remains.

Boy 4: Like each little boy's life,
Starting with form.
Like a block of wood cut from a tree,
The loving hands of leaders like you,
Help us each to be what we shall be.

Boy 5: And I'm gonna be a racer!

February ' 96 - Blue & Gold

The Story of a Pack -- Like Ours???

Pack - We're number one (everyone)
Parents - I'll help, I'll help
Bobcat - Meow, meow
Wolf - (your best wolf howl)
Bear - Grrrr, grrrrrr!
Webelos - To the top!

Once upon a time there was a pretty good PACK who did a lot of things and had a lot of fun. The PACK has a few new BOBCATS who had just joined the PACK. There were also a few WOLF Cub Scouts, who were eight years old. Most of the Cub Scouts in the PACK were BEARS, who were 9 years old and some of these BEARS were almost 10 years old.

After a Cub has been a BOBCAT, WOLF, or BEAR, and has turned 10 years old, he becomes a WEBELOS. WEBELOS means, "We'll be loyal Scouts". The WEBELOS program differs from the BOBCAT, WOLF, and BEAR because WEBELOS prepares the WEBELOS Scout to be a Boy Scout. The WEBELOS uniform is different too.

The WOLF and BEAR Cub Scouts work on achievements and electives for gold and silver arrows with their PARENTS. The WEBELOS work toward activity pins. These awards are presented at the PACK meeting for all the PARENTS to see.

The PACK was going along real well until summer came and a few PARENTS moved. The PACK is now in great need for PARENTS of the BOBCAT, WOLVES, BEARS, and WEBELOS to help the PACK.

The PACK needs the help from the PARENTS so the PACK can grow and continue to provide lots of fun for the BOBCATS, WOLF and BEAR Cub Scouts and the WEBELOS Scouts too! The PACK can't do a good job with only a few PARENTS doing everything, so PARENTS help your BOBCAT, WOLF and BEAR Cub Scouts and your WEBELOS Scouts get a better program of fun and adventure in our PACK. PARENTS help us now. What do you say PARENTS?

The Blue and Gold Banquet

Characters: Some Cubs dressed as parents and seated at a table decorated as for a Blue & Gold banquet. One Cub Scout dressed as a Cub waiter -- with an apron and a towel over his arm.

Narrator: It is the annual Blue & Gold banquet at Pack 999. Every year, the Cub Scouts at Pack 999 serve as waiters and cooked for their parents. The boys try very hard to do a good job, but every year a few little things seem to go wrong. Let's see what is happening this year....

Parent #1: Excuse me, Johnny. Is this coffee or tea? It tasted like kerosene.

Cub waiter: Then it's coffee. The tea tastes like gasoline.

Parent #2: I hope you'll hurry and bring my food. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

Cub waiter: Then you've come to the right place!

Parent #3: Why do you have your fingers on top of my food?

Cub waiter: (serving plate with his hand all over it) So it won't fall on the floor again.

Parent #4: Why are you stomping on my steak?

Cub waiter: (stomping something on floor) Because when you told me to bring you your food, you said to "step on it."

Parent #5: I'm afraid there's a fly in my soup.

Cub waiter: Don't worry. There's no extra charge.

Parent #5: There really is a fly in my soup.

Cub waiter: What did you expect at a Blue and Gold banquet -- a humming bird?

Narrator: Ah, yes. Another Blue and Gold banquet at Pack 999. Good eating, everyone.

March ' 96 - Inside Noah's Ark

Hamming It Up

(Several Cub Scouts with homemade pig masks. There are many ideas on mask-making in the Cub Scout Leader How-To Book.)

Piggy #1: I sure had a high fever last night.

Piggy #2: How high?

Piggy #1: Two bales.

Piggy #3: Two bales? That's no way to take a temperature.

Piggy #1: Of course it is. I have hay fever!

Piggy #4: Hey, why did the pig cross the road?

Piggy #5: I give up. Why?

Piggy #4: It was the chicken's day off.

Piggy #6: What do you think my Uncle Porky Pig sang when he joined the navy?

Piggy #7: I don't know. What?

Piggy #6: (singing) "Oinkers aweigh, my boys, oinkers away."

Piggy #8: What do you call a pig who crosses the road twice but refuses to take a bath?

Piggy #5: What?

Piggy #8: A dirty double-crosser.

Piggy #3: (holding up a blank piece of poster board) Here is my famous painting of five hogs eating in a field of corn.

Piggy #2: I don't see a field of corn.

