Multiple Rank Advancement Ceremonies -- Part 3

Back in My Day...

OLD MAN: Back in my day, the trail to the Wolf had many challenges. The way took effort and work. You leaned about the flag, home, the community, conservation and safety. It challenged you will skills, knots, and collections. It taught you about good health and books. And you had fun at the same time. For the Cub Scout that wanted more, there were the many challenges of the arrow points.

CUBMASTER: Cub Scout, line up over here while I tell Mr. Blue N. Gold something. Mr. Gold...

OLD MAN: Mr. Cubmaster, it's about time you called me Blue. My father was Mr. Gold.

CUBMASTER: Ok, Mr. Blue. Today's Cub Scout program has all you mentioned and we certainly challenge the Scouts with the requirements. These Scouts have gone further up the Scouting trail by earning the Wolf rank, the second rank in Cub Scouting. Mr. Blue, will you help me honor them?

OLD MAN: I didn't know that. I'd be honored to help. (Gives awards and sits back in rocker.) Well, I guess you can learn something, even at my age. Let me continue, the next rank was the Bear. And I suppose the requirements today are as challenging as those were then?

CUBMASTER:Will the following Scouts please join us. (reads names of boys to receive Bear rank. Have them sit around Blue.)

OLD MAN: To earn the Bear rank during the early days, the Scouts had to overcome bigger challenges requiring more skills and effort than for the Wolf. It should be that way because the older Cubs needed more of a challenge. They had to learn about ropes, woodworking, conservation, American heritage, and the folklore, along with whittling and games.

CUBMASTER: Cubs, come here for a moment. Mr. Blue, I'm proud to tell you these Cub Scouts have done all that and more. They have come even further up the Scouting trail beyond the Wolf to earn the Bear rank, the third rank of Cub Scouts. Mr. Blue, you have the honor of presenting these awards.

OLD MAN: We'll, I am impressed and proud to give these awards. (Presents awards and sits back in rocker.) I think I've got you now. The Lion Rank really required a lot. I'm sure your Cub Scouts haven't worked nearly as hard for their Lion badges.

CUBMASTER: Mr. Blue, I know that in the past there was a Lion Badge program that was quite a challenge.

OLD MAN: You can say that again, Sonny.

CUBMASTER: However, we have a program called Webelos - a separate program for the older Cub Scouts that prepares them for Boy Scouts. It has crafts, sports, outdoor activities, camping and hiking.

OLD MAN: Sonny, it sounds great!! If these boys work hard they will be Webelos Scouts before you know it. Well, I'll be going now. I'll see you. So long, folks, and keep up the good work, Cub Scouts!! (Old man exits, waving to the audience as he moves off stage.)

The Story of Baden-Powell and William Boyce

CUBMASTER: Scouting began in England in 1907, with a small group of boys. Lord Baden-Powell, our founder, took these boys to Brownsea Island, off the coast of England for 12 days of adventure in camping and pioneering. He was testing an idea for an organization for boys. That was how Scouting began.

Tonight we have some boys who are beginning their adventure in Cub Scouting. (Call names of Bobcat candidates and ask them to come forward with their parents.) Baden-Powell based his idea for Scouting on some principles which he had been taught as a boy...things like trust and loyalty, helpfulness and courtesy, cheerfulness. In Cub Scouting, we have these same principles encompassed in the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Will you repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise? (They do.) Now I'll ask all the Cub Scouts here tonight to stand, give the Cub sign and repeat with me the Law of the Pack. (They do.) Cubmaster presents Bobcat badge to parents and congratulates boys and parents.) You boys have now started your Scouting adventure, just like the boys on Brownsea Island.

Scouting had been in America for only a few years when younger boys and their parents asked for a program of their own. That's when Cub Scouting started. The first year there were 5,000 Cub Scouts and now there are millions. Scouting was really growing.

There are some boys in our pack who are really growing, too. They have completed the requirements for Bear badges and arrow points. (Call boys and parents forward to receive awards.) You are moving along the Scouting trail.

Baden-Powell left a message for Scouts before he died. In that message he said: "Try to leave this world a little better than you found it." We have some Webelos Scouts in our pack who are doing just that. They have been working hard in the different activity badge areas, exploring fields of knowledge, which will be helpful to them all their lives. (Call boys and parents forward to receive awards.) Congratulations. Continue to do your best along the Scouting trail.

A Chicago publisher, William Boyce was lost in a London fog. A boy appeared and offered to take him to his destination. Mr. Boyce offered a tip, but the boy said "Scouts do not accept money for doing a good turn." Mr. Boyce was interested in Scouting and was responsible for starting it in America.

We have some boys here tonight who have been doing their daily good turns, and have been working hard on achievements and electives, so that now they have earned Wolf badges and arrow points. (Call boys and parents forward to receive awards.) Your Wolf achievements and electives are helping you along the Scouting trail.

