Camp Games for Older Scouts

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Camp Games for Older Scouts
  • Introduction to Camp Games for Older Scouts

    by Merl Whitebook, adapted

    Games have always been one of the most important elements of Scouting and of the "Patrol Method".

    With "GOOD" games, you can emphasize and practice whatever skill you are teaching that week. A good game or contest will show whether the boys have learned their stuff..AND..they'll have FUN in the process.

    Just remember any game can go wrong if YOU let it...explain the rules clearly, make up rules that will stop bad things before they happen like "NO plowing through people or kicking in British Bulldog". Think ahead and make rules up ahead of the game..don't be afraid to change rules as the game is played though. THINK SAFETY! Most of these games can be listed under several categories. Observation is a category that can probably have all the games listed under it.

    You'll notice a lot of these games fit right into the Camporee theme. You'll probably want to use them to prepare for the annual Camporee. There are literally thousands of games that can be used in Scouting. Remember that Scouting games should...

    1. Be FUN

    2. Be SAFE

    3. Have a theme or skill involved

    4. Have all members participate

    5. NO ONE should be forced or scored OUT. If a boy has to leave the game because he got tagged out etc...he will probably go to the side and get into trouble...just keep scores until the end of the game and then honor the winners (patrol, individual...). If you can, honor everyone.

    A great source of games is "Woods Wisdom", old Scouting books like "Scoutmasters Handbook", "Patrol Leaders Handbook", "Patrol and Troop Activities", "Program Helps". There are also hundreds of books (non-Scouting) that list thousands of games, go to used book stores for the old ones, for new ones...go to any book store and ask for assistance.

    Merl A. Whitebook


    Camp Games for Older Scouts

    by Merl Whitebook

    Flying Saucer Kim's

    Theme: Camping
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Pack, 20 camping items, bag

    Method: Leader takes item out of bag and throws it to leader #2 who puts it in pack..repeat. Patrols then try to make a list of the items thrown.
    Scoring: 1 pt per item

    Pack Relay

    Theme: Camping
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Pack with all items outside per patrol (all same number of items..Unstuff sleeping bag.

    Method: Patrol lines up. On signal first member races to other end of room and puts one item in pack, races back...repeat until all items in pack. Line up and give yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Sloppy Camp

    Theme: Camping
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Complete campsite...

    Method: Campsite set up with 20+ items wrong. Patrol has 5 minutes to observe(silently). Then 5 minutes to list all they saw.

    Scoring: 1 pt. for each right

    Tent Pitching

    Theme: Camping
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 tent per patrol

    Method: On signal patrol sets up tent. After checked by judge, take down, pack up, line up and give yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Tent Strik'n Contest

    Theme: Camping
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 or more tents per patrol

    Method: On signal patrols race to see who can strike one or more tents. Some tents might have to be taken down early to make patrols equal. First tents down and packed, line up and do yell wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Remote Clove Hitch

    Theme: Communication
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 1 large diameter rope at least 50' long

    Method: On signal patrol ties clove hitch around a tree that has a circle marked 7-10 around one can enter the circle. One patrol at a time tries it unless you have many large ropes.

    Scoring: Fastest wins

    Compass Course

    Theme: Compass
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Compass course, cards, compass per patrol

    Method: Each patrol is given a compass and one card. On signal they start. They use all 3 courses. Patrol with most courses right(closest) wins.

    Scoring: Best wins

    Compass Facing

    Theme: Compass
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: None (compass for leader)

    Method: Troop in mass, leader calls out a compass heading. Everyone points to where he thinks it is. If correct, each scout receives 1 pt for his patrol.