Piggy #3: The hogs ate it all.

Piggy #7: I don't see the five hogs either.

Piggy #3: Of course not. Why should the hogs stay around when the corn is gone?

Piggies (all): And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of our tale!

(All pigs turn around and show off curly tails.)

The Lost Sheep

The leader makes an elaborate announcement introducing a soloist, who is to sing a ballad entitled "The Lost Sheep." The singer takes his position, glances to the leader who nods his head as a signal to begin. The singer then gives a plaintive "Baa-aa-aa," bows and exits the stage.


Cub comes on stage carrying a picture of an owl. He says, "Owl be seein' ya!"

Quacking Up!

Have several scouts walk across the stage staring at the ceiling and saying "Quack, quack." Leader then asks what they are doing and they reply, "Quacking Up!"

Quiet Please

Siren - siren sound
Dog - woof, woof
Policeman - loud whistle
Librarian - SSSh
Pigs - oink, oink
Chickens - squawk, squawk
Ducks - quack, quack
Boys - Stamp feet and sing "La, la, la."
Screamed - everyone scream
Loud Crash - everyone clap

It was a beautiful fall afternoon in --(your towns name)-- , Louisiana. In the balmy air the rich aroma of lumber being milled in nearby Bogalusa was very prominent. The only sounds to be heard were the faint moan of a fire SIREN in a neighboring subdivision, the distant barking of a DOG, and the occasional whistle of the POLICEMAN at the Main Street intersection. Within the Parish Library, someone turned a page too loudly and the LIBRARIAN said, "SSSh!". On the highway at the outskirts of the town, a farmer was slowly driving his animals to the market. Each time he hit a bump, the PIGS grunted, the CHICKENS squawked, and the DUCKS quacked. Yes, all was peaceful in --(your towns name)--.

Suddenly, two BOYS appeared on the quiet street. They were singing and marching in time to the rhythm. They reached the center of town where the POLICEMAN blew his whistle to let them cross at the crosswalk. Still singing, the BOYS marched up the steps of the library. The LIBRARIAN looked up quickly and said, "SSSh!". Each BOY took a book, then sat down at one of the tables. One of the BOYS looked around the almost deserted library and remarked, "They'd do a lot more business in here if they had comic books!" Guess what the LIBRARIAN said? That's right ---"SSSh!".

Outside, the DOG's barking could be heard more strongly. The POLICEMAN blew his whistle as a car approached the intersection, followed by the farmer's truck. As they started up again, the woman driving the car signaled a right turn. Oddly enough, her car made a left turn. The farmer slammed on his brakes and there was a LOUD CRASH! Down went the tail gate of the truck and out tumbled the PIGS; the crates burst and out flew the CHICKENS and the DUCKS. The DOG, who was quite close, began an excited chase, barking wildly.

Frightened, the PIGS ran up the library steps grunting, followed by squawking CHICKENS, quacking DUCKS, and the barking DOG. The LIBRARIAN was so startled she had time to let out only one "SSSh!", before a CHICKEN flew into her face. The BOYS jumped up and delightedly burst into song. In rushed the POLICEMAN, frantically whistling. From across the street, old Miss Curious saw the disturbance, and called the fire department. In the distance began the whine of the SIREN, which grew louder as the fire truck approached the library.

At that moment in the Parish Library these things were going on: The PIGS were grunting, the CHICKENS were clucking, the DUCKS were quaking, the DOG was barking, the BOYS were singing, the fire SIREN was screaming, the POLICEMAN was whistling, and the LIBRARIAN was hopelessly saying over and over again "SSSh, SSSh!". And for a while as least, all these things were going on a the same time! ...But an hour later, everything was peaceful again in --(your towns name)--. The PIGS, DUCKS and CHICKENS had somehow been caught and put back into their crates, and the POLICEMAN again stood at his post by the intersection.

And the LIBRARIAN? Well, she looked around the library at the floating feathers, the muddy floor, the disarranged books, the overturned tables, and the broken chairs. ... And then, all of the sudden, she SCREAMED!

April '96 - Akela's Council

Little Wolf and Crazy Bear

Little Wolf: wolf howl
Crazy Bear: bear growl
Cowboys: Yippeeee"
Buffalo: "Hides"

Now Little Wolf and Crazy Bear were from a tribe of American Indians who got their food hunting buffalo. They roamed the plains, always on the look-out for buffalo. But since the cowboys had come to their land, the buffalos were scarce. Little Wolf and Crazy Bear had a hard time finding any buffalo to feed their people. But they didn't have any trouble at all finding cowboys. In fact, they had to hide quite often so the cowboys wouldn't shoot them. Up and down the plains Little Wolf and Crazy Bear roamed searching out the buffalo and hiding from the cowboys.

