Cub Scout Theme Games

From the 1994 Indian Nations Council Powwow,
"The Greatest Show on Earth"

Table of Contents

December 1993 - Holiday Magic
What's Wrong With Christmas , Decorate The Tree, Snowball Relay, Jingle Bell Chow Mein , Helping Partners , Icicle Hunt , Bundle Relay
January 1994 - Exploring Alaska
Snowfight, Eskinose, Snowball Throw , Gathering Snowballs , Eskimo Circle Pass , Snowball Relay
February 1994 - Blue And Gold Traditions
Blue And Gold Balloon Pop , After You , Fashion Show , Mother And Cub Scout Clothespin Race, Neckerchief Relay , Penny Toss, Baden-Powell
March 1994 - Wheels, Wings, Rudders
Space Race, My Ship Is Sailing , Steamboat Race , Stagecoach, Bat The Balloon
April 1994 - Shape Up
Hop, Step And Jump Relay , Back-To-Back Relay , Astronaut Training , Walk The Tightrope, Individual Skill Challenges, Stork Stand, Frog Handstand, Heel Click, Coffee Grinder , Ankle Toss , Line Jump , Elbow Toss And Catch
May 1994 - Back To Nature
Grasshopper Relay , Centipede Race, Apple Race, Birds Fly , Stay Out Of The Puddle , Nature Alphabet Game, Gardening
June 1994 - Strong For America
Battle Of Bunker Hill, Ring The Liberty Bell, State Landings, Minuteman, Run! , Independence Tag , Miss Betsy Ross , Citizen Test, Straw And Tissue Paper Relay
July 1994 - Buckskin Pioneers
Indian Toss Ball, Trails , Log Cabin On A Pop Bottle, Blind Horse Turnabout, Indian Dirt Ball, Barefoot Marble Race, Log-Rolling Relay, Jack Straws
August 1994 - Water Fun
Catch The Balloon, Spoon Race, Shoot Out, Greased Pig Contest, Jump The Creek, Up And Under, Rowing Race, Walking Ping Pong
September 1994 - Explore Your Neighborhood
Litter Sweep Relay, Map Game, Thumb Fun Cutting, Once Around The Block, Two Hat Game, The Way Home
October 1994 - Achievement Parade
Witches Cackle, Poor Spud, Give Him A Hand, Weathervane, Newspaper Code, Funnel Catch, The Old Witch Is Dead, Pencil And Lemon Relay
November 1994 - Harbors, Stations, Airports
Turkey Feathers , Turkey Hunt, Traveler, Hauling In The Nets, Turkey Feather Relay, Train Relay, Runaway Cars, Pumpkin Pie Toss

December 1993 - Holiday Magic

What's Wrong With Christmas

On a table or tray place a number of Christmas-type objects, such as candy canes, bell, spring of holly, ornament, etc. Through these scatter a number of objects which are not a part of Christmas, such as a Halloween mask, green shamrock, red heart, hard boiled egg, etc. Cover all objects until time to play the game, then remove the cover and give the boys two minutes to look at all the objects. Re-cover the objects and give all a pencil and paper. Ask them to write down all non-Christmas objects. The one who remembers the most "out of place" objects is the winner.

Decorate The Tree

Cut a large Christmas tree from a sheet of green paper. Cut ornaments of different shapes and sizes from wrapping paper. Make two sets of ornaments. Have one set of ornaments arranged on the tree. Let the boys study the tree and pick out an ornament to hang. Blindfold the first person, turn him around a few times, then let him pin or tape his ornament as close to its matching ornament on the tree. The one that is the closest wins.

Snowball Relay

Divide the boys into two teams. Give each boy a plastic straw. Give a team their own small box for their snowballs (cotton balls). Place a large box about 8 to 10 feet in front of the boys full of cotton balls. On the signal "Go", have the first two players go to the box of cotton balls. Using the straw to draw air through, pick up a cotton ball and take it back to his team box. When he drops his cotton ball into the box the next players goes. If a player drops his cotton ball on returning to his team box, he must pick it up with his straw and no hands, then continue on to his team box.

