Action Songs

      Here are some action songs -- songs to sing while clapping, making funny motions with your hands, moving about and jumping up and down. Thanks to Delmont Scout Reservation and Resica Falls Scout Reservation 1996 Songbook for most of these. There must be many songs like these, so please send me your favorites and I'll include them here.

Table of Contents

Mother Goony-Bird

(Sung to the tune of Father Abraham)

Mother Goony-Bird has seven chicks
Seven chicks had Mother Goony-Bird
And they couldn't fly, and they couldn't swim,
They could only go like this:
Right wing (right arm bent in "wing" position, flaps up and down)

Repeat, this time add:
Left wing (left arm goes along with right wing)

Repeat, this time add:
Right foot

Repeat, this time add:
Left foot

Keep repeating add one each time:
Head up and down
Chin up
Tail Out
Turn Around

On the last one, wait until they all turn around about once and then add, Sit DOWN!

-- Thanks to Donna Ransdell, Poway, CA

Alice the Camel

Alice the camel has 10 humps, Alice the camel has 10 humps
Alice the camel has 10 humps, so go, Alice, GO!!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

[Continue with 9, 8, 7 . . . humps, until . . . ]

Alice the camel has no humps, Alice the camel has no humps
Alice the camel has no humps, 'cause Alice is a HORSE!!


Baby Beluga

Baby beluga in the deep blue sea,
Swim so wild and you swim so free.
Heaven about you, sea below,
Just a little white whale on the go.

Baby beluga, baby beluga, is the water warm?
Is your mother home with you, so happy.

Way down yonder where the dolphins play,
Where they dive and splash all day,
The waves roll in and the waves roll out,
See the water squirting out of your spout.

Baby beluga, baby beluga, sing your little song,
Sing for all your friends, we like to hear you.

When it's late and you're home and fed,
Curling up snug in your waterbed.
Stars are shining and the moon is bright,
Good night, little whale, goodnight.

Baby beluga, baby beluga, with tomorrow's sun,
Another day has come, you'll soon be waking.

Baby beluga, baby beluga, is the water warm?
Is your mother home with you, so happy.

Actions: Hands together, make the shape of a small whale jumping over the waves.


My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back, Oh bring back my Bonnie to me, to me;

Action: As you sing each word beginning with the letter B, change from a standing to a sitting position and vice versa. All should be standing at the end of the song. When you have mastered these movements, sing it again, faster.


Boom Chicka Boom

I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]
I said a-boom-chick-a-boom! [Group echoes.]
I said a-boom-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-rock-a-chick-a-boom!
[Group echoes.]

Uh-huh! [Group echoes.]
On Yeah! [Group echoes.]
This time! [Group echoes.]
We sing! [Group echoes.]

Each time a leader adds a different variation such as: LOWER, WHISPER, LOUDER, TONGUE-IN-CHEEK, SEXY, GROOVY (COOL).


The Cat Came Back

Old man Johnson had troubles of his own.
Had a little cat that wouldn't leave him alone.
He tried and tried to give him away,
He gave him to a man going far, far away.
But the cat came back, the very next day.
But the cat came back, they thought he was a goner,
But the cat came back, he just couldn't stay away, away, away.

He gave it to a man going up in a bal.
Told him to give it to the man in the moon
The bal. came down about 20 miles away
And where that man is we just can't say.


He gave him to a boy with a dollar note,
Told him to take up the river in a boat,
Tied a rock round its neck must have weighed a hundred pounds,
And now they're dredging the river for the little boy who drowned.


He gave him to a man going way, way out west,
Told him to give it to the one he favored best,
First the train jumped track, then it hit the rail,
And no one is alive today to tell the gruesome tale.


Old man Johnson said he'd shoot that cat on sight,
So he loaded up his shotgun with nails and dynamite.
He waited and waited for that cat to come around,
But ninety seven pieces of the man were all they ever found


The H-bomb fell just the other day,
The A-bomb fell in the very same way,
Russia went, China went, and the USA
The human race was destroyed without a chance to pray.

Do Your Ears Hang Low?

[Tune: Turkey in the Straw, refrain]

Do your ears hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
Like a continental soldier?
Do your ears hang low.

Do your ears stand high?
Do they reach up to the sky?
Do they droop when they're wet?
Do they stiffen when they dry?
Can you semaphore your neighbor.
With a minimum of labor?
Do your ears hang high?

Do your ears hang wide?
Do they flap from side to side?
Do they wave in the breeze,
From the slightest little sneeze?
Can you soar above the nation
with a feeling of elevation?
Do your ears hang wide?

Do your ears fall off,
When you give a great big cough?
Do they lie there on the ground,
Or bounce up at every sound?
Can you stick them in your pocket,
Just like Davey Crocket?
Do your ears fall off?


Dum, Dum, Da, Da

Dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum, da-dum, dum, dum
Dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da,
Da-dum, dum, da, da, da, dum.

