More Short Songs, Silly Songs and Chants

        Here are some more short songs, some silly songs and some songs that are really chants. Some of these have come from summer camp, some from other Scouters. Please send me your favorites and I'll include them here.

Table of Contents


Bazooka Bubble Gum

My mom gave me a penny
She said to buy a henny
But I didn't buy no henny
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM

My mom gave me a nickel
She said to buy a pickle
But I didn't buy no pickle
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM

My mom gave me a dime
She said to buy a lime
But I didn't buy no lime
Instead , I bought BUBBLE GUM

My mom gave me a quarter
She said to buy some water
But I didn't buy no water
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM

My mom gave me a dollar
She said to buy a collar
But I didn't buy no collar
Instead, I bought BUBBLE GUM

My mom gave me a five
She said to stay alive
But I didn't stay alive
Instead, I choked on BUBBLE GUM

-- Thanks to Rachel and the Girl Scouts in Maryland

The Twinkie Song

Tune: Do, Re, Mi

Dough the stuff that makes twinkies,
Ray the guy who makes the twinkies,
Me the girl who eats Ray's twinkies,
Fa a far long way to twinkie,
So I think I'll have a twinkie,
La la la la la la twinkie,
Tea no thanks I'll have a twinkie,
And that brings us back to dough twinkie twinkie twinkie dough.

-- Thanks to Andrea I.

Bunny Rabbits

Bunny Rabbits have no tails, have no tails, have no tails,
Bunny Rabbits have no tails, just big powder puffs!

2nd verse, same as the first,
a little bit louder and a little bit worse!

Bunny Rabbits..........

3rd verse, same as the 1st,
a little bit louder and a little bit worse!






Three Chartreuse Buzzards

Three (hold up 3 fingers) chartreuse buzzards, (hold your hands fingers down under chin)
Three (hold up 3 fingers) chartreuse buzzards, (hold your hands fingers down under chin)
Three (hold up 3 fingers) chartreuse buzzards, (hold your hands fingers down under chin)
Sitting in a dead tree.(Pose as a dead tree)
Oh, look (point somewhere up) one flew away (sweep finger across the sky)

Two (hold up 2 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
Two (hold up 2 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
Two (hold up 2 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
Sitting in a dead tree
Oh, look one flew away.

One (hold up 1 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
One (hold up 1 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
One (hold up 1 fingers) chartreuse buzzards,
Sitting in a dead tree
Oh, look one flew away. (slow and very sad)

No (shake head no) chartreuse buzzard,
No (shake head no) chartreuse buzzard,
No (shake head no) chartreuse buzzard,
Sitting in a dead tree
Oh, look there comes one back! (faster with enthusiasm)

One chartreuse buzzard,
One chartreuse buzzard,
One chartreuse buzzard,
Sitting in a dead tree,
Oh, look there comes another one back!

Two chartreuse buzzards,
Two chartreuse buzzards,
Two chartreuse buzzards,
Sitting in a dead tree,
Oh, look there comes another one back!

Three chartreuse buzzards,
Three chartreuse buzzards,
Three chartreuse buzzards,
Sitting in a dead tree,

Three Legged Puppy

(Sung to the Oscar Meyer Wiener Song)

Oh I wish I was a three-legged puppy
That is what I really wanna be
Cuz if I was a three-legged puppy
I wouldn't have to lift my leg to pee!

n Thanks to Amanda Adkins

The Elf Song

(This is a chant, just like "Joe and the Button Factory")

Hello, I am an elf,
And I work in a toy factory.
I have a wife, three kids and a sleigh,
The other day Santa came up to me,
And he said, "Hey elf, are ya busy?
And I said, "No."
He said, "Then build a toy with your right hand."

Go through this chant several times, changing only the part about building a toy. Say, "with your left hand," "with your right foot," "with your left Foot," "with your head," "with your tongue," and any other parts of the body appropriate. To "build a toy" simply make a hammering, stomping, or bashing motion with that part of your body.

-- Thanks to Dan Schroeder

Smelly Skunk

I'm a stinky smelly skunk
Sleeping under someone's bunk.
No one wants to sleep with me,
Because I'm as stinky as can be!!!

Starlight, Starbright

Kids sing:
Star Light, Star Bright,
First Star I see tonight,
I Wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish that I wish tonight

Leaders reply:
If you want your wish to come true
Here is all you have to do
Just look up wherever you are
And make a wish on the evening star

Slur the "Star" at the end of the leaders verse, so that the leaders sing the kids part, and at the same time, the kids start singing the leaders part. Both keep repeating and switching until the song dies out.

-- Thanks to Chris Polvin

Rainbow Of Children

I was born in Alabama
Saying Yes sir to a man
When I found out it got me no where
Never said it again.