Scouting has spread to just about all the countries of the world. Tonight we're celebrating the birthday of Scouting in America, and that of Cub Scouting. From that small group of 20 boys on Brownsea Island, Scouting has grown to more than 12 million boys and adults around the world. You can be proud to be a member of such a world-wide organization.

Buckskin Pioneers and the Outdoor Code

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster

EQUIPMENT: Items that Scouts may use in the out-of-doors; pots, pans, Dutch oven, tripod pot holder, wooden homemade utensils, etc.. A tent could be set up with a simulated campfire. Awards for the boys, copies of Outdoor Code for boys.

ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of audience.

CUBMASTER: Our theme this month has been Buckskin Pioneers. What does this mean to you? What does this mean to Cub Scouts? One way to look at the meaning of this theme is how pioneers lived as well as survived in nature. They cook outdoors using various utensils (show some items used). They lived in tents. They collected their own food using various means. There were no grocery stores or department stores to go to. These people survived by will and determination. People like Daniel Boone and Davy Crocket.

Part of the Cub Scout process helps a boy learn about outdoor survival ways that will benefit him while in the outdoors. Cub Scouts learn about where to put a tent. They learn about the various tools that can be used to cook outdoors. They are taught various knots that will help them. All these are done while working in the various Cub Scout books. These benefits are only a small part of the Cub Scout program.

Tonight we have some Cub Scouts who have completed the requirements to advance in rank. Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents come forward. (Give the badges to the parents to give to their Cub Scout. A copy of the OUTDOOR CODE could be presented to the advancing Cub Scouts).

Carving the Pinewood Racer

The advancement ceremony at a derby should be short effective and to the point.

The Cubmaster holds up a block of wood in one hand and a finished car in the other. "Just as we carve a rough block of wood into a sleek pinewood racer, so we turn a rough boy into a Cub Scout. WE do it with challenges in the form of advancements. This month, we honor those Cubs who have worked hard to complete the various requirements for their awards." Beginning with Wolf, then Bear and Webelos, call each boy to the front WITH his parents. Present the award to parents who present it to their son. The Cubmaster gives the Cub Scout handshake to each boy and congratulates parents.

Let the Compass Guide You

PROPS: You will need a compass made of heavy cardboard; placed in front on the advancement table.

CUBMASTER: We look to the compass for our guide. To the East, we find a Cub ready for his Bobcat Badge. Will (name) and his parents come forward, (Present award) He brings his eagerness like the dawn of a new day.

To the South is the Wolf with his spirit of adventure. Will (name) and his parents come forward. (Present awards)

To the West is a Bear hunting on the trail of Scouting. (Present awards)

To the North is the Webelos about to realize his boyhood dreams, alive with Scout action. Will (name) and his parents come forward. (Present awards)

Let the compass guide all of you on your trails and may you all carry into your adult lives the ideals of Scouting.

Computer Invention Convention

EQUIPMENT: Box made up to look like a computer, large cards with Bobcat, Wolf, etc. on them, actual awards.

CUBMASTER: In keeping with our theme of "Invention Convention", I would like to unveil my latest invention. (Uncover, or bring in "Computer") This amazing device is able to collect all the information that comes in from our pack committee members, den leaders, Webelos den leaders, and parents. It can then determine which Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts are eligible for which awards. Allow me to demonstrate.

(Hold up Bobcat card. Insert into slot in machine. Pick up pre-positioned Bobcat awards from rear of box.)

Will (name) and his parents please come forward? (Present awards). (Follow similar procedures for awards of Wolf, Bear, arrow points, and Webelos badge and activity badges).

(Hold up Arrow of Light card. Insert into machine. Call for Arrow of Light recipient).

These young men may or may not be real inventors, but they have shown the truth of the old saying 90 percent of success is perspiration. They have worked long and hard - some as long as three years - to achieve their goal. What they built was not a better mousetrap, but something far more valuable to the world today, better young men. In recognition of this achievement, we present them with an award that is so highly thought of that it is the only Cub Scout badge that can be worn on all other Scout uniforms. (Present awards). I want to congratulate all of you and your parents. The whole pack is proud of your accomplishments, and we're sure you will continue to "Do Your Best".

A History of Cub Scouting

We all know that the Boy Scout movement in America was started by William Boyce after he was directed to an address in London by a boy who refused a tip because he was a Scout. Mr. Boyce was so impressed by his talk with Lord Baden-Powell that he helped incorporate the Boy Scouts of America of February 8, 1910. It is this date that we celebrate each year with our Blue and Gold Banquet.

Almost as soon as Scouting began, younger boys started clamoring for a chance to participate in Scouting. This resulted in the Wolf Cub program being started in England in 1916. It wasn't until August 1,1929 that the first demonstration Cub units were started. By 1933, it was felt the time had come for promoting Cub Scouting as a part of the Boy Scout program.