Jingle Bell Chow Mein

This game is a good one to test the skill of your boys. You'll need 2 shallow bowls, several jingle bells and 2 full length pencils with erasers. To play the game, place all the jingle bells in one bowl. The player uses the two pencils as chopsticks. With the eraser end down, the player tries to transfer as many bells as he can from one bowl to the other. He can use only one hand.

Helping Partners

You will need a balloon for each pair of partners. Each pair links arms and is given a balloon. On signal, they start batting the balloon towards the finish line 50' away. They may not unlink arms during the race. If the balloon falls to the ground, they must stop and pick it up before going on.

Icicle Hunt

You will need numerous pieces of string in various lengths. Hide them around the room before the boys arrive. Have the boys hunt for the "icicles". The leader ends the hunt after a given period of time. The winner is the boy whose "icicles" form the longest line when laid out end-to-end, not the player who collected the most pieces.

Bundle Relay

Boys line up in relay formation. The first player in each line is given a ball of cord. On signal, he passes the ball to the second player, but holds the end of the cord. The ball is passed down the line, unrolling as it goes. When it reaches the end, it is passed back up the line behind the backs of the players who must roll the cord back into a ball.

January 1994 - Exploring Alaska

Snowfight This one creates quite a mess, but it's worth it. Divide into two teams and put a divider down the center of the room (like a couple of rows of chairs, back-to-back). The two teams are on opposite sides of the divider. Give each team a large stack of old newspapers, then give them five to ten minutes to prepare their "snow" by wadding the paper into balls-the more, the better. When the signal to begin is given, players start tossing their snow at the opposing team which really does look like a snowstorm. When the whistle blows, everyone must stop throwing. Judges determine the winner by deciding which team has the least amount of snow on its side of the divider. With larger groups, watch out for players who lose their eyeglasses or other personal belongings in the snow, which get pretty deep. After the game is over, provide plastic garbage bags and have a race to see which side can stuff the snow into the bags first.


Teams line up. One person on the end of each line gets a lipstick smear on the end of his nose. The idea is to see how far down the line you can pass the lipstick smear by rubbing noses. The team that can get the farthest or the team that can get it to the farthest in the time limit (thirty seconds, for example) is the winner. A good prize might be Eskimo Pies.

Snowball Throw

Use a large wad of cotton or a styrofoam ball. The boys are seated in a circle on the floor. "IT" sits in the center of the circle. The boys throw the snowball to each other while "IT" tries to intercept. When he succeeds, the boy who threw the snowball becomes "IT".

Gathering Snowballs

Each boy takes a turn at trying to pick up cotton balls and put them into a mixing bowl, blindfolded.

Eskimo Circle Pass

Eskimo boys play this game with a 3-4 inch ball of sealskin filled with sand. Find a ball of similar size. To play the game, boys knees in a circle and pass the ball around from boy to boy with a flat, open hand (palm up). When first learning the game, use two flat hands side-by-side rather than one. The object of the game is to pass the ball around the circle as rapidly as possible without actually grasping it. It can also be attempted with more than one ball at a time.

Snowball Relay

Players divide into two teams and line up relay style. Each team is given a "snowball" (cotton or styrofoam) and a piece of cardboard. Players move the ball across the floor and back by fanning it with cardboard. Do not touch with hands or cardboard. Each player in turn repeats the action until all players on one team fans the snowball down to the designated line and back. The first team to complete the course wins.

February 1994 - Blue And Gold Traditions

Blue And Gold Balloon Pop

You will need an even amount of balloons in blue and gold. Separately each boy will be blindfolded and will be led to the pile of balloons. The boy has 15 seconds to reach into the pile of balloons and pull out balloons and then set on them and pop them. Scoring: 5 point for each pair of blue and gold balloons and 1 point for extra blue and gold balloons.

After You

Divide boys into pairs. Each pair sits with a small table, chair seat, lapboard, etc. between them. Give each pair two spoons joined together with a length of string so that spoons are only six inches apart. Place a slice of cake or dish of ice cream in front of each boy. On signal, everyone starts to eat. Each boy must eat only from his own dish and must not lift it from the table. The pair finishing their dishes first wins.