One day, Little Wolf saw something moving through the brush and he called to Crazy Bear. "Hey, Crazy Bear, what is that?" I don't know, Little Wolf", replied Crazy Bear, "But it looks like it might be good to eat." Little Wolf laughed and said, "I think it belongs to the cowboys." "Well, I know it's not a buffalo" replied Crazy Bear. So Little Wolf, a true Indian hunter, pulled back his bow and the arrow went straight to the mysterious animal. Crazy Bear then went to work skinning and preparing it to take back to the tribe.

After all this work, the two Indian hunters were hungry, so they built a fire and cooked some of the meat. "This tastes too good to be a buffalo" said Little Wolf. "Yea" said Crazy Bear. "Those cowboys sure raise good meat. I wonder why they kill our buffalo?"

When Little Wolf and Crazy Bear took the meat back to the tribe, all the women wanted more of this meat. So the hunters set out to find the cowboys and find what this strange animal was. When Little Wolf and Crazy Bear came on the cowboy camp, it was early in the morning. The cowboys were still asleep. Little Wolf and Crazy Bear saw one of those animals sitting way out form the camp, so they decided to kill it and drag it away. "Hey Buffalo Bill, did you see that?" asked one of the cowboys. "Sure did" was the reply. "I see someone finally got Sitting Bull."

The Council Fire

Characters: Any number of Indians including one Big Chief.

Setting: Indians grouped around a campfire. All are very sad.

1st Indian: I fear big trouble in making. (all grunt)

2nd Indian: Must do big magic to stop many wars.

3rd Indian: How?

4th Indian: Big worry makes head ache with thinking. (all grunt)

Big Chief: Great Spirit give me wisdom to treat problem. I must go to White Man. (Rises from campfire and goes to center of stage. He addresses the audience.) We all wish for peaceful moons and plentiful corn. Maybe we need know word from each other. Please help me and repeat after me the words I say.

Big Chief: Oh Wa

Audience: Oh Wa

Big Chief: Ta Goo

Audience: Ta Goo

Big Chief: Si Am

Audience: Si Am

Big Chief: Very good, I think we are learning. (all Indians nod in agreement) Please one more time to go faster into land of knowledge. (Repeat chant as before only faster and faster until it is fast enough so that they can combine syllables and come up with the meaning: "Oh What A Goose I Am")

May '96 - See and Do It Show


Characters: Den leader, Cub Scouts

Props: Chairs for boys - set up as for den meeting around table.

Den Leader: I want you all to work on your craft now - making kites for the pack kite flying contest. Do your best. (Den Leader leaves room - boys start to use materials to make craft)

Cub #1: (hiccup, hiccup) I can't make my kite (hiccup). I keep hiccuping (hiccup). I better go play Nintendo and rest (hiccup).

Cub #2: I know what to do. Hold your breath while I count to ten. It works every time. One, two, three, ...ten. (Cub #1 holds breath)

Cub #1: (lets out breath - loud hiccup) It didn't work! (hiccup)

Cub #3: Try putting a pinch of sugar under your tongue. It works every time.

Cub #1: (tries sugar under tongue - hiccup, hiccup) That didn't work either.

Cub #4: Here, try breathing into this paper bag. That always works!

Cub #1: (breaths into bag - hiccup) Nothing works for me (hiccup).

(Den Leader returns. Cub #2 runs up to him.)

Cub #2: Mr. Smith - Billy keeps hiccuping and he can't do his work. I guess he better go play Nintendo while we finish his kite.

Den Leader: Billy, come here. Let's hear you hiccup so I can see if I should let you go play Nintendo.

Cub #1: (silence)

Den Leader: Go ahead, hiccup!

Cub #1: (total silence)

Den Leader: Well, I guess you better go back and finish your kite. (Turns to audience.) It works every time!

Cub Scout Socks

Characters: Den leader, 3 Cub Scouts

Props: A pile of socks on a table. Den leader sits behind table.

Den leader: Boys, I'm pleased to announce that our new Cub Scout socks have arrived! Please step up for your supply of clean socks.

Cub #1: I need four pair.

Den leader: What do you need 4 pair for?