We're a rainbow made of children
We're an army singin' a song
There's no weapon that can stop us
Rainbow lovin' is much to strong

Old Man Tucker got his rifle
Defendin' ma's apple pie
When I offered him a flower
He just stood there and asked me why?


I was taught that dark was evil
I was taught that light was good
But in a rainbow made of children
Every color is understood


-- Thanks to Laura Lukens

A Morning Song

Early in the morning
When I'm fast asleep
Comes a little chirpin'
Comes a little peep
From a little birdie
With a funny name

It's a kinda, kinda, fugle, fugle, arch your back and blow your bugle, ear splittin, loud and blumin bird ... ERRRP! ERRRP!!

-- Thanks to Laura Lukens

Old Gray Mare

The old gray mare
Went swimming in the Delaware
Lost her underwear
Couldn't find it anywhere
Six months later
Found it on a polar bear
Long, long time ago.

-- Thanks to Kathy and Emily Cash

Belly Button Song

Me take care of me belly button
Me make sure its nice and clean
If me neglects me belly button
In it grows a fungus green

Some people say they have an outty
Bigger than the Astro Dome
Some people say they have an inny
Deeper than the Grand Canyon

Me take care of me belly button
Me make sure its nice and clean

n Thanks to Christine Hemeon Pack 127 Auburn, NH

My Old Man

(1st Scout sings)
My old man's a sailor, what do you think about that?
He wears a sailor's collar, he wears a sailor's hat.
He wears a sailor's raincoat, he wears a sailor's shoes,
and every Saturday evening he reads the Sunday News.
And someday,
if I can,
I'm gonna be a sailor, the same as my old man.

(2nd Scout sings)
My old man's a farmer, what do you think about that?
He wears a farmer's collar, he wears a farmer's hat.
He wears a farmer's raincoat, he wears a farmer's shoes,
and every Saturday evening he reads the Sunday News.
And someday,
if I can,
I'm gonna be a farmer, the same as my old man.

(3rd Scout sings)
My old man's a fireman, what do you think about that?
He wears a fireman's collar, he wears a fireman's hat.
He wears a fireman's raincoat, he wears a fireman's shoes,
and every Saturday evening he reads the Sunday News.
And someday,
if I can,
I'm gonna be a fireman, the same as my old man.

(Scout leader sings)
My old man's a cottonpickinchickenplucker, what do you think about that?
He wears a cottonpickinchickenplucker's collar, he wears a cottonpickinchickenplucker's hat.
He wears a cottonpickinchickenplucker's raincoat, he wears a cottonpickinchickenplucker's shoes,
and every Saturday evening he reads the cottonpickin news.
And someday,
if I can,
I'm gonna be a cottonpickinchickenplucker',
the same as my old man.

-- Thanks to Tony Piatek, Pack 26, Back Creek Valley, West Virginia

The Fish is Dead

(Sung to the tune of Joy to the World)

Joy to the world, the fish is dead.
We Barbecued his head!
What happened to his body?
We flushed it down the potty!
Around and round it goes,
Around and round it goes,
Around and round and round it goes!

-- Thanks to Kathy Vos, Volunteer, Pack 414, Sunrise River District, Columbus Township, MN.

More Horse and Flea verses

Down in the jungle
Where bananas grow
A little mouse stepped
On an elephant's toe
The elephant cried
With tears in his eyes
Why don't you pick on
Somebody your own size?

Chorus (boom boom etc.)
Esaw esaw esaw socks
A dollar a pair
and a nickel a box
The longer you wear 'em
The stronger they get
You put 'em in the water
And they don't get wet!


-- Thanks to Ann Cundall

The Exterminators of Den 11 -- We Will Stomp You

(Parody of "We will Rock You" By Queen)

Buggy you're a bug make a big noise
Flying in the air gonna be a big bug some day
You got food on yo' face
You big disgrace
Buzzin' your wings all over the place

'We will we will stomp you
We will we will stomp you'

Buggy you're a young bug hard bug
crawlin' in the house gonna go splat some day
You got food on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your antenna all over the place

'We will we will stomp you'
'We will we will stomp you'

Buggy you're an old bug poor bug
Pleadin' with your eyes oh let me live today
You got food on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back outa this place

'We will we will stomp you'
'We will we will stomp you'
'We will we will stomp you'
'We will we will stomp you'

(Pause -- to "We are the Campions"J
We are the champions - my friend
And we'll keep on exterminating till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

-- Thanks to Sam English

More Socks verses

Black Socks they never get dirty
The longer you wear them the BLACKER THEY GET!!
Some times I think about washing,
But something inside me says DON'T DO IT YET!!

Knee socks they never stay up
The longer you wear them THE SHORTER THEY GET!!!
Some times I think about anklets,
But something inside me says DON'T DO IT YET!!!