    Scoring: Highest score wins

    Map Orienteering

    Theme: Compass
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 1 map and compass per patrol

    Method: On signal, patrol races to judge. They must take map and orient it with compass.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Flapjack Flipping

    Theme: Cooking
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 skillet, 1 flapjack (round tile) per patrol

    Method: Patrols line up. On signal first scout runs course flipping a flapjack repeatedly as he goes...repeat all scouts. line up and do yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Bow Saw Relay

    Theme: Fire Building
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Per patrol = 1 saw, log 4'x3", supports

    Method: Patrols line up facing logs from 20'away.Bowsaw is placed along log. On signal, first scout runs up and saws off 2" slice...repeat until all have done at least once..

    Scoring: 1st done = king patrol

    Match Lighting

    Theme: Fire Building
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 board with holes, 1 axe, 5 matches per patrol.

    Method: On signal first patrol member races up and has 3 strikes with axe to light a match in log...repeat. First patrol to light or split 5 matches, line up and give yell wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    String Burning Race

    Theme: Fire Building
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 axe, 1 piece of wood, balloon and string, fire box, 3 matches per patrol

    Method: On signal patrol properly splits wood, prepare shavings and lights fire until string burns and balloon falls.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Water Boiling Race

    Theme: Fire Building
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 axe, 1pc. wood, pot, 3 matches per patrol

    Method: First patrol to build fire and boil water wins

    Scoring: First done wins

    Bandage Relay

    Theme: First Aid
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Medium
    Equipment Needed: 1 neckerchief per patrol, 3 if splinting

    Method: Patrol lines up. On signal first member runs to judge and ties requested bandage...repeat. First patrol done with all wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Firemans Drag Relay

    Theme: First Aid
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Medium
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Half patrol as fireman and half as victims. First fireman runs up to first victim and drags back to other fireman, next fireman rescues next victim and so forth...

    Scoring: First patrol done wins

    Stretcher Race

    Theme: First Aid
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 2 poles, 1 sleeping bag or blanket per patrol balloon and bucket optional.

    Method: On signal patrols rig stretcher with equipment provided. Put member or balloon or member with water bucket on stretcher and race a course.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Two-Man Carry Race

    Theme: First Aid
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: On signal patrol assembles a 2-man carry and races through course, repeat. First patrol to do 4 times, line up and do yell wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    British Bulldog

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: Very high
    Equipment Needed: None (buttons)

    Method: Troop lines up on one side of room (field). IT in center. Leader says "go", all try to get to other side while IT tries to catch them and say "British bulldog 1,2,3". If caught, you join IT. Last one left is the winner. Must be off ground.

    Scoring: Last left wins

    Catch Ten

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Half Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 ball

    Method: Mark teams (hat-no hat...). Keep away until ball caught 10 times in a row. Must be called out, start over each time ball is stolen or caught by other team.

    Scoring: None

    Caterpillar Race

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Patrols line up single file behind line. Put chair about 25' in front of patrol. First scout puts hands on floor, others grab ankles of one in front of them. On signal they race up and around c


    Scoring: First done wins

    Crows And Cranes

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Half Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Teams line up in center, back to back. One team crows while other cranes. Leader calls out team name, that team must try to get to their end of room while others try to tag. If tagged, you switch teams. This can go on for ever...

    Scoring: None really

    Elephant Roll

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Line up scouts on hands and knees(alternate facing direction)side by side. IT tries to crawl from one end to the other(on their backs). While those in line sway at their own rate. When he makes

    it, he becomes the tries IT.

    Scoring: None

    Granny's Footsteps

    Theme: Fun
    Team: None
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Troop in line, Granny (IT) about 60' away with back turned. On signal scouts try to sneak up on Granny. Granny can turn around any time after he counts to 30 to himself. If caught moving you go back. You become Granny if you make it too her.

    Scoring: None

    Guard The Fort

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 soft ball (nerf, volley, soccer)

    Method: Patrol in circle with patrol leader in middle, all other members face out. Rest of troop in circle around patrol. Troop tries to hit the guarded P.L. with a soft ball. Time it, patrol that protects P.L. longest, wins.

    Scoring: Longest wins

    Hit The Can

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 5 gallon can, 1 stave, 1 volley or soccer ball

    Method: Troop in circle with IT standing on can(5 gal) in middle of circle with stave in hand. Ball (volley or soccer) is passed around and thrown at can, IT guards it with stave. If can is hit, thrower becomes IT.