Cub #1: I need them for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

Den leader: O.K. Here are your socks. Next please.

Cub #2: I need seven pair.

Den leader: What do you need seven pair for?

Cub #2: For Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Den leader: O.K. here are your socks.

Cub #3: I need 12 pairs.

Den leader: Wow, you must really be a clean guy! So why do you need 12 pair?

Cub #3: Well, there's January, February, March, April...etc.

June '96 - Backyard Fun

The Ants

Characters: 6 to 8 Cub Scouts

Props: Paper sacks

Setting: Skit opens with boys standing together in a backyard. Cardboard cutout trees and bushes could be used.

1st Cub: Gee, there's nothing to do.

2nd Cub: Yeah, I know.

3rd Cub: Hey, let's have a backyard picnic.

All: Yeah!

4th Cub: But it's going to rain.

1st Cub: I don't think so. If it does, we can eat in the house.

2nd Cub: I'll bring the potato chips.

3rd Cub: I'll bring the hot dogs.

4th Cub: I'll bring the hot dog buns.

5th Cub: I'll bring the drinks.

6th Cub: And I'll bring something special!

(All walk offstage and come back carrying sacks)

2nd Cub: Here are the chips.

3rd Cub: Here are the hot dogs.

4th Cub: Here are the hot dog buns.

5th Cub: Here are the drinks.

6th Cub: (Drops his sack) Oh, no!

5th Cub: What's wrong?

6th Cub: I brought the ants!!

Cub Cookout

Characters: Several Cubs around fake campfire pretending to cook hot dogs on sticks. Two Cubs dressed as mosquitos--antennae, wings etc.

Setting: Boys around fire keep slapping as if they are being attacked by mosquitos throughout the skit. As the scene opens, the two mosquitos enter the stage and continue walking randomly around the boys as they deliver their lines.

Mosquito #1: Hey, I got a good one! Which sport do we mosquitos like best?

Mosquito #2: Easy! Skin diving. Say, did you hear what the Cub Scout said to the mosquito.

Mosquito #1: No, what?

Mosquito #2: Don't bug me!

Mosquito #1: Are you related to any of the bugs around here?

Mosquito #2: Sure. My ant.

Mosquito #1: Did you hear what the mother grasshopper said to her children?

Mosquito #2: No -- tell me.

Mosquito #1: Hop to it!

Cub #1: These mosquitos are awful! Lucky I brought the insect repellant. (Pretends to spray air.) (Mosquitos exit quickly -- choking and gagging.)

Cub #2: (To cub #1) Say, what has 18 feet, red eyes, and long claws.

Cub #1: I don't know.

Cub #2: Neither do I, but it's crawling up your neck.

(All boys run screaming from stage.)

The Outing

Setting: Den Chief is narrator. He is taking the boys on a nature hike. As the narration is read, the boys pantomime (suggested movements below). The Cub Scouts real names may be substituted for those shown below. If desired, scenery may be used, such as trees, shrubs, etc. Curtain opens with boys lined behind Den Chief, ready to take hike.

Den Chief:
I'll take you on a nature hike
You boys in Gold and Blue
You'll know what hiking's all about
Before this day's through.

(Sing Chorus to tune of the Kool Aid Song)
Cubbing, Cubbing...It's great
We love Cubbing...can't wait.

Den Chief:
Whose magnifying glass is this?
You should have held it higher!
You see, the rays came from the sun
And set poor Tom on fire!

(Den Chief holds up an imaginary magnifying glass while Tom grabs the seat of his pants and dances around.)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
But never fear, Salt Creek's nearby
First aid is what we're learning
Oh boys, you threw the wrong guy in,
It's Tommy here who's burning.

(Another boy shakes himself off and frowns)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
Please don't wade out into the green
You'll drown and I'll not know,
Besides a snapping turtle there
Just bit off Bill's big toe.

(Bill hops around holding his foot)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
Please, Steve, don't hang there by your knees
You're apt to come to harm,
CRASH. What's that you're trying to say
You think you've broken your arm?

(Steve holds his arm and pantomimes pain)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
I know you're from the city, Rick
And I'm not one who gripes,
But black cats from these woods of ours
Just don't come with white stripes!

(Rick holds up an imaginary skunk, while other boys hold their noses)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
Your foot's caught in a gopher hole,
Is that your trouble, Gary?
Well, don't go away. I'll be right back
A snake has bitten Larry.

(both boys pantomime their predicaments)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
Alright now, Bill, where's the treats?
We all could use a snack.
But a hole tore in your paper bag
About a half mile back?