Fashion Show

This can be quite hilarious if performed for others to watch. Divide group into teams of about 4 persons each. Give each team a bundle of newspapers and a package of pins. They select one person from their team to be the model. The others dress him in a newspaper costume, tearing the paper where necessary and pinning the pieces in place. Do not provide scissors. The most sensational costume wins a prize.

Mother And Cub Scout Clothespin Race

Here is a good pack game for your pack meeting that will get the mothers involved, too. Assisted by her son, who runs to get the clothespins, a mother pins one or more paper napkins on a line.

Neckerchief Relay

Boys line up in relay formation. The first Cub Scout in each line holds a neckerchief and a neckerchief slide in his hands. At the other end of the room opposite each line is another boy or parent. At the starting signal, the first boy runs to the boy or parent, places the neckerchief around their neck, puts the slide on, salutes, takes the slide off, removes the neckerchief, and returns to his team. He then gives the neckerchief and slide to the next boy in line who repeats the process. This continues until each boy has had his turn.

Penny Toss

Have boys form two lines. Give one side a penny in a paper cub. Have the boy opposite him toss the penny to him and he catches it in his paper cup. The tossing continues back and forth with each side stepping out one step further apart each time until only two boys have not missed. Elimination comes upon missing the cup with the penny.


How many words of three or more letters can be made from: BADEN-POWELL. Set time limit of 3-5 minutes.

March 1994 - Wheels, Wings, Rudders

Space Race

Have two balls of different colors for "spacecraft". The boys form a circle and are numbered 1,2,1,2, etc. around the circle. The two spacecraft start from opposite sides of the circle - one held by the Ones and one held by the Twos. At "blast off" the space craft orbit around the circle, ones to ones and twos to twos. The object is for one spacecraft to overtake and pass the other.

My Ship Is Sailing

Seat the boys in a circle and have the first member of the circle say, "Our ship is sailing, what is its name?" The second person must then designate a name which begins with the letter A. He may say, for example, "Our ship is the Albatross." Then turning to the next person in line, he asks, "Who is its captain?" That person must give the captain's name, which starts with the next letter in the alphabet, the letter B. He might say for example, "The captain's name is Brown." "On what sea does she sail?" He asks this question of the next person in the line, who must reply with some answer beginning with the letter C. This continues around the circle, using each letter of the alphabet. It is well for your boys to devise their own questions, as this adds originality to the game. However, you might suggest before starting the game that questions such as these might be asked: 1. What is my ship's name? 2. Who is the captain? 3. On what sea does she sail? 4. Who is the pilot? 5. What is the cargo? 6. Under what flag does she sail? 7. What is our destination? 8. What do we see as we sail along? 9. What do we find in the ship's hold? 10. What great adventure do we meet on our trip?

Steamboat Race

Boys line up relay style. Each boy locks his arms around the waist of the boy in front of him and holds on during the race. On "go" signal, each group moves off as a body, walking or running in step. They race to a given point and back again. First "steamboat" to puff into port wins. For extra effects: Give first boy in each group or den a bell or whistle to use during the race; give last boys rattles to simulate stern paddle wheels.


The players are seated in a circle. Each one is given the name or some part of the stagecoach - the wheel, the hub, the axle, the seat, the door, the harness, the brake, the horses, the driver, the passengers, the baggage, spoke, tire, step. One of the party begins telling a story about a stagecoach, bringing in all the different things related to the coach. As each thing is mentioned the player (or players) representing it gets up and runs around his chair. At some point in the story the storyteller shouts "Stagecoach" when everyone must leave his seat and get a different one. The storyteller tries to get a seat in the scramble, thus leaving another player to begin a new story.

Bat The Balloon

Divide the boys into two teams. If played at pack meeting have eight to ten players on a side. The two teams sit on the floor or ground facing each other with the soles of his feet touching the soles of the feet of the player opposite him. A balloon is then tossed into the middle of the line by the leader. Each team tries to bat the balloon over the heads of the its opponents. A point is scored each time the balloon lands behind one of the teams. Players may use their right hands only and if they lose contact with their opponents' feet, they forfeit a point.

April 1994 - Shape Up

Hop, Step And Jump Relay

Divide the boys into two groups and then let each side practice the hop, step and jump until each member can do it. First member of each team toes a mark and takes into succession a hop, step and jump. Second player does the same, toeing the last heel mark of his teammate. Other members repeat the performance. The team whose last man finishes out in front wins.