Girl Scouts they never shut up,
The longer you're with them THE LOUDER THEY GET!!!
Some times I think about Duct tape
But something inside me says DON'T DO IT YET!!!

Boy Scouts they never shut up,
The longer you're with them THE LOUDER THEY GET!!!
Some times I think about Duct tape,
And something inside me says DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!

-- Thanks to Amy Johnson

You Can Tell a Scout from Texas

(Sung to the tune of "Yellow Rose of Texas")

You can tell a Scout from Texas, you can tell him by his walk,
You can tell a Scout from Texas, you can tell him by his talk,
You can tell him by this manners, his appetite and such,
You can tell a Scout form Texas, BUT YOU SURE CAN'T TELL HIM MUCH.

--Thanks to Judy Doherty

Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye

This is an old Irish folk song and you should sing it with an Irish accent as best you can a copy of this tune can be found on many Clancy Brothers CDS. It dates back to the nineteenth century when the British government recruited Irishmen for the East India service and it's very possible that Lord Baden-Powell heard this song sung(it was revived during WW1.

When on the road to sweet A-thy Haroo-Haroo
When on the road to sweet A-thy Haroo-Haroo
When on the road to sweet A-thy. A stick in me hand an a drop in me eye,
A dole-ful damsel I heard cry, "Johnny I hardly knew ye

With guns an drums an drums and guns Ha-roo Ha-roo
With guns an drums an drums and guns Ha-roo Ha-roo
With guns an drums an drums and guns the enamy nearly slew ya
An my darling dear ya look so queer,Johnnny I hardly knew ya.

Where are the eyes that looked so mild? Ha-roo Ha-roo
Where are the eyes that looked so mild? Ha-roo Ha-roo
Where are the eyes that looked so mild? When my poor heart ya first be-guiled?
Why did ye skidadle from me an the child? Johnny I hardly knew ya


Where are the legs with which ya run? Ha-roo Ha-roo
Where are the legs with which ya run? Ha-roo Ha-roo
Where are the legs with which ya run? When first ya went to carry a gun.
Indeed yer dancin days are done. Johnny I hardly knew ya.


You haven't an arm you haven't a leg. Ha-roo Ha-roo
You haven't an arm you haven't a leg. Ha-roo Ha-roo
You haven't an arm you haven't a leg, your an eyless bonless chikless egg.
You'll have to be put with a bowl to beg. Johnny I hardly knew ye.


I'm happy for to see ya home. Ha-roo Ha-roo
I'm happy for to see ya home. Ha-roo Ha-roo
I'm happy for to see ya home. All from the island of Ceylon.
So long of flesh, so pale of bone. Johnny I hardly knew ye.

With your guns an drums and drums and guns. Ha-roo Ha-roo
With your guns an drums and drums and guns. Ha-roo Ha-roo
With your guns an drums and drums and guns,the enamy NEVER slew ya
Oh my darling dear ya look so queer,Johnny I harly knew ya.

--Thanks to Russell Belian, Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 77 Las Vegas Nevada

Inside Every Family

Words by Chris Savage, Pack 107, Den 4 (East Lansing, MI. Here's a song I wrote for and performed (with guitar) at our "Discovering Our Family Heritage" Pack meeting in November.

(Sung to the tune of "Yankee Doodle Dandy")

If you take the time to have
A family tree created
You might find yourself surprised
To whom you are related

Inside every family
There are tales of glory
Some are famous, some are not
But each one has a story

Aunts and uncles, dear old granddad
Moms and dads and brothers
All have common ancestors
Who knows what you'll discover?


Every family has traditions
Some might have a mystery
There's no end to what you'll find
In your family history


So take a look into your roots
You'll see that it's a pleasure
To seek out your heritage
Your greatest family treasure



Scat makes the world go around
The forest can't survive without it on the ground
So next time you step in a pile of scat
Raise your hand high and say that's where it's at.

It starts with an S and it ends with a T,
It comes out of you and it comes out of me.
I know what your thinking don't call it that,
Just be scientific and just call it scat.

-- Thanks to David Shira

Watermelon Song

Plant a little watermelon on my grave
and let the juice (slurp slurp) trickle through.
Plant a little watermelon on my grave
That's all I ask of yooooouuu!

Well Southern fried chicken
Tastes mighty, mighty fine
But nothing tastes as good
As a watermelon rrrrriiiiiinnnnnd.

Plant a little watermelon on my grave.
And let the juice (slurp, slurp) trickle through.

Looking out my tent flap, into the night
I can see the barges, flickering light.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold,
Do you fight with pirates, brave and bold?

-- Thanks to Terri Malinovich, Den 8, Pack 225, Clinton Township, MI