(Bill holds up imaginary bag and looks sheepish)

Boys: Chorus

Den Chief:
OK boys, hit the trail for home.
I hate to be a pill
But this ain't a dance I'm doing,
I just sat on an ant hill.

(Den Chief squirms and wiggles around scratching himself)

The Picnic

Characters: Mom, Dad, two Uncles and Billy. (Someone should introduce characters.)

Costumes: Everyone is in summer wear and ready for a picnic.

Props: Picnic basket, blanket spread out on ground, plates, cups, etc. and Billy with a ball.

Scene: Mom, Dad and the two Uncles are sitting around the blanket and Billy with a ball.

Billy: Mom, When do we eat?

Mom: As soon as your aunts arrive, Billy.

Dad: This is a great day for a picnic.

1st Uncle: The weatherman said we're going to have sunshine all day and the weatherman is always right! (sound effect of thunder)

2nd Uncle: Almost always right!

Billy: Mom, when are going to eat?

Mom: As soon as your aunts arrive, Billy!

Dad: Anyone here want to go to the Tiger baseball game with me next Saturday?

2nd Uncle: I will, we should have a roaring good time!

1st Uncle: You ain't just ly-in (lion)! That would be a Paw-fect day.

Billy: Mom, when are we going to eat?

Mom: As soon as your aunts arrive, Billy. (Billy leaves with disgust, but comes back quickly with some "ants". A large ant made from cardboard on a string and put it in front of his mothers face. Mom screams.)

Dad: What's the meaning of this, Billy!

Billy: I'm hungry!! Mom said we'll eat as soon as my aunts are here!

July '96 - Water Fun

Gone Fishing

Characters: Dad, Mom, Jimmy, Johnny and Jerry.

Props: A large box containing lots of fishing gear - tackle box, fishing gear, waders, etc.

Dad: (coming in from work) Oh boy! My new fishing gear is here! Did I get everything I ordered?

Mom: I think so, but you'd better check and make sure.

Dad: Let's see... my new waders, my new casting rod and reel. And my new lures... 500 assorted lures. I now own the most advanced technology for catching fish that money can buy!

(Jimmy and Johnny enter)

Jimmy: You got your new fishing gear! When are you going fishing Dad?

Dad: Just as soon as I put on my jeans and my new fishing sweater.

Johnny: Can we go, Dad? Can we?

Dad: Why sure, boys. I can teach you fellahs all about fishing in the great outdoors. By the way, where's your brother?

Mom: I haven't seen him in awhile.

(Jerry enters carrying an extremely long string of cardboard fish)

Jerry: Hi Dad! Look what I caught!

Dad: Where did you get those?

Jerry: Fishing.

Dad: With what?

Jerry: With a stick and a bent safety pin for a hook.

Dad: A safety pin? (Looks at his pile of equipment.) Get me a stick! I'm going fishing with you!

The Fishing Trip

Cast: 4 to 8 Cub Scouts.

Props: Fishing gear, a small row boat or cardboard silhouette of a boat, and a sign that says "boat dock".

Setting: The scene starts with the boat about 10 feet away from the boat dock. The Cub Scouts and their Den Chief are on their way to go fishing. The first Cub stops at the dock then walks out across the water and gets in the boat.

Boy 2: Hey wait for me! (he walks out to the boat)

Den Chief: Oh well... (steps into the water and pretends to fall in and drags himself back to shore)

Boy 3: Hey wait up. Here I come (walks out to the boat)

The Den Chief tries and fails again. The sequence continues until all the boys are in the boat and only the Den Chief remains on shore. Finally, one of the Cub Scouts says: "Should we tell him where the rocks are?"


Scout walks on stage carrying a fishing pole.

Boy 1: Did you catch anything?

Boy 2: Yes.

Boy 1: How big was it?

Boy 2: It was THIS BIG. (Build up speech volume on THIS while spreading hands farther apart. On BIG, suddenly bring hands to about 6 or 7 inches apart).

The Water Skier

Boy 1: My brother is so dumb.

Boy 2: How dumb is he?

Boy 1: He got a pair of water skis for his birthday a month ago, and he is still looking for a lake with a hill in it.

August '96 - High Country, USA

City Slickers

Cast: Ma, Pa, Boy, Sis, all dressed as hillbillies. Two boys dressed as city slickers.

Props: Large cardboard car cutout with handles on back. A log cabin prop or backdrop.