As we read in the Wolf book the basis for much of the program came from THE JUNGLE BOOK by Rudyard Kipling. In this book is the story of two wolves who find a man cub who is being hunted by SHEREKAN, the tiger. They take in the boy, whom they name Mowgli, (which means frog) and raise him as part of their family.

The wolves are part of a pack which is led by Akela, the great gray Lone Wolf. Once a month, the new cubs are presented to the pack for acceptance. If they are not accepted by two members of the pack they are turned out. When Mowgli was presented to the council, none of the other wolves would speak for him. Just as Mother wolf was ready to give up. Baloo, the kindly brown bear who taught the wolf cubs the Law of the Jungle stood up and said, "I will speak for the man cub." When no one else spoke, Bagheera, the black panther rose and offered to pay one bull if the man cub would be accepted into the pack. And so it was that Mowgli came a part of the Wolf Pack, for the price of a bull and on Baloo's good word.

In looking back at old Cub Scout books, we are reminded that the Cub Scout program has survived with very little change. In a 1934 Cub Book, the rules for becoming a Bobcat are:

1. He has taken the Cub Promise.
2. Explained & repeated the Law of the Pack.
3. Explained the meaning of the ranks.
4. Shown the Cub sign and Handclasp.
5. Given the Cub Motto and Cub Salute.

Today as Bobcats, we must do the same requirements. When Akela says that we are ready, we are presented to the Pack or recognition. Will the following Cubs and their parents please come forward.

Just as the Wolf cubs learned about the world around them by taking short trips into the woods, so have our own Cubs grown in their understanding of nature and of their families. Will the following Cubs and their parents please come forward?

Originally, only two arrow points could be earned for each rank. The basic rank was called the Bronze Badge. The first ten electives earned the Cub the Gold Rank, and the next ten elective the Silver Rank. Today we award the Gold Arrow Point for the first ten elective and Silver Arrow Points for each ten additional electives Will the following Cubs please come forward?

Just as Baloo the kindly Bear, taught the young Wolves the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds and the language of the air so must each of you help others in you Den in order to meet the requirements for Bear. Will the following Cubs and their parents come forward?

Up until a few years ago, the next rank was Lion. In 1967, this was dropped and the Webelos program expanded to cover an entire year. The Webelos Colors (GOLD representing the Pack; GREEN, the Troop, and RED the Explorers) and 15 activity badges were added at this time. A new Webelos Badge was also created and the original Webelos Badge retained as the Arrow Of Light.

The Webelos rank is the transition between Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting. Originally the name was derived from the three ranks: Wolf, Bear, Lion and Scouts. To become a Webelos requires a further expanding of one's horizons. Activity Pins must be earned and involvement in Church and Civic activities are encouraged. Will the following Cubs and their parents please come forward?

The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting. It can also be worn on the Boy Scout uniform in recognition of your achievement. To be standing here tonight, means that you have reached the highest point along the Cub Scout trail. Do not stop here for the trail leads on to Boy Scouting and great new adventures which can only be dreamed about for now. Will the following Cubs and their parents please come forward?

Cubbing Awards

CUBMASTER: Tonight, we present the Cubbing Awards. These are for superior achievements in the Cubbing programs. Our first award this evening is for the Bobcat program shown on channel (Pack#) every (meeting time and place). The Bobcat program features young Cub Scouts learning special handshakes, mottos, salutes, and the most interesting features are the Law of the Pack and the Cub Scout Promise. The stars of this program are ( read Cub's names). Will your parents please join you and present this award to you.

CUBMASTER:Our next Cubbing Award goes to the Wolf program. This very special program features Bobcats Cub Scouts who learn about citizenship, how to tie things, and feats of fitness and skill. This program asks Bobcat to "Do His Best" to become a Wolf Cub Scout. Tonight this award goes to the stars of the wolf program (read Cub's names). Will the parents of these stars please come forward with them and present their awards?

CUBMASTER: And now our next Cubbing Award goes to the Bear program. This is an action packed show which features Wolf Cub Scouts working on achievements. Some action features of this program are sports and other physical activities. This is not just a "Macho Man" show either. The stars learn to spend money wisely, to participate in religious activities as will as learning about our American heritage and respect for the flag. Will the parents of these stars(read cubs names) please come forward with them and present their awards?

CUBMASTER: The next program honored tonight is the Webelos program. This is a most unusual show and it stars will each receive awards for special achievements. As I call your name and the award you are to receive, would you and your parents please come forward (read Cub's name and Activity Pin each receives)?

CUBMASTER: What a pleasure to be a part of this great programming for our young Cubs. Congratulations to you all on a job will done.

Cub Scouting's Seeds

EQUIPMENT: Cloth or paper sack labeled "Johnny Cub Scout Seed" with advancement awards inside.

CUBMASTER: Most of the heroes of American Folklore were fictional people. They were born around the campfire in the 19th century when story telling was like TV is today - the main entertainment of the people.

