The Cub Scout Ceremonies Book

By Ellen DeVilbiss

Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner, Arapahoe District
October 1995

Table of Contents

About this booklet

      This booklet is the culmination of my Cub Scout Trainer's Woodbadge ticket. I wanted to give the Packs of Arapahoe District a new source for ceremonies, to spread the talent of the many fine Cubmasters that we have who write their own ceremonies or adapt more familiar ones. My thanks to all those who gave me ceremonies. Especially my Roundtable Staff, Rick McNeal, Donna Brown, Peggy Bloom and Maggie Jones for your help in collecting ceremonies. Thanks too to my husband, Ken DeVilbiss, for the use of the ones he has written or pulled from the internet.
      These generous people were much more prolific than I anticipated. Only a few of these have even made a Roundtable handout, and none of those have been at Roundtable for at least two years. I do apologize if you find one here that you have seen published in some other book. I did not see that book, and feel if I haven't seen it, the majority of Cubmasters in this district probably haven't either. So, take my meager offering and put it to use with your Pack if you can. Feel free to copy from this Web page and make changes to fit your own Pack. Enjoy.

Opening & Closing Ceremonies

Patriotic Introductions

Unless thought is given to it, the Pledge of Allegiance can become rote and boring. Here are some short intros to make the ceremony different and meaningful each time.

Thomas Jefferson said, "The God who gave us Life, gave us Liberty at the same time." As we repeat the Pledge of Allegiance, Let us remember that our flag is a symbol of this precious Liberty.

We have Good Government only when We, The People of the United States of America, play an active part in making it good. Let us say our Pledge with that in mind.

The greatest Public Document of the American People in the Constitution of the United States. Our Flag represents our Constitution in Action. Let us now Pledge our Allegiance to that Flag.

The U.S. Flag is the emblem of our Nation. The Leader of the Free World. Let us now say the Pledge of Allegiance to that Flag.

13 Stripes and 50 Stars ...This phrase can only refer to our American Flag. Let us remember the history behind those stars and stripes as we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

"Long may it wave."... Let us remember the history behind this famous phrase as we Pledge our Allegiance to the Flag.

The Flag flies before our eyes as a Bright Gleam of Color and a Symbol of Ourselves. Let us join in Pledging the Flag of the United States of America.

As we salute the Flag, Let's remember the words from the American's Creed that is...

"It is my duty to my country:
To love it,
To support its Constitution,
To obey its Laws,
To respect its Flag and
To defend it against all enemies."

The Red in our Flag stands for Courage and Bravery. Today as we Salute our Flag, let 's remember our men and women in the Armed Forces who are serving us and our country.

So long as the Principles of Truth, Justice, and Charity for All remain deeply rooted in Human Hearts, Our Flag shall continue to be the enduring Banner of the United States of America. Let us join in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.

For more than 200 years, our Flag has been the Emblem of Liberty for generation after generation of Americans. Let us look at it with pride as we Pledge our Allegiance to it.

This Stars and Stripes are our Dreams and our Labors. In these unsettled times, Let us Pledge our Allegiance to our American Flag with new hope.

Our Flag is bright with Cheer, brilliant with Courage, and firm with Faith. Let us add this with our sincere Pledge today.

We, The People...That's what Our Flag stands for. Let us say the Pledge of Allegiance.

In the Flag Pledge, there is no comma or pause after the word "Nation". The Concept of "One Nation Under God" is a precious thing. To weaken it with an unwanted comma or pause is an affront to the Patriotic Heart as well as the Poetic Ear. Let's say the Pledge correctly.

Because we are Thankful and Appreciative of such Leaders as Abraham Lincoln, Let us Pledge our Allegiance to the Flag and at the same time, remember the Great Presidents of our Land.

As we say the Pledge today, Let's remember George Washington, the Father of our Country, and the Heritage of America.

For the Opportunities our Country offers to the Youth of America, Let us now say our Pledge to the Flag, the emblem of our Nation.

In the Fold of our Flag are enshrined every Ideal, Hope, and Opportunity made possible because Someone has lived. Let us say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Closing Thoughts

A Cubmaster's minute or a Closing Thought is a good way to bring a meeting to a quiet close. Here are a few short passages to use before retiring the Colors.