First time through: pat both knees twice, then right hand to left shoulder twice; pat knees twice, then left hand to right shoulder twice.

Second time through: pat both knees once, then right hand to left shoulder once; pat knees once, then left hand to right shoulder once; pat knees, then cross arms, uncross arms and then snap fingers.

Third time through: left hand on right elbow, flutter right hand; right hand on left elbow, flutter left hand.

Fourth time through: brush hands, then right hand on left elbow; left hand on right elbow.

Fifth time through: cross arms, lean alternately forward and back.

Fast Food

Tune: A ram sam Sam

Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut a Pizza Hut
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut
McDonald McDonalds
Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut

A Burger King a Burger King
Long John Silvers and a Burger King
A Burger King a Burger King
Long John Silvers and a Burger King
Red Lobster Red Lobster
Long John Silvers and a Burger King

Dairy Queen A Dairy Queen
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen
Dairy Queen A Dairy Queen
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen
Roy Rogers Roy Rogers
Chucky Cheese and a Dairy Queen

Pizza Hut - Make shape of a hut in the air
Kentucky Fried- Flap elbows up and down in the manner of a demented chicken
McDonalds - Put hands on top of head and bridge out and down to produce the "Golden Arches"
Burger King - Put hands on head with fingers up to make a crown
Long John Silver - mimic sword play
Red Lobster - hold up arms and bring fingers down on thumbs like lobster claws snapping
Dairy Queen - mimic milking a cow
Chucky Cheese - mimic throwing up a pizza
Roy Rogers - mimic riding a horse

Little Bunny Fu-Fu

Little bunny Fu-fu, hoppin' though the forest,
Scoopin' up the field mice and boppin' them on the head.
Along came the good fairy, and she said:
"Little bunny Fu-fu, I don't want to see you
Scoopin' up the field mice and boppin' them on the head.
I'll give you three chances to change your ways, and if you
don't obey, I'll turn you into a goon."

So the next day . . . [Repeat-two more chances . . . ]

So the next day . . . [Repeat-one more chance . . . ]

So the next day . . . [Repeat] "I gave you three chances to change your ways and you didn't obey, so now I'm turning you into goon. Poof! You're a goon. And the moral of this story is . . . 'Hare today and goon tomorrow.'

Goin' On a Lion Hunt

[Audience echoes each line and sets up clap/lap-slapping rhythm.]

Goin' on a lion hunt.
Goin to catch a big one.
I'm not afraid.
Look, what's up ahead?
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
Gotta go through it. [Make sloshing sounds and move hands as if slogging.]

Following verses:
Sticks. [Snap fingers.]
Tree. [Make gestures climbing up and down.]
Gate. [Make gate-opening gestures.]
River. [Make swimming gestures.]
Cave. [Go in it and find lion. Reverse all motions quickly to get home.

If I Weren't a Boy Scout ...

[Tune: This is the Music Concert]

If I were not a Boy Scout, I wonder what I'd be
If I were not a Boy Scout, a ......

1. A bird watcher I'd be
Hark a lark, flying through the park, SPLAT!

2. A plumber I would be
Plunge it, flush it, look out below!

3. A mermaid I would be
Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop!

4. A carpenter I'd be
Two by four, nail it to the floor!

5. A secretary I'd be
z-z-z-z get the point, z-z-z-z get the point?

6. A teacher I would be
Sit down, shut up, throw away your gum!

7. An airline attendant I'd be
Coffee, tea, or me, sir; here's your little bag,BLEH!

8. A typist I would be
Ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ZING!

9. A hippie I would be
Love and peace, my hair is full of grease!
[or] Hey Man! Cool Man! Far out! Wow!

10. A farmer I would be
Here's a cow, there's a cow, and here's another yuck!
[or] Come on Betsy give... the baby's gotta live

11. A laundry worker I would be
Starchy here, starchy there, starchy in your underwear!

12. A cashier I would be
Twenty nine, forty nine, here is your change, sir!

13. A gym teacher I'd be
We must, we must, improve the bust!

14. A medic I would be
Turn around, drop your pants, jab, jab, jab!

15. A doctor I would be
Take a pill; pay my bill! I'm going golfing!
[or] Needle! Thread! Stick 'em in the head!

16. An electrician I would be
Positive, negative bbzzzzt zap

17. A fireman I would be
Jump lady, jump... whoa spat!

18. A cook I would be
Mix it, bake it; heartburn-BURP!

19. A ice cream maker I'd be
Tutti-frutti, tutti-frutti, nice ice cream!

20. A politician I would be
Raise the taxes, lower the pay, vote for me on election day!

21. A butcher I would be
Chop it up, grind it up, make a little patty!

22. A garbage collector I'd be
Lift it, dump it, pick out the good stuff
[or] Pile that garbage. Pile that garbage. Pile it to the sky.