But a few of them were real. One was Johnny Appleseed, who wandered through Ohio and Indiana for 40 years after the American Revolution planting apple orchards. For generations afterward those trees helped feed the people.

The badges we're awarding tonight are like those seeds. They are symbols of growth for our Cub Scouts, who are themselves growing straight and tall like johnny Appleseed's trees. And like those trees our Cub Scouts will help other people.

(Take badges from sack and give them to parents to pin on son's shirts.)

Dog Sled Advancement

Cubmaster can have awards at rear of assembly and drive his dog sled back and forth bringing the next set of awards on each trip. He could call the back of the room the landing area where a bush pilot flies in with the next batch of awards. Have someone back there dressed like a bush pilot making plane sound effects for each landing. Then Cubmaster drives the sled to the front after each delivery and does the presentation. Add information about the importance of these rank advancements and the work of the Cubs who are receiving them. Relate it to something about Alaska: Eskimos, the oil pipeline and those who worked on it, one of the many National Parks in that state, Mt McKinley or the gold rush. Let the boys and their parents know that you care about their progress in the Cub Scout program and expect them to continue the hard work and service necessary to maintain a successful pack. A little effort for your ceremonies will encourage all to attend and participate.


A Piece of Embroidered Cloth

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster
EQUIPMENT: Large cutouts of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelos badges
ARRANGEMENT: Each cutout is to be displayed so they can be seen from the audience.

CUBMASTER: A badge of Cub Scouting is a piece of embroidered cloth. If you were to try to sell one of these badges, you'd find that it wouldn't bring much money. The real value of the badge is in what it represents...the things you learned to earn to keep healthy, how to be a good citizen, good safety practices, conservation, and many new skills.

BOBCAT Now we have some Cubs who are to receive the badge of Bobcat and to advance along the Cub Scouting Trail. (Call forward the boys and their parents, who are to receive their Bobcat badges.) To earn the badge of Bobcat these boys had to learn the Cub Scout promise, the Law of the Pack, the Cub Scout sign, and the Cub Scout motto. These things are just part of the adventures on the Scouting Trail. Now as I present to each of you your Bobcat badge remember the value of this badge and the Cub Scout motto..."Do Your Best." Congratulations!

WOLF (Call forward the boys and their parents that are to receive the Wolf badges.) As each of you worked toward your Wolf badge, you had the opportunity to develop new skills, help at home and in your community and learn respect for our flag. You have now completed the 12 achievements of your badge and wear it with pride. Congratulations!

BEAR (Call forward the boys and their parents that are to receive the Bear badge.) As each of you worked toward your Bear badge you found that there were 12 achievements to perform for this new badge. We experience choices in our everyday lives. We must each decide the best choices to live by. To achieve the rank of Bear, choices had to be made as to which of the 12 achievements from the group of 24 to do. These too, are each new adventures along the Cub Scouting Trail. Remember the value of this badge as you make your choices in life. Congratulations!

WEBELOS (Call forward the boys and their parents who are to receive their Webelos badges.) As each of you joined the Webelos den, you experienced a change from the Cub dens you had known. As an older Scout, you experienced new choices and new experiences in how you were to earn the Webelos badge. No longer is it a parent that signs your book, but it is your Webelos den leader. To earn advancement in the Webelos den you have activity badges to earn. These activities are for you, the older Scout and they are activities that a more grown up person enjoys. Remember the value of the Webelos badge and the changes that took place in order to earn this award. Congratulations!

ARROW OF LIGHT (Call forward the boys and their parents who are to receive the Arrow of Light award.) The trail to the Arrow of Light is a long hard trail to climb. It was full of adventure in the achievements you learned as a Wolf. As a Bear you were faced with new choices and different directions to turn. And as a Webelos Scout you encountered change and more grown up activities that have helped you develop into the person you are today. To earn the Arrow of Light, you worked to understand the future. Many of the achievements you accomplished have prepared you to move into Boy Scouting. These achievements have been new and varied with the purpose to have you experience even greater adventures in the future. Now take one more moment to remember the value of each badge you have earned. Each badge was a step by step adventure in your life and an adventure along the Scouting Trail. Remember the value of this badge. It is the highest award in Cub Scouting and is also honored along the Boy Scout Trail of adventure. Congratulations!

The Deserted Island

PROPS: Cardboard pieces painted to represent palm trees, waves, coral reef, and a ship wreck. Cardboard fish are needed to attach awards to. The coral reef and shipwreck should be large enough for someone to hide behind.

ARRANGEMENTS: The Cubmaster should assemble all the Cubs who are to receive awards then lead them onto the stage, under the tree(s). The Cubmaster acts the part of the Pirate Captain with the Cubs as the crew.