    Scoring: None

    Island Hopping

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Lots of paper

    Method: Patrol lines up, everyone standing on 2 pieces of paper plus one extra piece in front of patrol. Patrol steps forward in unison and takes paper from back to front. Repeat until patrol covers course. First done wins

    Scoring: First done wins

    Jack's Alive

    Theme: Fun
    Team: None
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Stick

    Method: Heat stick in fire until a few embers are on end. Pass around circle, blow on stick and say "Jack's alive". The person that passes the stick without an ember is marked with it on the forehead. Repeat..

    Scoring: Usually none

    Jump The Shot

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Shot = 20' rope with bag (weighted) at end

    Method: Troop makes large circle. IT in center swings the SHOT in the center, everyone tries to jump it as it gets faster (below knees). If hit, you get 1 penalty point. If hit you are IT.

    Scoring: Low score wins

    Lassoing The Steer

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 rope per scout, 1 can

    Method: Place #10 can in center of circle. Troop around edge, everyone with a rope. Everyone tries to lasso the "steer" and drag it to them. If drug out the scout receives 5 points for his patrol.

    Scoring: 5 points ea score

    Luck Relay

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 coin per patrol

    Method: Patrols in relay formation. First scout runs up, leader flips coin and scout guesses, runs back and tags next...repeat. Patrol that guesses 5 right wins.

    Scoring: First with 5 wins

    Pocket Rope

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: On signal patrol tries to make the longest rope they can with the things they have in their pockets or on their person. (belts, socks, neckerchiefs, shirts).

    Scoring: Longest wins

    Ring On A String

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: About 30' of string, 1 ring

    Method: Troop forms circle with IT in middle. String loop with 1 ring on it is held by whole troop. IT tries to guess who has ring while troop secretly passes it along string while IT can't see (back turned). If IT finds out, switch with IT.

    Scoring: None

    Shoot The Gap

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Half Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Team (numbered) on each side of room (field). IT in center calls out a number, the number from each side must switch without IT tagging them. If tagged, you become IT and old IT takes your place.

    Scoring: None

    Sleeping Indian

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 1 blindfold, 1 eraser.

    Method: One scout in middle of room, blindfolded with legs crossed and object(eraser) in front of him. Objective is to sneak up and take object and take back to edge of room. Indian points at noise, if pointed at, you go back.

    Scoring: None

    Sleeping Pirate

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 2 erasers

    Method: Blindfolded pirate sits in middle of room with treasure (2 erasers) in front of him. Troop tries to sneak up on him and take treasure back to edge of room. If pointed at, you go back to edge of room. 1 pt for patrol if successful.

    Scoring: High score wins


    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Spud (rag wrapped in tape)

    Method: Troop in circle, IT in center calls out name (or number) of scout, and throws spud in air. All scatter until scout called catches spud and yells "spud", all freeze as he picks one to throw the spud at. If hit your IT...repeat.

    Scoring: None

    Standing Jump Relay

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Relay formation. First scout standing broad jumps, next scout jumps from where he ended. Patrol with longest distance covered wins. Some patrol members might have to jump twice to make patrols equal in numbers.

    Scoring: Longest distance wins

    This Is The Moon

    Theme: Fun
    Team: None
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Stick

    Method: Leader at campfire asks if they can do EXACTLY as he does. He says "This is the moon(coughs),2 eyes, a nose and a mouth" drawing while saying. The trick is the cough. Ask for volunteers, congratulate if correct, don't tell secret.

    Scoring: None

    Three-Man Tug-O-War

    Theme: Fun
    Team: 3-Man
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 12' rope, 3 hats or erasers per 3 scouts

    Method: 12' rope is made into a loop. 3 scouts grab to form a triangle. Place a hat... about 6' from each scout. On signal they tug until one gets his hat.

