Dutch Oven Cooking

Version 2.3 -- July 1995

Original Compilation in 1990 © by Mike Audleman

With additional editing in 1994 and 1995 by
John W. Lyver, IV, ASM, Troop 1577, Herndon, VA

For FREE Duplication Within the World Brotherhood of Scouting

Scoutmaster Rule #47: "No Boy Scout ever starved to death on a weekend campout."
-- Roger Morris, Scouter


Go to the Recipe Index
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What Your Oven Can Do
  • 3. A Little About the Dutch Oven
  • 4. Tips on Cooking Techniques

    Go to The MacScouter Scoujting Resources Online, if you arrived here from somewhere else.

    Recipe Index