CUBMASTER: Well me lads, the storm has gotten the best of us! Here we are, stranded on this blasted desert island and all our supplies went down into the sea. Look around ye mates not even a pretty native gal to capture. I'm just afraid we'll have to wait till old Blue Beard's ship moseys by. Well mates, does anybody have a candy bar they'd like to share with their dear old captain? NO?? (Cubmaster shrugs) I guess you'll have to try and catch us some fish, then. You know waiting makes me hungry, but I'm getting might tired of the same old fish everyday, you boys try to catch something different for a change. Let's get cracking' lads! Here's some line I've saved, try your luck over by yon reef.

(Let each Cub "fish", tossing his line behind the reef were a fish with his award is attached to the line. The Cubmaster make appropriate comments as he presents each award, such as:)

CUBMASTER: Wow Bill, me friend, you've caught your old cappy a nice big porkfish! What's this? A bobcat in his mouth? Well, you can keep that me toddle, for a job well done.

Chester, my boy,you've reeled us in a fat snapper. That line made from WOLF's hair really works great. Fine fishing me boy, fine fishing indeed.

AH! Scott, me old mate, I see a yellow-fin grouper dangling from your line. And I see you were using your lucky arrowhead instead of a hook. Now that takes ingenuity!

Jason, me lad, I see you have caught me a nice big barracuda! That's what happens when you old BEAR bait on you hook!

Danny, what is that you have there? A swordfish? Look he's caught a WEBELOS on his snout! Now I'd call that a pretty sharp catch!

Steve, me dearest old pal, you seem to have caught us a whale. Look at the ACTIVITY PIN caught in his fin! I'd say you've been doing a whale of a job.


Daniel Boon Ceremony

ARRANGEMENT: Assistant Cubmaster is dressed in Daniel Boone costume, complete with wooden rubber hand gun. Cubmaster is in uniform.

DANIEL: Howdy, folks! My name is Dan'l Boone. I understand this is a good place to get me a mess of Bobcats.

CUBMASTER: You must be a stranger around here. This is a Cub Scout meeting and the only Bobcats around here are the Cubs who have earned the Bobcat badge. Would the following Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward. (Cubmaster relates story of Bobcat badge, how Bobcats are so fierce and mean that the badge can't be turned upside down, so the boy must be turned upside down. Dan`l could comment about that sounding like a tall tale to him! (Cubmaster presents badges and pins to families and they return to their seats.)

DANIEL: Well, that was very interesting, but you must have that pack of Wolves I was told about.

CUBMASTER: No, Mr. Boone, our Wolves are the Cub Scouts who have climbed the trail of Scouting to the next advancement rank. (Cubmaster calls forward boys and parents to receive wolf rank and presents badges.)

DANIEL: Very impressive! But I don't see nary a single bear our there.
(Shades eyes and looks into audience.)

CUBMASTER: Our Bears are a year older and wiser than our Wolves. They have learned to take care of knives and tools, learned how to tie knots, and even learned about you, Mr. Boone. (Cubmaster calls forward Bear recipients and their parents and presents badges.)

CUBMASTER: Would you like to see our Webelos get their awards?

DANIEL: What in tarnation is a Webelos?
(Prompt boys in advance to yell "We'll be loyal Scouts!")

DANIEL: Now, that I understand. I'm a loyal "Trail" Scout, too.

CUBMASTER: Webelos Scouts have learned about our government, know the rules of outdoor fire safety and have slept under the stars. (Cubmaster presents activity pins and Webelos badges.)

DANIEL: Well now, Cub Scouting sounds like a mighty fine way to raise up a young'un. Wish we had Cub Scouts when I was a lad. So long, now.

The Fur Trader

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster is dressed as an Indian Chief; an adult is dressed as a medicine man, and another adult is dressed as an old fur trader with saddle bags. Medicine man and Indian Chief at front of room.

MEDICINE MAN: There are several braves here tonight who have worked hard since we last met, and have earned awards for their efforts. I sent an order to the trading post last week and it should be here by now. I don't know what happened, but they have not arrived. I fear we will have to wait until next month. Heap big sorry!

FUR TRADER: (Looking wild, wooly and hurried, enters room carrying saddle bags.) Is this the meeting of Cub Scout Pack (#)?

CUBMASTER: Yes, it is. Who are you?

FUR TRADER: I'm the rider from the trading post.

MEDICINE MAN: Hmmm. I have 3 blue beads for (name) who has earned the Bobcat rank.

FUR TRADER: Good enough. Where is the varmint?

CUBMASTER: Will (name) and his parents please step forward? Congratulations on your hard work!

MEDICINE MAN: I have 3 red feathers for (name) who has earned the Wolf rank.

FUR TRADER: Good deal!

CUBMASTER: (To Fur Trader.) Thanks for getting here on time with all our awards. The boys really appreciate it.


FUR TRADER: My pleasure, son. Now I gotta be gettin' along. So long! (He exits)

Freedom Symbols of our Country

In our American history, we are fortunate to have many freedom symbols which have special meaning to American citizens. Tonight I would like to tell you a little about one of these symbols as we honor those boys who are advancing along the Cub Scouting trail.