Setting: Two city slickers drive up in front of log cabin and honk their horn.

Ma: (comes out of cabin) Howdy! What ya'll want?

Driver: How do we get to Tulsa?

Ma: Well... I don't rightly know, but I'll ask my son. (yells into cabin) Sonny, how do ya'll get to Tulsey?

Boy: (comes out) Well, Ma, I don't rightly know. I'll ask Sis. (yells into cabin) Sis, how do ya'll get to Tulsey?

Sis: (comes out) I don't rightly know. I'll ask Pa. (yells) Pa, how do ya'll get to Tulsey?

Pa: (comes out) Let me see now. I don't rightly know how to get to Tulsey?

Rider: Boy! You people sure are dumb. You don't know anything do you?

Pa: Well... it's this-a-way. We might not be right smart... but we ain't lost!

The Happy Hikers

Narrator: We're going on a hike. Just do what I do and listen carefully.

(begin hiking in place) Here we go on a hike thru the woods and over the mountains. Come along with me. (smile, wave to the group and hike in place) We're coming to a steep hill. (bend over as if climbing) Now we're on top. What a lovely view. (shade eyes and look around) Now, we'll have to go down. (move hand like going down a roller coaster and say "swooosh!") Boy, we're out of breath. (breath heavily)

Now, we're passing thru a meadow. (hike in place) What's that I see? (stop, look to one side) It's a rabbit! And a meadowlark. (look up) And a bumblebee! (run swiftly in place, waiving arms as if fighting off a bee)

We're happy hikers. (hike in place) We're happy because of the beautiful mountains we see (shade eyes and smile) and because of all that clean fresh air we are breathing (breath heavily) and especially because we got away from the buzzing bee. (smile, turn head to look behind you and wave bye to bee)

Now we're getting tired. (slow pace, walk droopily) There's what we need! (points) A cool refreshing drink from the river. (pick up pace, kneel down and scoop water to mouth) Ahhh, how refreshing. Let's be on our way (hike in place). Now let's try to jump over the river without getting our feet wet. (take big step, get feet wet, shake them off) Oh well, don't feel too bad about not making it. It was a wide river. At least we have cool toes. (shake feet again)

We'd better stop for lunch. (stop, reach in pocket, bring out sandwich, start eating, take handkerchief from pocket, wipe mouth, replace handkerchief, resume hiking in place) Ummmm, that feels better.

Look, there's a lovely lake. (points) Let's swim across. (swim strokes, breast-stroke, sidestroke, backstroke) That was great! (resume hiking in place) Look a that crooked trail ahead. (point) It's nothing but twists and turns. (continue hiking - twisting and turning) I'm glad that's over. I was getting dizzy. (stagger)

Look like we have come to the end of the trail. (stop) What do we do now? Are you tired? (shake head YES!) So am I. (sit down, wipe brow)

September '96 - World of Computers

How Much?

Characters: Bob (a cashier), Paul (a Webelos Scout) and Mr. Jones (Cubmaster).

Setting: Bob stands behind counter (table) waiting on Paul. He has a computerized check-out machine (decorated box). Groceries indicated in script are ready to be checked out (empty cartons).

Paul: Hi Bob! How much are these eggs?

Bob: Seventy cents a dozen (scanning eggs).

Paul: How much for two dozen?

Bob: One dollar and forty cents.

(Paul writes down the prices on a pad as Bob scans each item)

Paul: How much is one pound of coffee?

Bob: Two dollars and 89 cents (scans coffee).

Paul: How much for one can of peas?

Bob: Thirty-three cents (scans peas).

Paul: How much is one box of Betty Crocker Cake mix?

Bob: Seventy-nine cents (scans cake mix).

Paul: How much is a pound of American cheese?

Bob: One dollar and 59 cents (scans cheese).

Paul: And a bottle of grape juice?

Bob: Seventy-nine cents (scans grape juice). Say, you certainly are keeping good records of what you spend.

Paul: One package of oatmeal?

Bob: One dollar and 49 cents (scans oatmeal).

Paul: Now, how much does all that cost?

Bob: That's nine dollars and 28 cents.

(Mr. Jones enters)

Mr. Jones: Hi, Bob! Hi, Paul! Are you buying food for the Webelos overnight camp out?

Bob: Do you want all this in paper or plastic?

Paul: Oh, no! I don't want to buy anything. I just had a math problem today. "How much would the following items cost at today's prices?" Thanks for the help, Bob! Bye!