There's a battlefield at Gettysburg where swords and sabers rust. And brothers who were flesh and blood are scattered in the dust. But every night at Gettysburg when everything is still. They say a golden bugle blows on Cemetery Hill. Who was the unknown bugle boy at Gettysburg that day? And was he wearing Yankee blue or wearing Southern gray? Why did he die? What was his motive? He loved the country of his birth. And Government by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Reach for the Stars
Col. Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, told a group of Eagle Scouts that man's exploration of space is as old as man himself. He has explored, conquered, and studied the secrets of the jungles, mountains and oceans. He urged them to obtain a well-rounded background in many fields of knowledge, then to select one field and strive for excellence in it. "Set your goals high and settle for nothing less than accomplishment," he said.

If you want to aim for the stars, you must remember that you are building your launching pad right now by your willingness and initiative in every task you home, in church, in school, and in Cub Scouting.

Freedom is a breath of air, Pine-scented or salty like the sea.
Freedom is a field new-plowed With furrows of democracy.

Freedom is a forest, Trees tall and straight as men.
Freedom is a printing press, The power of the pen.

Freedom is a country church, A cathedral's stately spire.
Freedom is a spirit That can set the heart on fire!

One Good Deed
One day in the year 1909 the city of London was in the grip of a dense fog. An American businessman, William D. Boyce, paused under a street lamp to locate himself. Out of the gloom a boy approached him and asked if he could be of help. Boyce told the boy that he was trying to find a certain business office in the center of the city.

"I'll take you there," the boy said. When they got to the office, the American reached into his pocket for a tip. But the boy stopped him saying, "No thank you, sir. I am a Scout. I can't take anything for helping."

Of course Boyce was curious. So the boy told him about himself and his brother Scouts. Boyce was interested and asked the boy to take him to the British Scout Office when he was finished with his errand. There the boy disappeared. At the office, Boyce met Baden-Powell, the famous British general who had founded the Scouting movement. Boyce was impressed.

And so, on Feb. 8, 1910, in Washington, DC Boyce and a group of outstanding men founded the Boy Scouts of America. But what happened to the boy? No one knows. He was never heard of again, but he will never be forgotten. In the British Scout Training Center at Gilwell Park, England, a statue of a buffalo was erected in honor of that "Unknown Scout". His Good Turn to one man became a Good Turn to millions of American boys. You can never tell...

A Thought for the Flag
Have you ever thought of the blood, and sweat, and tears
That've been shed for our nation throughout the years?
We've won many wars, helped lands small and great.
But we haven't learned to conquer our fears and our hates.
No, it hasn't been easy to keep our land free.
Now that challenge is passed on to you and me.
So be proud you're an American. Hold your head high
And think of these things as our Flag passes by.

Prisoner of War Flag Ceremony

Equipment: American Flag mounted to a blanket. Personnel: 2 Scouts to hold flag, and a reader.

Reader: On a summer day in a prison camp during World War II, the prisoners were just completing a talent show when, without any announcement, two soldiers stood up in front of the group holding a rolled up blanket. They looked quickly but carefully in all directions to make sure no guards were watching. Then, holding the blanket high, they let it unroll. Fastened to the inside of the blanket was the beautiful Stars and Stripes of the flag of the United States. (Scouts match actions to story.)

At the time of their surrender, one of the soldiers had taken down the flag and somehow managed to wrap it around his body. Covered by his uniform, it had not been discovered during the inspection of his personal belongings. He had been able to keep it hidden until he had arrived at the prison camp.

As the blanket was unrolled, the other prisoners saw the flag. A ripple of wonder and amazement ran through the group, followed by a deep silence that comes only when the heart is too full to permit words to be spoken. With their eyes still gazing upon this beautiful banner the soldiers rose to their feet and began to sing softly, but with pride. They sang our National Anthem. Will the audience please rise and join in singing our National Anthem.

Opening Ceremonies

Campfire/Candle Opening

Equipment: 'Campfire' built of logs around a yellow light bulb, electric candle with blue light, tape of crackling fire sounds.

Setting: Fire is dark as Akela enters and 'lights' candle (turns bulb).

Akela: We will light our council fire tonight with this candle that represents the Spirit of Cub Scouting, and the Cub Scout's promise to do his best.

This light is a symbol of a Cub Scout's promise to do his duty to God and his country. This light is a symbol of a Cub Scout's promise to help other people. This light is a symbol of a Cub Scout's promise to obey the Law of the Pack.

(Akela stops, touches 'campfire' with the 'candle.' Someone off stage then plugs in the fire and starts the tape.)

