Leader Songs

      Here are some songs more appropriate for leaders, either to sing when in front of the Scouts or when we are off at training, cracker barrels, etc. Please send me your favorites and I'll include them here.


Table of Contents

I'm Going to Hire a Boy Scout to Decorate Our Home

from the Akela Calls 1995 Songbook:

Came home late Sunday afternoon...
Finally got out all my gear as she opened the door
She said, "You're not gonna do this anymore."

She said, I'm gonna hire a Boy Scout to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here, and you won't need to roam.
We'll take down the family pictures, hang backpacks on the wall,
And we'll lash a latrine seat in our bathroom down the hall.

Just bring those tin foil dinners and I'll cook 'em all right here.
And we'll drink apple bug juice and good old Dad's Root Beer.
And just for you I'll keep in stock those all-aluminum cans
So you can go recycling for your environmental plan.

We'll rip out all the carpet, put pine needles on the floor
And we'll put up a gateway for when you come through the door.
And when you want your supper, you can flick your Bic
And instead of gourmet cooking we'll have hot dogs on a stick.


Instead of nightly TV, we'll have a campfire show
And you'll get a chance to sing for me those stupid songs you know.
And I'll do a funny cheer for you each time you tell a joke.
Hey, as long as you don't repeat old skits I'll laugh until I croak.

Instead of family planning, we'll have a PLC
And maybe plan our calendar through 2003
If my trading post is open you can rob your piggy bank
And when you make Silver Beaver, well you'll have me to thank.

She said, I'm gonna hire a Boy Scout to decorate our home
So you'll feel more at ease here, and you won't need to roam.
So when you want to go camping and you have a weekend free,
Well there won't be any reason why you can't stay here with me.


-- Thanks to Keith Tilley, Council Commissioner, Rip Van Winkle Council, NY

The Night They Made the First Cub Scout

by Steve Henderson

Apparently sung to the tune of "Green Aligators"

Many years ago on this very night
Some people gathered 'round a campfire's light
Everyone was saying the world was in a mess
Not enough people trying to do their best. (So...)

They took a little Blue
and they took a little Gold
They took a little boy about eight years old
Turned him around and lo and behold
That's how it came about
The night they made the first Cub Scout

Now they come in every size, they come in every shape
And everywhere they are, the world's a better place
Every Bobcat and Bear, every Wolf and Webelos
Remembers that night many years ago (When...)

(Repeat chorus)

Tiger Cubs are new, the boys aren't very old
You know it won't be long before they wear the blue and gold
To Search, Discover, Share with their parents in tow
Headed down the path that started years ago (When...)

(Repeat Chorus)

Leaders are the ones who make the program go
And Trainers do their best to put the leaders in the know
How the Promise and the Law help the Cub Scout Grow
And Blossom on the trail that started years ago (When...)

(Repeat Chorus)

--Thanks to John Van Blarcom

Scouting Leader Spirit

We use this song at our leader training courses to test the level of involvement the trainees have in the Scouting program. We have them stand and tell them when they come to a part that is true for them, they can sit down. We want them to continue singing though.

Tune: Scouting Spirit

I've got the Boy Scout tents in my living room,
My living room,
My living room.
I've got the Boy Scout tents in my living room,
My living room to stay.

I've got the Cub Scout flags in the back of my car,
Back of my car,
Back of my car.
I've got the Cub Scout flags in the back of my car,
Back of my car to stay.

I've got boxes of Scout stuff in my bedroom,
In my bedroom,
In my bedroom.
I've got boxes of Scout stuff in my bedroom,
In my bedroom to stay.

I've got Scouting stuff all over the house,
All over the house,
All over the house.
I've got Scouting stuff all over the house,
All over the house to stay.

I've got the Pinewood track out in my garage,
In my garage,
in my garage.
I've got the Pinewood track out in my garage,
In my garage to stay.

I've got the Scouting spirit surrounding me,
Surrounding me,
Surrounding me.
I've got the Scouting spirit surrounding me,
Surrounding me to stay.

I've got the Scouting spirit way up to here,
Way up to here,
Way up to here.
I've got the Scouting spirit way up to here,
Way up to here to stay.

-- Thanks to Leslie Herman, Training Chairman, Thomas Edison District, Blue Water Council, BSA. With a few added verses by the MacScouter.

I'm a Leader

(Tune: Battle Hymn of the Republic)

I was glad to have a girl because our first child was a son,
I thought of all the ruffles, all the frilly bows and fun.
I thought of how we'd sit and talk at night when day was done,
Wasn't I the foolish one.

She was only half past seven when they called me to the fore.
I said "I'm not equipped" They said "Oh, yes you are, what's more;
We'll train you in the basics, we'll outfit you for the corps"
Why couldn't I have had a son?

Glory, Glory I'm a leader.
How'd I get to be a leader?
All I did was have a daughter.
Is this the price I pay?

They taught me to be thrifty, to be thoughtful, to be true.
They taught me how to string beads like the noble Indians do.
I had to learn to dig a trench, and how to use it too.
And you should taste the stew!

I had to learn to sing songs that I didn't understand.
I learned to dance the polka and to make a rhythm band.
To think of what to do and then forget what I had planned.
And they say Scouting's grand.

Glory, Glory I'm a leader.
Me, they had to make a leader.
I can't even build a fire,
Let alone put up a tent!

We went walking in the woodlands, my Girl Scout troop and me.
The handbook says that nature has a wealth of sights to see.
It's true we sure were sights when we were found eventually,
And I do all this for free.

I'm not meant to be a leader, I don't know which bird is which.
My weiner fork's all burned up, we come home from hikes and itch.
The sit-upons all fell apart, I showed them the wrong stitch,
But no one wants to switch.

Glory, Glory I'm a leader.
Hallelujah, I'm a leader.
Tell me why I should be happy,
When no one envies me.

But even though I grumble and I mumble and I shout.
Though there are days I wonder what's the best way to get out.
I guess when all is said and done, there isn't any doubt.
I'm glad to be a Scout!

Glory, Glory I'm a leader.
Someone's got to be a leader.
They can carve it on my tombstone
"Here's a girl who did her best!"

-- Thanks to "Dusty", Diablo Shadows Association, San Francisco Bay Girl Scout Council