Magic Number

Think of a number. Double it, add 10 and divide by 2. Then subtract the first number. The answer will always be 5.

They're coming...

Pretend to pour liquid from one test tube or glass into another. Watch the glass and say, "It looks like it's going to work... Oh no! They're coming to take me away, ha ha, ho ho, he he." Run off stage.

No Rocket Scientist

Setting: Rocket pilot in cockpit on one side of stage. Ground control with computer on other side.

Rocket Pilot: Mayday! Mayday! Engine on fire. Mayday!

Ground control: We read you. Hang in there. We're going to try and lock in on you with our computer.

Rocket Pilot: Well, hurry up! I can't hold on much longer. I'm surrounded by flames.

Ground Control: O.K. This is critical. Before you eject -- state your height and position.

Rocket Pilot: Oh, I'm about 5 foot 6, and I'm sitting down. Bye! (Pretends to push eject button and jumps out of cockpit.)

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!

Setting: In the computer lab at school.

Student: Hey, teacher. My computer ain't working. It's broke!

Teacher: No, no. My computer is broken. Her computer is broken. Your computer is broken.

Student: Boy, ain't nothing working right around this place!

October '96 - Animation Creation

The Tonight Show

Characters: Cub Scout Interviewer (sitting in for Jay Leno), Mickey Mouse, and Garfield.

NOTE: The Cub Scout Interviewer can have a script to read his part on his desk -- as if referring to notes on his guests. Famous cartoon characters can be created by masks or costumes.

Setting: Desk and chair for host, chairs for guests, sign stating "The Tonight Show".

Interviewer: Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the Tonight Show! Jay Leno is on vacation tonight and he asked me to sit in for him. We are really fortunate to have some very special guests tonight. So in honor of Cub Scout Animation month, please welcome... Mickey Mouse! (Applause)

Mickey Mouse: Hi ya folks! (high squeaky voice)

Interviewer: Mickey, there is so much your fans are dying to know about you. Could you tell us (pause) what is your favorite breakfast cereal?

Mickey Mouse: Easy. Mouse Krispies!

Interviewer: That figures. Tell me Mickey, do you think you'll ever be #1 in Hollywood?

Mickey Mouse: I doubt it. You know, Mice Guys Finish Last!

Interviewer: Any special words for your fans?

Mickey Mouse: Sure! Have a mice day!

Interviewer: Thanks for coming Mickey. My next guest has been a star of cartoons, books and comic strips for years. A big hand for Garfield! (Applause)

Garfield: OK, ok! Don't overdo it!

Interviewer: Garfield, we know you're a superstar after all these years. Can you tell us what kind of car you prefer to be ride in around town?

Garfield: I won't ride in anything but a Catillac!

Interviewer: Can you tell us what sort of stage make-up you use when you are making movies?

Garfield: Kitty Glitter.

Interviewer: I hear you're planning to take some time off from your career for a sailing trip to Hawaii on your yacht. What kind of boat is it?

Garfield: A catamaran of course.

Interviewer: Thanks so much Garfield. Ladies and gentlemen, our last guest is very special. He has rarely spoken over the many years that he has been part of a famous comic strip. But tonight... Snoopy SPEAKS! Please welcome... Snoopy! (applause)

Interviewer: Snoopy, we're all dying to know what did Charlie Brown say when heard you were leaving home to be on the Tonight Show?

Snoopy: Dog-gone!

Interviewer: We'd like to know more about you... what is your favorite soda?

Snoopy: Pup-sicola!

Interviewer: We understand that now you've decided to speak, you are planning your own radio talk show. Can you tell us what station your program will be on?

Snoopy: National Pup-lic Radio!

Interviewer: Thanks Snoopy, Garfield, Mickey. You've been great! Goodnight from the Tonight Show

Is There Life on Other Planets?

Characters: Roger Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, Silvester, Tweedy Bird, Raphael, Casper.

Setting: A conference room. Characters are seated with there backs to the audience. The characters do not face the audience until the end of the skit.

Roger Rabbit: (stands) Ladies and gentlemen. Please come to order. I have called you here today to make an important announcement. I am sorry to tell you that after exhaustive studies, we have come to the conclusion that there cannot possibly be any life on the planet nearest us.

Bugs Bunny: but what about the changes in color from white to green that have been observed on the planet's surface? Don't these indicate weather changes and some kind of atmosphere?

Roger Rabbit: All tests show that there is some atmosphere on the planet, but it is not enough to sustain life as we know it.