Back-To-Back Relay

Players are divided into two teams and take their places behind the starting line. Two members of each team race at one time. They stand back-to-back and link arms so that one walks forwards and the other backwards. At signal, pairs head for goal line and come back, with player who has been walking backwards now walking forwards. They touch off the next pair and the race continues until one team has finished.

Astronaut Training

This is a good physical fitness relay. Two beanbags, two jump ropes and two rubber balls are needed. Divide the players into tow teams. They stand behind starting line. At a turning line 15 feet away are a jump rope, bean bag and ball. On signal, first player runs to turning line, takes jump rope, jumps 10 times, tosses bean bag in air 10 times and bounces ball on floor 10 times. He runs back to his team, touches next player who repeats the action. First team to finish is the winner.

Walk The Tightrope

Line the players up in two teams. Give each team a 10' long piece of string -their "tightrope" and a cardboard roll from paper towels or toilet paper. Lay the string in a straight line on the ground. The first player from each team stands at the end of his teams tightrope and balances a cardboard roll in his open hand. He must balance the roll as he walks the length of the string and back. He then passes the roll to the next teammate. If he steps off the string or drops the roll, he must take two steps back before starting forward again. The first team of successful tightrope walkers wins the game.

Individual Skill Challenges

Stork Stand

Stand with hands on hips. Place one foot against the inside of your other knee. Bend the raised knee outward. Count to ten without moving from place.

Frog Handstand

Squat and place your hands flat on the ground. Keep arms between legs. Lean forward slowly, shifting weight of body onto hands and elbows until feet swing free of ground. Keep head up and point toes backward.

Heel Click

Stand with your feet apart. Jump into the air, click your heels twice. Land with your feet apart.

Coffee Grinder

With one hand on the ground, arm stiff, body stretched out straight, head back, walk around in a circle, using arm as a pivot.

Ankle Toss

Hold a ball firmly between ankles or feet. With sudden jump, kick feet backwards and up so ball is tossed in air and curves over your head. Catch it as it comes down.

Line Jump

Stand with toes touching a line. Lean over and grasp toes with hands. In this position attempt to jump over the line without letting go of toes.

Elbow Toss And Catch

Hold right arm (if right-handed) out at side, shoulder height and bent at the elbow. A coin or beanbag is placed on elbow. With a quick motion, drop arm and try to catch coin or beanbag as it falls, in the same hand.

May 1994 - Back To Nature

Grasshopper Relay

Relay teams line up single file. The first player in each team holds a bean bag or ball firmly between his knees. At signal, he hops to goal line and back to the starting line where he hands the bag to the next "grasshopper" in line. If a player drops the bean bag, he goes back to the starting line. Team to finish first wins.

Centipede Race

It is best to run this race outdoors on soft ground. If you try it on a hard floor, it will be hard on hands and knees. Divide the group into teams of two players each. The players on each team get down on their hands and knees, one behind the other. The one in back grasps both ankles of his partner in front of him, so that each pair forms something resembling a centipede. On signal, the centipedes move away from the starting line, and creep toward the finish line.

Apple Race

Contestants are required balance an apple on top of the head and walk to a goal line. If the apple falls off, the contestant must go back to the starting point and begin again. This race could be done with almost anything on top of the head, apples, oranges, books, etc.

Birds Fly

All players stand with hands on hips. The leader stands in front, calling out the names of various animals and saying that they fly. If the animal really does fly, the boys make flapping motions with their "wings". If a boy makes an error - says that an animal flies, but it doesn't - he is eliminated. The leader may try to confuse the players by flapping his own wings every time. Examples of calls: "Robins fly, pigs fly, ducks fly, hawks fly, horses fly," etc.