    Scoring: None

    Tiger In A Cage

    Theme: Fun
    Team: Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Large circle is drawn on the ground. Tiger in circle. Everyone can torment the tiger by jumping into the circle and then out again. If tagged by tiger, you become the tiger. Tiger cannot leave circle to tag tormentors.

    Scoring: None


    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 2 staves (6'), 1 bleach bottle per patrol

    Method: Patrols line up. On signal, first 2 scouts take staves and carry bottle between them to area 30' away, run back and touch next 2, they then race to bottle and carry back...repeat. First patrol to do it 4 times, line up and do yell wins

    Scoring: First done wins


    Theme: Fun
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Large rope, rag for center, 3 marks on ground 10' apart

    Method: Patrols make teams to match each other in weight. Rope with center marked is tugged until mark is pulled 10' from center

    Scoring: Best wins

    Tugowar Steal-the-Bacon

    Theme: Fun
    Team: 1/2 Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Tape covered bike tire

    Method: Teams line up on opposite ends of room (field). Number team members 1-??. Leader calls out number(s). Number races to center and pull or take tire back to his side. Point if tire brought back.

    Scoring: 1 point if tire retrieved

    Hot Isotope

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 heavy rubber band, 1 #10 can, 6 ropes per patrol

    Method: Can set in center of infected area. On signal patrol uses equipment provided to retrieve can out of area without entering it.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Knot Relay

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 rope per patrol

    Method: Patrols line up facing judges. On signal first member runs up and ties requested knot for judge. First patrol to tie all knots, line up and give yell wins

    Scoring: First done wins

    Knot Trail (Kim's)

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 5-10 pieces of rope

    Method: Several pieces of rope are tied together between 2 trees (50'apart) with several kinds of knots. Patrol has 1 minute to walk along rope(silently) then they depart and have 5 min. to list in order. 1pt for each right.

    Scoring: 1 pt for ea. right

    Log Raising Relay

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 log, 1 50' rope per patrol

    Method: On signal patrol rigs log raising devise with materials provided. Must raise to top. First to top and gives yell wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    One Hand Knots

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 1 rope, bag (opt.) per patrol

    Method: Same as any knot relay except that limited to tying with one hand only. Variation...2 hands behind back, or 2 hands in bag.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Pony Express Race

    Theme: Knots
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 rope per scout

    Method: Patrol lines up. On signal, all tie their rope with a clove hitch to the ankle of the scout in front of them. Patrol then goes through course and back. Untie, line up and do yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Chariot Races

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 3 poles, 3 ropes per patrol

    Method: Patrols line up next to equipment. On signal they assemble a travoi (A-frame). Place scout on it and carry him around a course and back. Tear down chariot and line up and give yell.

    Scoring: First done(right) wins

    Cross The Pit

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 3 poles, 6 ropes per patrol

    Method: On signal, patrol rigs up an a-frame with guy lines on top. Scout on frame tries to "walk" it across the alligator pit while his patrol steadies it with the guy lines. At other end, dismantle, line up and give yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Flagpole Raising

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 2 poles, 1 patrol flag, 7 ropes per patrol

    Method: On signal patrol assembles flagpole from poles and their patrol flag. When erected and secure, salute and give yell. Disassemble and line up.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Radio Isotope

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 3 ropes, 2 poles, 1 bottle, 1 #10 can per patrol

    Method: Coke bottle in #10 can in middle of restricted area. On signal patrol tries to remove bottle from can (without touching can) with any equipment provided. First to get bottle out of restricted area wins.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Rat Trap Race

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 2-3 poles, 2-4 ropes, 1 rat trap per patrol

    Method: On signal patrols assemble 2 or 3 section pole and try to spring rat trap that is set up too far from reach with one pole. Disassemble line up and give patrol yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Reactor Transporter

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 3 poles, 3 ropes, 1 can with bail, 1 hook from coat hanger per patrol