23. A [Domino's] pizza maker I'd be
30 minute, fast delivery!

24. A clam digger I would be
Dig one here, dig one there-Oh my frozen derriere!

25. Superman I would be
It's a bird, it's a plane, where is Lois Lane?

26. Lois Lane I would be
Get away, get away, get away, Clark Kent!

27. A cyclist I would be
peddle, peddle, peddle, peddle; ring, ring, ring!

28. A truck driver I'd be
Here's a curve, there's a curve. HERE'S A BETTER CURVE!
[Makes outline of shapely woman.]

29. A house cleaner I'd be
Ooh, a bug; squish it in the rug!

30. A baby I would be
Mama, Dada, I wuv you!

31. A Preacher I would be
Well, well, you never can tell; you might go to heaven, or you might go to ...

32. A DJ I would Be,
Miles of smiles on the radio dial.

33. A Stewardess I would be,
Here's your coffee, here's your tea. here's your paper bag, urrrp

34. A Baker I would be,
Donuts! Eclairs! Buy My Buns!

35. A Lifeguard I would be,
Save yourself, Man. I'm working on my tan!
[or] Mouth to Mouth Resuscitate, What a way to get a date.

36. A Lawyer I would be,
Honest. I swear, My client wasn't there

37. An Undertaker I would be,
6 x 4, nail them to the floor.

38. An Engineer, I would be,
Push the button, push the button, kick the darn machine.

39. A Ranger I would be,
Get eaten by a bear, see if I care.

40. A Scoutmaster I would be,
Do this, do that, I'm gonna take a nap.

Finally: A Girl Scout I would be!


I'm a Little Hunk of Tin

I'm a little hunk of tin, nobody knows where I have been..
Got four wheels and a running board, I'm a four-by-four-by-four..
Honk-honk, rattle-rattle, rattle crash, beep-beep
Honk-hank, rattle-rattle, rattle crash, beep-beep
Honk-honk, honk, honk.

Actions: honk-pull ears; rattle-shake head; crash-cover face with hands; beep-push on nose with flat of hand


Junior Birdmen

[Tune: On Brave Old Army Team]

Up in the air, Junior Birdmen; up in the air, upside down,
Up in the air, Junior Birdmen; with your noses to the ground.

And when you hear the grand announcement: that your wings are made of tin.
Well, then you know, Junior Birdmen, it's time to send your box tops in.

For it takes: 5 box tops, 4 bottle bottoms, 3 coupons, 2
wrappers, and one thin dime!

Actions: Make a face mask each time you sing the words, "Junior Birdmen" by lacing your fingers. Then, with thumbs under the chin, twist your hands outwards so that you make goggles for the eyes. On "Upside down," perform a jet plane swoop outstretched arms. On "Ground," bring the swooping arms as near to the ground as possible.

Little Rabbit

In a cabin in the woods, little old man by the window stood.
Saw a rabbit hopping by, knocking at his door..
"Help me, help me, help me." shout the rabbit,
"Before the hunter shoots me dead."
Come little rabbit, come inside; safely at my side.

The Muffin Man

Do you know the muffin Man,
the Muffin Man, the muffin man.
Do You know the muffin man,
who lives on gingerbread lane.

Yes I know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man.
Yes I know the muffin man,
who lives on gingerbread lane.

We all know the muffin man,
the muffin man, the muffin man.
We all know the muffin man,
who lives on gingerbread lane.

Start with one person, asking another. Then third verse together. Then each of them finds another person to ask and it keeps repeating until everyone knows the muffin man.


Singing in the Rain

We're singing in the rain, just singing in the rain.
What a glorious feeling, we're happy again.

Thumbs up! [Group echoes.]
A-root-ta-ta, root-ta-ta. root-ta-ta-TA

Add each of the following, in turn:
Thumbs Up
Arms Out
Elbows In
Knees Bent
Knees together
Toes together
Butt out
Chest out
Head Back
Tongue out


I've Got That Scouting Spirit

I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head,
up in my head, up in my head.
I've got that Scouting spirit up in my head,
up in my head to stay.

2. I've got that Scouting spirit deep in my heart.
3. I've got that Scouting spirit down in my feet.
4. I've got that Scouting spirit all over me.



Carry Me Aki [hand clap song]

Carry me aki, go Linstead Market, not a quody would sell.
Carry me aki, go Linstead Market, not a quody would sell.

Lord, what a life, not a bite, what a Saturday night,
Oh Lordy! Lord, what a life, not a bite, what a Saturday night.

All the children go, "Lingo, lingo," not a quody would sell.
All the children go, "Lingo, lingo," not a quody would sell.


Everybody come feel Ôem, feel Ôem, not a quody would sell.
Everybody come feel Ôem, feel Ôem, not a quody would sell.


[Clap hands out and together in time with words. After each sentence clap together twice, and while saying "Oh Lordy," Clap three times, once on each syllable]