Stay Out Of The Puddle

Establish two lines about 20' to 30' apart. Divide the group into two teams, then divide each team in half. One half of each team stands behind each line on the playing field. The object of the game is to move each half of each team to the opposite side of the "puddle" (playing field). This is done using 2 large juice cans or 3lb coffee cans. To begin, the first players from each team stand on a can behind one of the lines while holding another can in one hand. When the leader says "Go," each player places the second on the ground in front of the line and steps on it. While balancing on this can, the players pick up the first one and put it in front to serve as the next step. If a player loses his or her balance and touches the ground, that play must start again from the beginning. When players reach their team members on the other side, they place a can in back of the line for the next player to stand on to get his or her balance. The first player hops off in back of the line and hands the next player the free can. The next player crosses back across the "puddle." The game continues until one team has successfully switched all players from one side to the other.

Nature Alphabet Game

Divide den into two teams. Give each team a pencil and paper and ask them to list growing things for each letter. (Example: Ant, Butterfly, Crocus, etc.). Set a time limit. The team with the longest list wins.


Dive the boys into two parallel lines about ten feet apart. The leader stands at the head to call the names of vegetables. When corn is called, the Cub Scouts are to grasp their ears, on carrots they point to their eyes, for onions they hold their nose. When cabbage is called they place both hands on their head, and for potatoes, they point to their eyes. The leader referees to see which line responds first with the desired action. The first line to have all its members perform the correct action scores a point. The winner is the line that scores ten points first.

June 1994 - Strong For America

Battle Of Bunker Hill

The boys should be divided into two teams, one team representing the minutemen and the other the British. Draw two lines from ten to fifteen feet apart and stand the contestants on these lines, facing each other. Give each team four beanbags. When the signal is given to "fire" the teams "shoot" at each other by tossing the bean bags at the opposing line. If a player is hit by a bean bag, he is a "casualty" and must drop out of the game. However, if a player sees a bag coming toward him, he may catch the bag and continue playing. The game should continue until either the Minutemen or British are vanquished.

Ring The Liberty Bell

To make this game, you'll need a bell, a wire coat hanger, some heavy cord or rope, and a small rubber ball. Bend the coat hanger into a hoop, with the hook at the top. Hang the bell in the middle of the hoop with the rope, and then tie the hoop from a low tree branch. This game may be played by individuals or teams. The players take turns trying to throw the ball through the hoop. Have a person stand on the other side of the hoop to catch the ball. Keep score as points are made. Each time the bell is rung, the player scores three points. If the ball goes through the hoop but doesn't touch the bell, he scores two points. If the ball hits the outside of the coat hanger, the player scores one point. Each player throws the ball only once per turn, and gets five turns. After everyone is finished, add up the number of points scored by individuals or teams.

State Landings

Cut cardboard circles of different sizes to represent the states. Suspend them from the ceiling. Make paper airplanes and let each player have 3 chances at throwing a plane and hitting a state. Have the player stand about 6 feet away. Set a point value on each state, the smallest being worth the most points. The player with highest score wins.

Minuteman, Run!

To play this game, the players form a circle and hold hands. A person is chosen to be "it" and stands inside the circle. He walks around the circle, tapping each player's hands as he says each word of the rhyme, "Red, white, blue, out goes you!" The two persons he taps on the word, "You," run around the circle in opposite directions. "It" steps into one of the empty places. The last one to get back to the other empty place becomes "it".

Independence Tag

As in all tag games, "IT" pursues the rest of the players and tries to touch one of them. When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was touched and pursue the others. His hand cannot be freed from this spot until he has tagged someone else. The idea is to tag people in inconvenient places...on the ankle, knee etc.

Miss Betsy Ross

Give each player paper and crayons or pieces of colored construction paper and tell them that they have been commissioned to design a new American flag. After the designs are finished, take a vote to see which design wins. The winner is crowned "Miss Betsy Ross".

Citizen Test

Two team face each other with a wide space between them. The leader asks each player a question about the Declaration of Independence, the Star Spangled Banner, the President, Vice-President, Governor, or other fitting subject. A correct answer entitles that team to one step forward. An incorrect answer passes the question to the other team. The team to cross the other team's starting line first is the winner.

Straw And Tissue Paper Relay

Each player is given a straw. The two end players on each relay team are given a small square of tissue paper. They draw their breath through the straws and hold the paper against the end of the straw. The next player in line removes the paper to his own straw in the same manner. He passes it on to the next player, and so on down the line. If the paper falls to the floor, it must be picked up by putting the end of the straw against it and breathing in.