Akela: I now declare this council fire open. Let the ceremonies begin!

(At this point you may want the whole pack to stand and repeat the Cub Scout Promise.)

4 Winds Opening

Equipment: Campfire, Indian costume, gourd or rattle.

Setting: Akela enters dressed as Chief, approaches unplugged campfire. Standing behind it, facing the audience, he raises his arms and faces skyward, rattle in one hand. Akela: To our Father, who has granted us many blessings. (shakes rattle once)

(Facing the ground and reaching his arms downward) To the earth, which has given us rich harvests. (Shakes rattle once)

(Facing North - arms slightly raised.) To the north wind, with its cold breath of winter that teaches us endurance. (Shakes rattle once)

(Facing East) To the East wind, which comes from the land of the rising sun and carries morning light over plains and mountains. (Shakes rattle once)

(Facing South) To the South wind, from the land of warm sunshine that gives us courage and hope. (Shakes rattle once)

(Facing West) To the West wind, from the land of the tall mountains that provide us with water and game to hunt. (Shakes rattle once)

(Facing Audience) Now that we have called to the Great Spirits, we are ready to light our Council Fire.....(Stoops to light the fire while some one off stage plugs it in.) I now declare this Council Fire open! Let the ceremonies begin! (Long rattle)

Award Ceremonies -- Bobcat

Jungle Book Ceremony

Personnel: Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Den Leader and Assist. Den Leader.

Cubmaster calls forward the new Bobcats and their parents.

ACM: Mowgli, the man-cub came to live with the wolf pack when he was very young. When he had learned enough to run with the other cubs, he was brought to the great council of the Pack to be accepted as a member of the Pack. Akela, the leader of the Pack, said...

CM: Look well O Wolves. Get to know him.

ACM: From outside the circle of the Pack, Shere Khan, the mighty Tiger spoke out, "The man-cub is mine. Give him to me!" Several of the wolves joined in with Shere Khan because they were afraid. Knowing the Law of the Pack required 2 people to speak for a cub when there was a question about him joining, Akela said....

CM: Who speaks for this Cub?

ACM: Baloo, the sleepy brown bear, spoke up.

Den Leader: I will speak for the man-cub. Let him join the Pack. I will teach him the Law of the Pack.

ACM: Knowing the Law of the Pack required 2 people to speak for the Cub, Bagheera, the black panther, spoke.

ADL: If there is a question about the right of a Cub to join the Pack, his life may be bought at a price. I will add fresh meat if you will accept Mowgli into the Pack.

ACM: The wolves all joined in saying, "Let him join!" They all looked him over before departing the council. Akela said to the mother and father Wolf, and to Baloo and Bagheera...

CM: Take him away and teach him the Law of the Pack. (Lead the boys in the Cub Scout Promise. Then award their Bobcat badges to their parents and have them pin them on the boy.)

Key to Cub Scouting

Equipment: Oversized key cut out and painted gold, written on it is "Scout Spirit", and an old key on a string.

CM: We have with us tonight someone who has just joined the Cub Scout program. Will ______ and his parents please come forward?

The Cub Scout program will face you with many challenges. You will be required to attend weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings. You will need to work with leaders and also at home with your parents. In order to achieve the highest rank in Cub Scouting, you must now set your sights on the Arrow of Light. Many times you may get discouraged because the trail seems steep and hard to climb.

There is a key to achieving each of these goals. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what the key is? (Wait for answer of no and then produce the oversized key.)

The key to Scouting is "Scout Spirit." Scout Spirit includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes that "something special" that makes scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement.

Remember, with this key to Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can now step on the Scouting trail. This small key is a reminder of the Key to Cub Scouting. (hang key around his neck.)

And that first step is rewarded with the Bobcat rank. I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. They may pin it on your uniform. (Do so.)

Howling Bobcat

Equipment: "Campfire", Indian Costume

Setting: Campfire is turned on, other lights are dimmed. New Bobcats are outside the room with an Assistant Cubmaster. They give the howl of the Bobcat, a long drawn-out wail.

Akela I hear the calling from beyond our Pack council . It sounds like a Bobcat! Shall we answer with the call of the Wolf Pack? (Pack howls like wolves. This is the ACM's cue to enter with the Bobcats.)

Akela: Who comes here?

ACM: Boys, hunting for the fun and companionship of Cub Scouting.

Akela: But whom do you seek?

ACM: Akela, the great Spirit of the Cub Scout.