The Statue of Liberty stands 305 feet high in New York Harbor, welcoming people of other lands to become citizens of our democracy. The statue was given to the United States by France as a token of friendship. Each year hundreds of tourists go to see Miss Liberty. The inscription at the base of this statue was written by Emma Lazarus, and reads in part: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the wretched refuse of your teeming shores; send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door". There is a golden door to Scouting which is open to all boys. By walking through that door to Scouting, boy has an opportunity to grow in many ways and learn about citizenship, character and physical fitness. The boys who wish to walk through that door to Scouting tonight are (read names). Will you and your parents please come forward.

(Continue with regular Bobcat induction).

Our American flag is much more than the red, white and blue cloth of which it is made. It is the symbol of America. It stands for the past, the present and the future of our country. When we show respect for the flag, we are showing respect for all that is America..our land, our people, our way of life. When the 13 original colonies set out to become a free country nearly 200 years ago, their men and women needed a rallying point - a flag. "We will take the stars and blue union from heaven", the great George Washington is reported to have said, "red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty". Respect for the flag is one of the requirements for a boy to earn the Wolf rank. Tonight we have some boys who have completed all these requirements. (call boys and parent forward and present badges and cards).

The Declaration of Independence is one of many documents which established freedom in America. It was on July 4, 1776, that the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and announced the separation of the 13 colonies from England. In America, we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people.. not for just some of them, but for all people...the people to whom the Declaration of Independence refers when it says "all men are created equal", not equally talented or equally rich, but equal under law, and under God. All Scouts have an equal opportunity to advance in rank and earn badges. The following boys have earned Arrow Points to wear under the Wolf badge. (call boys and parents forward to receive awards).

One of the most beloved of our freedom symbols is the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell was rung in 1776 calling the people of Philadelphia to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. During the British occupation of Philadelphia, the bell was hidden beneath the floor of the Zion Reformed Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Sixty years later, as the bell was tolled for the death of Chief Justice John Marshall, it cracked. Since that time it has been on display in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, for all Americans to see. The bell is old, but the crack is plain to see, along with this inscription: "Proclaim liberty thought the land". A study of our American Heritage is one of the twelve requirements for a boy to earn the Bear badge. The following boys will receive that badge tonight.

The Magic Formula

PROPS: 3 Pint containers, 1 each of: water with blue food coloring, clear cooking oil, alcohol with red food coloring
Large, clear glass container
Test tube, 1 per boy
2 White lab coats
Ceremony table
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster
FORMAT: Bobcat says the Promise; Wolf pours the blue water; Bear pours the cooking oil; Webelos pours the red alcohol.

CUBMASTER: Tonight, I am going to give you the magic formula for building Cub Scouts. Our Bobcats have done their best by learning the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack and the Motto. Would the following boys and their parents please come forward.

ASSISTANT: (Reads the names of the boys while Cubmaster lines them up behind the table facing the audience.)

CUBMASTER: (Hold up the glass container) this glass represents the Bobcats. As with anything you build, you need a foundation, a starting point, you need to know the basics. This is what our Bobcats have learned. (Boys repeat the Promise)

ASSISTANT: (Hands out badges to parents to present to their boys, everyone shakes hands. Bobcats and parents return to their seats.)

CUBMASTER: The first part of the magic formula is blue. This color represents the family, its strength, unity and participation in building a Cub Scout.

ASSISTANT: (Reads the names of the boys -- with parents -- receiving the Wolf award while the Cubmaster lines them up behind the table and gives them each a test tube full of blue water.)

CUBMASTER: Will each Wolf pour the blue liquid into the larger glass?

ASSISTANT: (Badges are handed out to parents, etc.)

CUBMASTER: The second part of our formula is clear white. It represents the progress the Cubs have made in character and spiritual growth.

ASSISTANT: (Boys and parents of Bear rank are called while Cubmaster arranges the boys and gives them a test tube with cooking oil.)

CUBMASTER: Bears pour your clear liquid into the larger glass.

ASSISTANT: (Badges are handed out to parents, etc.)

CUBMASTER: The third part of our formula is red. This red color represents the Cub Scout being helpful and doing his best as he continues to grow in all areas of his life.

ASSISTANT: (Webelos and parents are called, etc.)

CUBMASTER: Webelos pour your red liquid into the larger glass.

ASSISTANT: (Badges and/or activity pins are handed to parents, etc.)

CUBMASTER: We have completed out magic formula. It is the same colors as in our flag. May Cub Scouting help to make this a better place to live.

American Folklore Ceremony

PROPS:Four candles in holder, each candle a different length.

CUBMASTER: Our history is filled not only with the tall tales of American Folklore, but also with the true deeds of some very brave men who explored, fought and in some cases died, to extend the frontiers of our country. Men like Davey Crockett, Daniel Boone, Kit Carson, Lewis and Clark, Buffalo Bill Cody, and many more.