    Method: On signal patrols erect tripod with legs secured with an extra rope, hook suspended from center. Patrol must not touch the can with anything but the hook (can't hit sides)..transport can from one end of the room to other. Dismantle, line, yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Tripod Lashing

    Theme: Lashings
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 3 poles, 2 ropes per patrol

    Method: On signal the patrol assembles a tripod. One member must be able to suspend himself from a rope attached at top. Disassemble line up and give yell.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Map Symbol Relay

    Theme: Map
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Symbol cards or maps or paper and pencil for each patrol

    Method: Patrols line up. On signal first member runs to judge and identifies symbol from card or map or draws on request. First patrol done with all cards or identifies set number of symbols wins King Patrol.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Height Measuring

    Theme: Measuring
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: Patrols try to estimate the height of the flag pole, tree... using any method from the Scout Handbook.

    Scoring: Patrol nearest wins

    Nature Kim's Game

    Theme: Nature
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 20 nature objects, sheet or newspaper cover

    Method: 20 objects of nature under cover. Patrol has 2 minutes to observe. Then have 5 minutes to list.

    Scoring: 1 pt for ea right

    Bombing The Camp

    Theme: Observation
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: Per patrol = bomb(newspaper), bucket of water.

    Method: Troop on day hike, is stopped 1 mile from camp. Messenger from camp tells of bomb threat on camp in exactly 12 min. 15 sec. to late{boom},15 sec. early{bomb not set} and can come back any time to set...must be in time frame & douse.


    Invisible Kim's

    Theme: Observation
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: Bag

    Method: Leader takes out invisible items out of bag and mimes using them...turn on flashlight etc. Patrols then try to make a list of what was taken out of bag.

    Scoring: 1 pt per item

    Kim's Game

    Theme: Observation
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Low
    Equipment Needed: 20 items, sheet or cover.

    Method: Spread 20 items on table and cover. Patrol comes up and has 1 minute to look(no talking). They then depart and have 5 minutes to list them. 1 point for each correct answer.

    Scoring: 1pt for ea. item

    Candle Relay

    Theme: Swimming
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 candle, 1 book of matches per patrol

    Method: Patrol lines up in pool. First man swims with lighted candle up and back the length of the pool and hands to next scout...repeat. First done and give yell, wins. Have candle lighters (Scoutmasters) along the edge of the pool

    Scoring: First done wins

    Lifeline Relay

    Theme: Swimming
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Medium
    Equipment Needed: Per patrol = 1 rope (25'+), target (5' pole to simulate outstretched arms).

    Method: Patrols line up in relay formation. On signal first scout throws line at target, next scout coils rope and throws...repeat until the target has been hit 6 times.

    Scoring: 1st done is king patrol

    Spoon Race

    Theme: Swimming
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 spoon, 1 egg per patrol

    Method: Patrols in relay formation in pool. On signal first scout swims with spoon in mouth with egg on spoon. Swim to marker or edge of pool and return. Repeat.

    Scoring: First done wins

    Wet T-Shirt Relay

    Theme: Swimming
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 1 tee shirt per patrol

    Method: Half of patrol on each side of pool. First swimmer wears tee shirt, swim relay...exchanging and wearing tee before diving in and swimming. First patrol to finish (in tee) wins.

    Scoring: First patrol done wins

    Capture The Flag

    Theme: Wide Game
    Team: Half Troop
    Activity Level: High
    Equipment Needed: 2 flags (neckerchiefs...)

    Method: Flags within 200' of center and visible. Guards must not be within 50' of flag unless chasing enemy. Jail is 50' from line. Free walk back if rescued.1/5 hr. time limit...flag captured or most prisoners is winner.

    Scoring: See above

    Crossing The Gap

    Theme: Wide Game
    Team: Patrol
    Activity Level: Medium
    Equipment Needed: None

    Method: 2 scouts in center of 500'x200' area. Troop on one side. Objective is to get to other side without being spotted. If spotted, you stand through the rest of the game.

    Scoring: Patrol with most through wins.