Akela: Are these boys wise in the ways of the Bobcat?

ACM: They are, Akela.

Akela: Show me.

ACM: Show Akela what you have already learned. Raise your arm in the Cub Scout Sign and say the Cub Scout Promise. (They do.)

Akela: I can now call you Cub Scouts because you have completed the requirements necessary for your participation in this great Brotherhood we call Cub Scouting. Tonight you have repeated before me the Cub Scout Promise. You have assumed a very important responsibility. You have agreed to "do your best" and to "do your duty to God and your country", "to help other people" and "to obey the Law of the Pack", These are things which are not always easy, but I think you will enjoy them. All that we ask is that you do your best. Do you agreed to do your best? (Wait for answers) Good! Please let your parents pin your bobcat badge on your uniform.

Advancement Ceremonies -- Wolf/Bear

Headdress Ceremony

Equipment: Wolf & Bear Headdresses

Akela: This is the ceremonial Wolf Headdress. It represents the origin of Cub Scouting as told in the story of Mowgli in the Jungle Book. The Wolf Pack adopted the "Man Cub" and taught him the ways of the Pack. So have we done to each of the members of our Pack.

The erect ears of the wolf are symbolized by the Cub Scout sign. In some tribes, the Indian Scout was called a Wolf, and wore the skin or head of the wolf when beginning a scouting expedition.

Tonight, we have _____ Cub Scouts who have earned the rank of the Wolf. Will they and their parents please come forward. (Read names and wait till all are present.) You are not beginning your expedition, but ending it. You have earned the rank of Wolf. Now you will begin a new expedition, on the trail of the Bear. To your parents I present the Wolf badge. They may present it to you as the Wolf skin that marks you as a member of the Wolf Pack.

ACM: I wear on my head the ceremonial bearskin. The Bear is respected by all other animals because of his size, loyalty to its young, and hunting ability. The Bear Baloo, taught Mowgli the Law of the Jungle.

Tonight we have ____ Cub Scouts who have earned the rank of Bear. Will they and their parents please come forward. (Read names and wait till all are present.) You too will be respected by your fellow Scouts as you have attained greater stature tonight. Continue to obey the Law of the Pack and you will soon join the ranks of the Webelos Tribe as a warrior Scout. To your parents I present the Bear badge. They may present it to you as the Bearskin that marks your stature in the Pack.

Painted Paws

Equipment: Black waterbased paint, brush, badges

CM: When a boy joins our Cub Scout pack, he earns the Bobcat badge and starts on an upward trail. This trail will lead him through the ranks of Wolf, Bear, Webelos and on to the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Tonight we are honoring boys who have made significant advancement along this journey. Would the following boys and their parents please come forward? (Read names and wait till all are present.)

I understand that you seek the rank of Wolf, is that so? (response) Please recite the Cub Scout Promise.

Cubs: I, ___, promise to do my best to do my duty, to God and my Country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack.

CM: I can see by your knowledge of the Cub Scout Promise and the achievements that you have completed that you have worked hard along with your parents. These achievements are very important as they have helped you gain a deeper appreciation of many things. You are now ready to become a Wolf -cub.

(With paint draw on the back of the Cubs hands the 1st toe) The first toe of the Wolf paw is for your growth through feats of skill and having fun with your family.

(Draw 2nd toe.) The second toe of the Wolf paw represents that you have learned about your home, community, country and your religious beliefs.

(Draw 3rd toe.) The third toe stands for the skills you have gained in handling tools, trying new things, and making collections.

(Draw 4th toe.) The fourth toe represents your new appreciation for conservation and safety.

(Draw the footpad.) The pad of the Wolf paw represents your growth as a Cub and the increased responsibility you are now capable of handling. Wolf Cubs, remember the inscription of this paw. It shows you are ready to move along the upward trail of Scouting.

(Present parents with badges and have them pin them to their sons. Shake hands with boys.)

CM: Would the following boys and their parents please come forward. (Read names and wait.) You are climbing even higher on the trail to the Arrow of Light. Do you seek the rank of Bear? (response.) Then recite the Law of the Pack.

Cubs: The Cub Scout follows Akela, The Cub Scout helps the Pack go, the Pack helps the Cub Scout grow, The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

CM: I see that you have worked hard with your parents and Den Leaders to achieve your rank. You are ready to become Bear-cubs.

(Draw the first toe on the back of the Cubs hands.) The first toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your increased understanding of God.