July 1994 - Buckskin Pioneers

Indian Toss Ball

Make ball by fastening a strong 10-inch cord to an old tennis ball or softball. Each boy lies flat on his back with his shoulders resting on a starting line. Holding the cord of the ball in his hand and arm at his side, he swings the arm up and over his head and throws the ball behind him as far as he can. Boys mark their point where the ball lands.


Two groups each mark a trail through a designated area without harming or defacing the environment (for example, by using small rocks in a certain formation, broken sticks found on the ground, small dots of flour, etc.). The two groups meet back at a starting point at an agreed-upon time and try to follow each other's trail.

Log Cabin On A Pop Bottle

Dive the boys into two groups. Give each boy 10 toothpicks. The object is for each player to alternately place a toothpick across the top of a pop bottle until the stack falls. His side must then take all the toothpicks knocked off. The first side to get rid of all their toothpicks wins. If a player knocks one toothpick off, he picks up just that one toothpick

Blind Horse Turnabout

Divide players into teams of two. Player #1 is the backseat driver and player #2 is the "blind horse" with a paper bag over his head. The horses and riders line up at the starting line about 30 feet from the finish. On signal, horses start moving. The rider directs his horse with verbal signals (bear right, whoa, go left, etc.). The rider may not touch the horse. The first horse to finish wins.

Indian Dirt Ball

Divide Cub Scouts into two teams and give each boy a yardstick or rolled up newspaper. Place a tennis ball in the middle of the playing area. On the sound of the whistle each team will try to maneuver the ball to their goal, with their yard sticks, to earn points (usually 1 point per goal) while the other team tries to steal the ball and make a goal of their own. The ball cannot be batted across the playing area. It must be rolled across the floor to the goal. Strict rules are needed for this on the handling of the yard sticks or newspapers.

Barefoot Marble Race

Boys remove shoes and socks. Place two marbles on the starting line in front of each boy. On signal, he grasps the marbles between his toes and walks to the finish line. If he drops a marble, he must stop and pick it up with his toes before continuing.

Log-Rolling Relay

Divide into two teams. On signal, first boy on each team uses dowel or broomstick to roll log to turning line 20 feet away and back. Others repeat the action. Logs may be two-foot sections of six-inch logs, or make logs by taping two round oatmeal boxes together.

Jack Straws

You need 25-30 six-inch long drinking straws and a wire hook. The hook may be made by straightening a paper clip into a J-shape. Dump all the straws in a pile on the ground or table. Players take turns. Each tries to lift out as many straws as he can without disturbing any of the others. When any straw moves except the one he is trying for, his turn is over and the next boy plays. Winner is the one who gets the most straws.

August 1994 - Water Fun

Catch The Balloon

Balloons filled with water are flipped with a towel held by one Cub Scout on each end, holding the towel between them. Two teams of four boys flip a water filled balloon between them. They start out three feet apart, and with each progressive flip they each step back one pace. They continue in this manner until the balloon bursts. If you miss you get wet! Can be done by Packs with several pairs of teams.

Spoon Race

The players race across the shallow end of a swim area carrying a ping-pong ball on a spoon held between their teeth. If the ball falls off, the player must start over.

Shoot Out

Candles are placed on a tray about 6' to 8' away from a line of players. The candles are lighted and the boys take turns trying to shoot out the flame with a water pistol. If a player succeeds, he earns one point and the candle is relighted for the next player. Winner is the boy with the most points at the end of a designated time.

Greased Pig Contest

Have all boys gather around edge of pool. Place a small watermelon in the center of the pool. The first boy to get the watermelon up on the bank gets to keep it.

Jump The Creek

Each boy does his best and tries to improve his last jump. Two ropes are laid parallel and close together. One at a time, the boys jump across the "creek". After all have jumped, the distance between the ropes is increased slightly. The boys must not step in the creek (between the ropes) or on the water edge (the rope) or they are eaten by sharks and must leave the game.

Up And Under

You'll need one rubber ball for each team ( the larger the ball, the more fun, but balls should be kept the same size). Teams line up relay formation in waist-deep water. A ball is given to the first boy in each line. On signal, he passes the ball overhead to the second boy, who passes it between his legs to the third boy, who passes it overhead, and so forth to the end of the line. The last boy "runs" to the head of the line and passes it as before. First team back in its original order is the winner.