Silvester: Then how do you account for the ditches or canals that have been seen with our telescopes?

Roger Rabbit: Latest viewing indicate that these are merely natural ground formations, and there is no proof whatever that they are made by any living beings.

Tweety Bird: Then we must conclude that the flying saucer stories are all hoaxes?

Roger Rabbit: No, of course not. Most of these sightings have perfectly logical, scientific explanations, and the rest are the direct result of mass hysteria.

Raphael: Then all the strange sounds picked up on radio receivers come from our own transmitters or are produced by atmospheric disturbances?

Roger Rabbit: I'm afraid so.

Casper: I, for one, am extremely disappointed. I've always been sure we had neighbors on other planets, or at least on the one nearest to us. Perhaps not life as we know it, but some kind of intelligent life, totally unknown to us.

Roger Rabbit: Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to adjourn this meeting. I can see no point in discussing this matter further. The tests have been so conclusive that any intelligent person must accept the fact that there is no life on (Pause)

All: (stand and turn to audience) Earth!

Halloween Candy

Characters: Dad, 3 trick or treaters (Cub Scouts dressed in Halloween costumes with bags for trick or treating)

Props: Candy, etc, as called for in skit/table --(Dad piles candy up on table as he collects it from kids)

Dad: (to 3 trick or treaters as they enter) Well, I'm glad you made it home safely! How was trick or treating this year?

Cub #1: It was great, Dad! We got a lot of great stuff.

Dad: Let's see what you have there!

Cub #1: I got this big candy bar and all these chocolate candies.

Dad: Let me have those. Those could be dangerous. The wrappings might be loose, and they might have gotten germs on them. (turns to Cub #2) what did you get?

Cub #2: I got a box of raisins and shiny red apple!

Dad: I's better take those. That apple might contain a razor blade! (turns to Cub #3) What did you get?

Cub #3: I got bubble gum and taffy.

Dad: Give it to me! That could ruin your braces! Do any of you have anything else?

Cub #1: Just these peppermint candies we got right here at our own house! Can't we keep those?

Dad: I'd better take them. You can't be too careful! Now off to bed! (trick or treaters exit)

Dad: (to audience as he runs his hands through the pile of goodies he has collected on the table) The things a father has to do to protect his children! (pause) I love Halloween!

November '96 - Ancient Greece


Boy 1: Tonight we are going to be talking about ancient Greece.

(Boy 2 walks onstage carrying a can of Crisco.)

Boy 1: No, no; not that kind of grease. You know Greece, the place.

Boy 2: Oh yeah, that's in back of the cafeteria.

Olympic Drama

Have den line up on stage. One scout steps forward and announces that this is the first international exhibition of a new Olympic event. This is the cue for the rest of the scouts to grin as wide as possible. The narrator announces that this was the Standing Broad Grin.

Cub Olympics

Characters: TV reporter, 4 Cub athletes getting ready for the Cub Olympics.

Props: Frisbee for discuss, pile for javelin, bag of cookies, toothbrush and basin of water on stand, fake mike for reporter (can be dressed in suit jacket and have ID for his station on his lapel in large letters)

TV reporter: We're here today to interview the athletes at Pack _____ as they prepare for the challenge of this years Cub Olympics. As you can imagine, it takes months of training and hard work to get these athletes ready to compete. Let's see how they are preparing themselves for the big competition. (turns to Cub #1 with microphone) Tell me, how are you getting ready for your event in the Olympics?

Cub #1: I'm practicing my throw for the discus event. (demonstrates how to throw discus using frisbee)

TV reporter: Great form! (turns to Cub #2) and you -- can you tell us how you are preparing to compete?

Cub #2: I'm polishing my javelin for the javelin throw (polishes pole with a rag.)

TV reporter: Good luck! (turns to Cub #3) What are you doing today?

Cub #3: I'm practicing for the standing broad jump. (does a couple of practice jumps)

TV reporter: Fine! (turns to Cub #4) And what are you doing to train for the Olympics?

Cub #4: I'm brushing my teeth! (uses basin of water and toothbrush --pretends to brush teeth)

TV reporter: Brushing your teeth! What Olympic event could you possibly be training for?

Cub #4: I'm training for the International Olympic Cookie - Eating event! (pulls out bag of cookies and stuffs some in his mouth.)

Greek Theater

Setting: Dress scouts in togas. Have them come on stage as if to recite the Iliad. Scouts tell jokes from Boys Life magazine.