(Draw 2nd toe.) The second toe of the Bear paw symbolizes your new knowledge of your country, its folklore and heritage.

(Draw 3rd toe.) The third toe shows your increased appreciation of your family.

(Draw 4th toe.) The fourth toe stands for your increased understanding of your own self worth.

(Draw footpad.) The palm of the Bear paw represents your growth as a Cub, and the increased responsibility you are now capable of carrying. The climb up the Scouting trail is getting shorter, but steeper. Not everyone will finish. Follow the Promise and the Law so that no harm will come to you along the trail.(present badges to the parents and have them pin them to their sons. Shake hands with the boys.)

Advancement Ceremonies -- Webelos

Three Candles

Equipment: Parent's Pin, Webelos badge, a Green Candle, a Red Candle, and a Yellow Candle

CM: Will the following Cub Scouts and their parents please come forward? (Read names) Tonight you are to receive the Webelos rank. This rank is the next to last step in Cub Scouting. It requires that a boy begin to learn skills of the adult world. You have begun to learn about Boy Scouting and have agreed to live by its Promise and Law. Your parents have continued to support you in this effort. As token of their help, please pin this Parent's pin on them. (Boy does.)

The rank of Webelos entitles you to wear the Webelos Colors. These three ribbons are green, red and yellow. To symbolize your achievement in earning this rank, we have three candles here tonight. (Chose three parents to stand behind the candles and light them as each color is explained.)

Green indicates knowledge of the Scout oath and Law and signifies the learning of manhood skills.

Red signifies the achievement of three activity badges.

Yellow indicates you have been an active Cub Scout for at least three months in your Webelos Den, and have performed many good turns, helping your den, pack and family.

Now parents, you may pin the Webelos badge on your son's uniform. Congratulations new Webelos Scouts. Thank you parents for your help to your son. Continue to help him as he completes the last step of his Cub Scout trail. Pack welcome these new Webelos with a Grand Howl.

Feather "W"

Equipment: Indian Headdress for each boy, using 3 blue feathers alternated with 2 yellow feathers. Fan the feathers so that the blue ones look like a "W". Use Velcro to hold band around the head. Campfire and Indian Music.

CM: Tonight we have ___ Scouts who have earned the Webelos badge. Will (Read names) and their parents please come forward and sit at the place of honor at the head of the campfire? (You may have the rest of the Webelos Den come and sit around fire too.)

I have here an Indian headdress that was designed especially for the legendary Webelos Scout who completed each of his five major tests of endurance. Notice how the blue feathers form a "W". Each of the five feathers has a special meaning.

Feather #1 represents the meaning of the Webelos badge and Uniform. The blue "W" on the Webelos badge shows you are moving from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.

Feather #2 represents the three activity badges you must earn, of which one has to be Fitness. A Warrior Scout also had to pass a fitness test along with many others.

Feather #3 shows you have led your Den in a flag ceremony that you planned yourself.

Feather #4 stands for the requirements of Boy Scouting, which you have learned along with the Boy Scout Oath, the Scout Law, the Salute, sign and handshake.

Feather #5 represents your efforts to serve God and live up to your religious beliefs.

I shall now place this headdress on your head. (Do so to each boy.) Wear it proudly, Webelos Scouts! You've earned it. I present this patch to your parents to present to you. Please give them the proper salute! (The proper salute to a mother is a kiss.) Now I salute you, Webelos Scout! (Scout returns salute.)

All Rank Ceremonies

Dimming Campfire

Equipment: Electric Campfire with dimmer switch, which Akela may operate unseen. Start with it dim.

Akela: Tonight we have gathered at the ceremonial campfire to hear an ancient tale. It was once believed that a campfire had great magic. Of course it cooks our food, lights our way and wards off wild animals, but the magic of this Pack Council Fire is that it can light up our future! But only when we approach it after making a great accomplishment.

Will (Read names) and their parents please stand by their chairs? See how the fire burns only dimly when there are no advancing Scouts nearby? Now please come forward and join me at the fire's side. See how it has begun to burn brighter now!

The fire tells us that you have completed all the requirements for your ______ rank. You have worked hard to be worthy of this great honor, so the fire has given us a sign that you will continue to find great joy and success in Cub Scouting. You will soon be on your way to earning the next rank in Scouting. The fire tells us you will do so!