Rowing Race

Divide into relay teams Each player sits or kneels in a large cardboard box and propels himself to the goal line by using two short broomsticks with rubber tips.

Walking Ping Pong

Each player has a ping pong ball. In armpit deep water the players drop the ball in the water in front of him. He starts to blow it across the pool as he walks to the other side. The first one whose ball touches the other side of the pool is the winner. Variation: Swim across instead of walk.

September 1994 - Explore Your Neighborhood

Litter Sweep Relay

Divide into two teams and give each team a broom and a small pile of dry trash -soda cans, paper, small plastic bottles, etc. On signal, the first boy on each team sweeps the trash to a certain point and back. The next team member then takes over, and so on until all have run. First team finished wins. If a boy loses any trash he must sweep back and pick it up.

Map Game

Divide den into two teams and give each team pencil and paper. Ask each team to draw a map showing the location of some relatively small object within a short distance of the meeting place. (Example: fire hydrant, basketball backboard, bicycle rack, stop sign). The teams exchange their completed maps and study them. Then, under supervision of the den leader the teams try to find the object on the map. Score two points if a team's map is reasonable accurate, one point for finding the object on the other team's map.

Thumb Fun Cutting

Divide group into relay teams. Each team captain is given roll of scotch or adhesive tape. He goes from player to player taping the thumb to the forefinger, making the thumb useless. When the thumbless teams are ready, the game proceeds as follows. Each team captain is given a pair of scissors and a strip of paper (such as adding machine tape) long enough to stretch the length of the team who stand close together. At a signal, the captain cuts down the middle of the paper strip until the next person can take the scissors, players will each cut about 12". First team to cut through all the paper strip wins. Torn strips disqualify the team.

Once Around The Block

Hikers go "once around the block", then their observations are tested. Who has seen the most round things? What kind of trees were seen? What did you see that was orange? Etc.

Two Hat Game

To find out what Cub Scouting is all about, all new members work first on the Bobcat rank. Boys can earn their Bobcat badge and have fun by playing the Two-Hat game. Put two Cub Scout hats on a table. Write the following sentences on separate strips of paper or make up your own. Fold the strips and place them in one hat. Each boy writes his name on a slip of paper and folds it. These slips are placed in the other hat. The leader draws a name from this hat. The boy whose name was drawn picks one of the requirement slips from the other hat. He reads it aloud and does what the strips says. Give the Cub Scout Promise. Say the Law of the Pack. Tell what it means. Explain what Webelos means. Show the Cub Scout sign and handshake. Tell what they mean. Give the Cub Scout motto and salute. Tell what they mean.

The Way Home

Have a sheet of paper with 30-40 dots printed randomly on it. Hand it out to everyone and tell them they have ____ minutes to make their "way home", by connecting the dots and creating something unique. Have everyone sign it and then collect them to be displayed.

October 1994 - Achievement Parade

Witches Cackle

One player is chosen to be it. He leaves the room, while the other boys choose a witch. The boys sit down in a half circle. The player who is it comes back into the room. He turns his back to the half circle. The "witch" cackles. The player turns around and tries to guess who is the witch. If he guesses wrong, all the players cackle. Continue until the player guesses the witch or limit the guesses to three, then change players.

Poor Spud

Draw a large circle on the ground and place potatoes in the center (one fewer than there are players.) Tell the players to march around the circle, blow a whistle and players grab a potato. The one without a potato sits out the next game, you now take out another potato and play again, and so on. The last player is the winner.

Give Him A Hand

Divide the players into teams and arrange in line formation with the teams facing each other. Give the first player of each team a 12" x 6" plastic bag which he slips over his right hand. At signal the first player shakes hands with the second player. The second player while shaking hands with his teammate, transfers the bag to his own right hand using his left. In effect, he turns the bag inside out as he slips it off his teammate's hand onto his own. Player #2 turns and shakes hands with player #3 who does the same thing with the plastic bag. When the bag reaches the last player, the game is over and the first team to finish wins.