The Scouting trail is much like the trail these famous men followed and so, at this time, we will recognize those Cubs in our Pack who have advance along this trail. As I call your names, please come forward with your Parents. (call names)

As you Cubs can see, the candles get taller as you advance. This represents the additional skills that you must learn as you earn each higher rank. (Light Shortest Candle).

The Bobcat is the start of the trail and the simplest to earn. (light next candle.) The Wolf is a big step forward and harder as is (light the next candle) the Bear.

Finally, at last, (light the tallest candle) you became a Webelos Scout, an earn the highest rank, the Arrow of Light. And so with the spirit of the great explorers, folklore heroes and frontiersmen to guide you, may you continue to climb the Scouting Trail. (Present awards by Den and congratulates Cubs and parents).

Flying High

(Cubmaster show picture of a penguin or imitates one waddling) Cubmaster says "Boys, what do think this is? (or what kind of bird am I?) That's right, a penguin." "Who can tell me something unusual about a penguin." Right, a penguin is one of the few birds that can't fly. There's nothing wrong with that because penguins seem to get along just fine without flying. So do ostriches. But we usually think of birds as fliers. Say the word "bird" and almost everybody thinks of flight.

"We've got some high fliers in the pack today. They're pretty smart birds. I'm talking about our Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts who are flying up the advancement ladder." (Call forward advancing boys by rank, with their parents, and present awards for parents to pin on their son's uniform.


For each boy who will receive an advancement award or graduate from the pack, have a candle at least 6" tall; one white candle for new Bobcats; red for Wolf badges and arrow points; green for Bear, blue for Webelos activity badges and Webelos awards; yellow for Arrow of Light; brown for boys graduating into scout troops. As guards for candle drippings use muffin cups.

Call forward advancing boys and their parents in sequence, from Bobcat to boys graduating into troops. The Cubmaster speaks briefly about the achievements necessary for each award and then asks the Cub Scout to light his candle from the campfire. After he does so, his parents pin his new badge on his shirt. The boy and parents then step back into line behind the fire as other boys and parents are called forward.

For graduating Cub Scouts, ask the scout master or other representative of the troops they will join to come forward with the boys and parents. after the graduates have lighted their brown candles and have been congratulated by the Cubmaster, the Scoutmaster welcomes them into the troop and presents a troop neckerchief (or other gift customary in his troop.)

Exploring Alaska Ceremony

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster
EQUIPMENT: Awards for boys glued to gold nuggets (gold nuggets are butterscotch candies or candy covered in gold foil)
ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of audience

CUBMASTER: This month the dens have been exploring Alaska. Alaska is the most northern part of the United States. The name Alaska comes from the Aleut native word meaning "The Great Land." The nickname for Alaska is the Last Frontier and the motto is North to the Future. In 1741, a Russian, Vitus Bering led an expedition which landed in Alaska. The Russians found villages of Eskimos, Aleuts and Indians. The Alaskan territory was good to the Russians, this exporting of furs was a profitable industry until the sea otter was almost wiped out. Just as Vitus Bering explored a new frontier, we have some boys here tonight who are also in search of their new frontiers. (Call forward the boys to receive their Bobcat Badges and their parents. Present the badges.)

Later in 1778 James Cook mapped the coast between Sitka and the Bering Strait. Also during the 18th and 19th Centuries, the other sea captains from Spain, France and Great Britain came to explore the frontier of Alaska. As these explorers kept coming to the frontier each was in search of the wonders Alaska has to offer. We have some boys who have continued to explore the Cub Scout trail. (Call forward the boys to receive their Wolf Badges and their parents. Present the badges.)

On March 30, 1867, the Alaskan territory was sold to the United States for seven million, two hundred thousand dollars. This was less than two cents an acre. Now that Alaska had become a territory of the U.S., prospectors started to explore Alaska to see what additional treasures there were to discover. In 1896, gold was discovered in Alaska. The Alaskan Gold rush was on. Tonight we have some boys who have answered the challenges to explore the new territories along the Cub Scouting Trail. (Call forward the boys to receive their Bear Badges and their parents. Present the badges.)

The exploration of Alaska hasn't stopped with the discovery of gold. In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state. And in 1963 Congress authorized the construction of a pipeline to transport oil from the rich North Slope oil field on the Arctic Ocean. The plans called for the 800 mile long pipeline to extend to the Pacific coast port of Valdez. As the exploration continues in Alaska, so does the exploration of the Cub Scout Trail. We have some boys here who have discovered a new plateau along the Scouting Trail. (Call forward the boys to receive their Webelos Badges and their parents. Present the badges.)

As we have explored Alaska together we can also as Cub families find the treasures that are there to be discovered along the Cub Scout Trail.