Please stand. I present this award to your parents to present to you. Congratulations! (Akela sits again so he can work the controls to dim fire as Scouts leave.) I now dismiss you to your seats, and watch the fire as you leave its side! (Repeat as many times as needed for awards.)

Talking Feather

Equipment: Talking Feather, Campfire

Akela: Tonight we have a special award to present. Would ______ and his parents please join me around the campfire? Would the Den Leader also come forward to the Council Fire? (All sit Indian style around the fire.)

I hold in my hand a Talking Feather. Does anyone know what a Talking Feather is? ( If anyone speaks, ignore them. When someone raises his hand, give them the feather.) A Talking Feather gives the person holding it the right to speak. Everyone else must listen, until the feather is passed to them. (Akela sits.)

Since we are honoring _____ tonight, we will pass the Feather around the circle and each of us will in turn tell about something he has done or learned as we watched him make progress along the Scouting trail. I will begin. (Each person takes the feather, says something nice about the Scout and then passes it on. Even the Scout himself is given a chance to talk.)

Please stand now to receive your award. I present this award to your parents to you. Please give them the proper salute. (The proper salute for a mother is a kiss.) Now I salute you too, ________Scout!

Tail Ceremony

Equipment: Tails made of fake fur for each Cub. Bobcat tail is spotted tube about 3" long. Wolf tail is long, grey, narrow at the top and wider past the center, then back to a point. Bear is brown/black ball of fur. Each tail should have a string to attach it to the boy's belt loops.

Candidate and his parents are called to the front. The Cubmaster explains which award has been earned, but before the Scout can get his award he must look like a Bobcat/Wolf/Bear!

"What is missing?" (turn him around)


Present tail to parents and have them attach it to his belt loop or belt in back. Explain that in order to remove his tail he must do something first. Can he tell you what it is? Ask the rest of the pack. "A GOOD DEED!" Explain that if he does not find a good turn to do before he goes to bed, he must wear it on his pajamas and then to school until he does one! (Some cubs like to wear it for a few days!)

NOTE: This ceremony works well alone for either rank advancement, but would be most meaningful if all three tails could be earned while a member of the Pack to add to the Scouts Trophy Skin upon graduation.

Baden-Powell Advancement Ceremony

Tonight we are celebrating the birthday of Scouting. Many of you know that Scouting started in England in 1907 when Lord Baden-Powell took 7 boys to Brownsea Island for a camping experiment. But the roots go even farther back. In 1899, Baden-Powell was a Colonel in the British Army fighting the Dutch Boers in South Africa. Colonel Baden-Powell was in charge of a town called Mafeking. It was under siege by the Boers. The Boers shelled the town every day except Sundays. When that happened, everyone had to hide in trenches until the shelling stopped. Baden-Powell noticed that the last ones into the trenches and the first ones out were the young boys. He needed to keep these young lads from doing risky things and getting wounded. So he organized them into a Boys Corps. They ran messages from Headquarters to the troops and citizens, and they practiced Army Scouting skills. This helped him enforce discipline on them in a way that they could accept.

The food was running out, the Boer force was 10 times the size of the British force, but Baden-Powell used his cunning to hold the town for 217 days, until British reinforcements could arrive and rescue the town from the Boers. When he got back to England, he found himself a National hero and a small book he had written for the Army, "Aids to Scouting", was being used by British boys to play games of scouting. He remembered those boys in Mafeking and what his Boys Corps did for them. He rewrote his book into "Scouting for Boys" in 1908 and Boy Scouting was born.

The tradition Baden-Powell started in Mafeking, we are continuing tonight. When the boys in Mafeking learned their scouting skills, they were rewarded with a promotion in rank. So too, do Cub Scouts, after showing their abilities in certain skills, earn their ranks of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelos. Would the following Scouts and their parents please step forward? (read names of award winners) You have learned new skills and have shown yourselves ready for promotion. Wear your new rank proudly like all Scouts have for the last 94 years. (Read the name and award given, exchange the Cub Scout Salute, and let the parent pin on the award.)

(written by Ken & Ellen De Vilbiss, Pack 80, Arapahoe District)

Advancement Ceremonies -- Arrow of Light

Pack 265 Arrow of Light

Equipment: Arrow of Light Ceremony Light box with 7 Christmas light bulbs on top, unlit. (1 blue, 5 clear, 1 green) and a flashlight.

Setting: Room lights are dimmed or out. Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmaster are behind the Light box. Cubmaster uses flashlight to read ceremony.