Use a compass to establish the four main directions in a room. Have all boys stand facing one player is the "wind." The wind tells the direction he is blowing by saying, "The wind blows....south." All players must face south. If a player is already facing that direction and moves, he is out. The wind may confuse the game by facing any direction he wishes. Players turning the wrong direction are out. The winner is the last player still in the game.

Newspaper Code

Use pencils or crayons of several different colors and a sheet of newspaper for each boy. Have each boy write a message with one of the colors by circling letters going from left to right and top to bottom. Then use the other colors and circle other letters all over the page so the real message is hidden. Exchange papers and have someone else decode the message.

Funnel Catch

Make a funnel from a piece of cardboard. The contestants bounce a rubber ball off the wall with their right and hand and must catch the ball in the funnel in his left hand after the ball bounces on the floor. Allow three tries, and score one point for each successful throw.

The Old Witch Is Dead

Players set in a circle. The first player says "The old witch is dead". The player on his right asks "How did she die?" The first player replies "Trying to fly". He waves his left arm up and down and keeps waving it as the second player turns to the third player and says "The old witch is dead". The third player asks the question and gets the same reply. This continues around the circle until all players ar waving their left arms in the air. Then the first player starts again with "The old witch is dead". "How did she die?" asks the second player. "Patting her head" replies the first player, and so on until all players are patting their heads with their right hands and waving their left arms. The next answer is "Kicking up high", with one foot kicking high in the air, while patting head and waving arm. Finally, everyone is doing all three motions. The leaders looks at the circle and says loudly "No wonder the old witch died. She died of laughter!"

Pencil And Lemon Relay

At signal, first player in each relay team pushes a lemon across the room with a pencil until it touches the opposite wall or crosses a goal line. He then picks up the lemon and brings it back to the next player on the team. Don't try to push the lemon too fast - it will spin and slow player down.

November 1994 - Harbors, Stations, Airports

Turkey Feathers

Divide the boys into teams and you'll need a feather, paper plate and rattle for each team. Line up teams in parallel lines at one end of the playing area. On "GO", the first team member fans a feather with a paper plate while constantly shaking the rattle with his other hand. Each boy must negotiate the feather to a designated spot, and back to the next team member. The first team to finish is the winner.

Turkey Hunt

Boys roll a set of children's alphabet blocks as dice. Or make a set of dice with letters of the alphabet marked on them. They try to make letters in the word turkey turn up on the dice. Each correct letter counts 25 points. First boy to reach 150 points (or spell the word turkey) wins. Each player gets three rolls each turn.


One player who is "it" stops before another player, points his finger, and announces, for instance, "I am going to Chicago". The player before whom he has stopped must call the names of three things before "it" can count to ten. All three of these things must begin with the first letter of the announced designation of the traveler, such as "candy, cotton and carrots." If he fails to do so, he takes the traveler's place.

Hauling In The Nets

Each player is given two sheets of newspaper. He holds a sheet by a corner in each hand, arms extended. The winner is the Cub who can first squeeze both sheets into two balls without moving arms or putting hands together.

Turkey Feather Relay

Divide group into teams, relay style. First player in each team holds a long turkey feather. Each team uses a different color feather. At a signal, he throws his feather, javelin style, toward the finish line. As soon as it comes to earth, he picks it up and throws it again. When it finally crosses the finish line, he picks it up, runs back and hands the feather to his next teammate. First team to finish flaps their arms and gobbles like a turkey.

Train Relay

Line boys up for relay. First Cub Scout WALKS to finish line, comes back and touches next Cub Scout, who hitches on. Then both go to the line and return. Third boy hitches on, etc. The last Cub Scout is the caboose. He must hitch on backwards. First team to finish wins.

Runaway Cars

This is a den or pack tag game. It may be played by individual dens or the pack. Designate one boy as the locomotive. He will be "it". The rest of the boys will be runaway cars. The object of the game is for the locomotive to catch the runaway cars. When caught, they hook on behind the locomotive. The game continues until the train is completed.

Pumpkin Pie Toss

Suspend a hoop from a high spot, or use a coat hanger bent to a round shape. Players attempt to sail five nine-inch paper plates through the hoop. Score: 25 points for each successful try.