The "To Give Help and Goodwill" Ceremony

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster
EQUIPMENT: Awards of Boys (Bobcat awards on a smile, Wolf awards on a helping hand, Bear awards on a "T", and Webelos awards on a card)
ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of the audience

CUBMASTER: December is the month when Christians recall the miracle birth of Christ. People of the Jewish faith celebrate the Festival of Lights. Many people celebrate this season by giving gifts, by waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and by festive gatherings with friends. Each person has their own way of celebrating this holiday. The theme this month is Holiday Magic. As Cub Scouters how can we join in this theme of Holiday Magic? As I reflected on this month's theme I think about what magic has to do with this holiday season and what it has to do with Cub Scouting? As I repeated to myself the Cub Scout promise - the phrase "to help other people" stuck in my mind. Next I repeated the Law of the Pack and the words "a Cub Scout gives goodwill" came to mind. It dawned on me that this holiday season was a perfect time for Holiday Magic - a theme for helping other people and a time for giving goodwill. One small piece of Holiday Magic is to smile and be cheerful to others. A smile is the first step to spreading goodwill. And tonight we have some boys who are taking their first steps along the Cub Scout Trail.

(Call forward the boys who are to receive their Bobcat award and their parents. Present the badge.) After a smile, the next piece of Holiday Magic is to lend a helping hand. This helping hand might be to carry in groceries for someone or help set the table for dinner or help wash the dishes after dinner - and all done with a cheerful smile. By offering this helping hand and cheerful smile we take the next step toward giving Holiday Magic.

Tonight we have some boys who have taken the next step in Cub Scouting. (Call forward the boys who are to receive their Wolf award and their parents. Present the badge.)

What can we do to continue our Holiday Magic to help others and give goodwill? Our next step might be to do a "Good Turn." A good turn is to do a job without being asked to do it by someone. This good turn might include cleaning our rooms, taking out the trash or raking leaves without being asked. This good turn is a special step to bringing Holiday Magic to others. Tonight there are some boys who have worked harder to take the next step along the Cub Scout Trail. (Call forward the boys who are to receive their Bear award and their parents. Present the badge.)

To spread more holiday magic, we might go even further to make a gift for a friend. We could make a special card of a small present or a holiday treat for someone without expecting anything in return. With the giving of this special gift to a friend we can continue the holiday magic. And continuing to advance along the Cub Scout Trail we have some boys who are ready to be advanced. (Call forward the boys who are to receive their Webelos badge and their parents. Present the badge.)

Tonight we have seen how we as Cub Scouts and we as parents can remember to spread the Holiday Magic. It is so easy for each of us to help other people and to give goodwill. And by helping others and giving goodwill we can spread the Holiday Magic to those around us.

The Gift Box

Gift wrap 5 boxes, preferably all the same size. Wrap the lids separately so they can be removed. Attach bows on top. Place a badge of each rank in each gift box (Bobcat, Wolf Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light). Actual badge or cardboard displays can be used. Boys awards should also be in appropriate box.

CUBMASTER: "It's Christmas time and what a great time for giving and receiving. We have some boys that gave it all and completed their badge of rank and now the pack would like to give them their award for their accomplishment." (start with Bobcat box. Have a den leader from each rank help to open boxes and show the badge or display card.) (explain the badge briefly and call boys up to receive their badges from the box).

This ceremony works well for Blue and Gold banquet as well. The boxes can be wrapped in blue paper with gold bows.

Tiger Cubs can open boxes and display badges instead of den leaders.

Getting Into Shape Ceremony

SETTING: Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster in sports or exercise clothes. Sports and exercise equipment setting around stage.

CUBMASTER: There are many ways to step into shape. They range from personal exercise to team sports to international competition. All must be started slowly, done on a regular basis, and be challenging to the abilities.

ASST. CM: The Cub Scout program includes physical fitness as an important part of its program. Each rank has requirements that challenge, but not overwhelm the boys according to the their ages.

CUBMASTER: A good physical shape also requires a good mental shape. Stepping into shape is like stepping up the Scouting trail. They both make you look and feel better and they can both be fun. Tonight, we are going to honor some boys who have begun taking those steps into shape and up the Scouting trail.

ASST. CM: Will the following Cub Scouts and their coaches, parents, flex your muscles and step into the gym. (Reads names)

CUBMASTER: The Bobcat is like a person just beginning to get into shape; he is unsure of what to do and how to do it. However, he has made that most important first step. Parents, your sons have earned the first rank of Cub Scouts, the Bobcat, and I would like you to present their badges to them. (Gives parents badges to give to boys. ) The next step has been taken by several boys to better their condition and advance them along the Scouting trail.

ASST. CM: The gym is ready to have the following Cub Scouts and their parents step up. (Reads Wolf names)

CUBMASTER: These boys have gone beyond the beginning of the programs. While much is still new, they are making advancements everyday. They are following the program set up by their coaches and trainers and they have earned the second rank in Cub Scouting, the Wolf Rank. Parents, I am honored to give you these badges to present to your sons. (Gives parents badges. Continue along with the Bear and Webelos Scouts.)