CM: Tonight we honor ___ Webelos Scouts who have completed the requirements for Cub Scouting's highest goal - the Arrow of Light Award. (Asst. turns on interior light.) Will the following Webelos Scouts and their parents please come forward? (Read names) You have learned the Scout requirements, visited a Scout troop, and secured a Scout application. You were guided in your progress through Cub Scouting's ranks by the Arrow of Light. (Turns on blue light.)

The blue light that is now lit represents the Cub Scout spirit that all Cub Scouts have. (Turns on first clear light.) First you became a Bobcat. You were taught to follow Akela. As a Bobcat you learned the Cub Scout Promise, handshake, sign and motto.

(Turn on second clear light.) Next you followed Akela and expanded your knowledge as you earned Wolf. You had adventures and fun. (Turn on third clear light.) After Wolf, Baloo, the Bear helped Akela teach you more and harder things as you earned your Bear rank. (Turn on fourth clear light.) As a Webelos Scout, you had the opportunity to explore many new areas - science, travel, first aid, physical fitness, and many more. You visited and took part in Scouting events and a special Webelos camp.

Tonight you will receive the Arrow of Light. (turn on the fifth clear light.) Wear this award with pride. Continue to let the Arrow of Light guide you through your Scouting career as you now work toward your Eagle. (Present awards to parents and shake boys' hands.) This green light represents the Boy Scout spirit that you now have. Congratulations.

Written by Leeon Campbell, Pack 265, Arapahoe District

Broken Arrow

Equipment: An Arrow for each boy, two council fires, awards

Setting: Cubmaster at first fire, boy scouts at second. Award is attached to arrow.

Akela: Will (Read names) and their parents please come forward and take their place of honor at the Council Fire?

Tonight (Read names) have achieved two high honors. They will receive the Arrow of Light award and graduate from Cub Scouting into Boy Scouting.

I hold in my hand an arrow. As you can see, it is straight and true, for only an arrow that is straight and true will hit its mark. (Hold up arrow so Scout can see its shaft.) In order to fly straight, it must also have at least three feathers. These represent the first three ranks of Cub Scouting you achieved; Bobcat, Wolf and Bear. With these awards in place you began to ascend along the shaft, toward the tip of the arrow, the Arrow of Light Award. This is the culmination of all your Cub Scouting efforts. Without a hard, sharp tip, the arrow is not a very effective weapon. Since you have achieved this, the highest rank in Cub Scouting, you will now be a more effective Boy Scout as you take with you the things you've learned and continue to progress along the Scouting trail.

Please stand. I now present you with this arrow, to which is attached your award. Parents, please pin the Arrow of Light on your son. now give your parents the proper salute. (The proper salute to a mother is a kiss.)

Since you are graduating form Cub Scouting tonight, you will no longer be a Cub Scout, except in memory. Because this arrow represents the path along which you have come, but not the path along which you must now go, I will ask you to return the arrow.

(Take the arrows and break them over your knee, just enough to crack, but not completely in two.) This broken arrow will now be forever a reminder to you, that you achieved every rank in Cub Scouting, and graduated with honor. It will no longer fly, just as you will no longer be a Cub Scout. But you will always wear the Arrow of Light symbol on your uniform, as a reminder of your accomplishment. You now may keep this broken arrow for your trophy skin. I give you one last salute before you leave our council fire to join your new Boy Scout brothers at their council fire. (Salute.) Always be straight and true! Now walk to your new council fire.

Eagle Feather

Equipment: "Eagle" Feather, Arrow of Light Light box, Drum, Akela Costume.

Webelos Leader: Tonight we have our Arrow of Light presentation. The Arrow of Light is the highest award a Cub Scout can achieve and is the only Cub Scout award that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform. Will the Arrow of Light candidate(s) and their parents please come forward? (Read Names) To help with this presentation we would like to call on the great chief Akela, chief of all the Webelos. But before I can call the great chief we must have complete silence. Let's give this great man the respect he deserves. (Beat drum when silence is obtained to bring in chief.)

Akela: Why have I been summoned?

Webelos Leader: Chief Akela, (Read names) is (are) ready to receive the Arrow of Light award. Do we have your approval to present this award?

Akela: Does he (Do they) have Scout spirit?

Webelos Leader: Yes.

Akela: (to Scouts) Raise your right hand in the Cub Scout sign and repeat the Cub Scout Promise for all of those present tonight. (Scouts do.)

Do you plan on living up to the promises in the Cub Scout Promise? (Scouts answer)

You have battled the Bobcat, trapped the wise Wolf and wrestled the great Bear. You have passed the trials of strength to join the mighty Webelos tribe. You have climbed the great mountain and reached into the sky to grasp the Arrow of Light. This is one of the Feathers you will wear in your war bonnet as you continue to climb higher until you are worthy to soar with the Eagle. (Present feather with award attached to the parents.) Parents pin this award on your son. It is an honor to have you as member(s) of the Webelos tribe. Be proud of your accomplishments.

WL: Please remain silent while the chief leaves us. (Drum beats softly while chief exits.)

Cub Scout Graduation Ceremonies

Tiger Cub

Equipment: A large box made like a doorway (or a blanket or curtain) A pot with dry ice and some water to make it smoke.

Akela: (Calling the boys and parents forward.) You have taken part in the past few months in the Tiger Cub Motto; Search, Discover, Share. Together you will join the Cub Scouting family. Together you will grow and learn new things while earning each badge. You will support and strengthen your Cub Scouting and own family in each step that is taken. Your parents will help and support you in each step of your journey.

Before you step through together the doorway of Cub Scouting you must make a promise to the Pack. The most important part of this promise is to "Do Your Best". You will be expected to do your best in everything you do, including Cub Scouts, at home and in school. Will you make the Cub Scout Promise with me? (Demonstrate the sign and lead them in a repeat after me fashion through the Promise.)

Parents, as you step through the door way of Cub Scouting with your son, you will be accepting the parental responsibilities of Cub Scouting. If you are willing to accept these responsibilities, signify by saying "I will."

Please face your son, place your left hand on his shoulder, give the Cub Scout sign with your right hand and repeat after me:

I ______ promise to do my best to help my son to be a good Cub Scout, to encourage him to fulfill the Cub Scout promise and obey the Law of the Pack. I promise to assist him in his Cub Scout achievements and electives, to cooperate with the den leader, Cubmaster, and Pack Committee members, and to participate actively in Cub Scouting.

Parents, I urge you to seal your promise with your special sign of affection. (Call boys one at a time with his parents to step through the doorway. Boy should go first and have his Cub scout shirt slipped on while he is inside the doorway. proceed when each family has crossed through.)

As you can see, you now have a son who is ready to join the tribe. Please help him by presenting him with his Wolf Scarf. (Parents put scarves on boys.) Pack, these new Wolves have joined our pack. See them, Get to know them, and protect them, for now they are your brothers.

Written by Maggie Jones, Arapahoe District

Bear to Webelos - Broken Arrow

Equipment: An Arrow per boy with their name on it. Notch each arrow on the top and bottom about 3" apart.

Call Bear Scouts and their parents forward.

CM: You and your family have worked together to develop the skills of the Wolf and Bear. Together, you have strengthened your family and the Scouting Family. You will now start on the Trail of the Webelos, your goal is the Arrow of Light.

This group of arrows represents you, your family, your adult Scouting Leaders, the Pack, and the Chartering Organization. Without any of these people, Scouting would not be strong. Take this group of arrows. Together, as a group, the arrows are strong.

As you have noticed, your names are on the arrows. When your arrow remains in the group, the strength of the group is added to it. Without any of the other members, Scouting will break as easily as I break this arrow.

(Break each boy's arrow over his shoulder. Hand the point to the parents and the fletched end to the boy.)

Parents, you have received the head of the arrow. This signifies that you and the Webelos Leaders will guide these scouts over the next two years. New Webelos, you have received the flight feathers. This signifies your travels during the next two years. your journey will end in two years with most of you reaching the Arrow of Light. At the end of that journey, you will have enabled this arrow to fly straight and true again.

When the time for their Arrow of Light ceremony comes, collect the arrows, fit the notches back together and with glue and twine wrap them to become whole again. Present them to the boys at their Arrow of Light Ceremony.

Written by Rick McNeal

Pack Graduation Ceremony

Note: This ceremony eventually has all the boys and leaders standing in front of the pack. You will need a lot of room if yours is a large pack. We wrote this one for a Pack of about 90 and needed all the school's risers and most of the gym!

Equipment: Set of risers or a stage with broad steps leading up. Each boy needs to have his scarf and you may need extras if you have more of a rank than the one following it.

Asst. CM: Second year Webelos, please come forward and stand on the top row of the risers.

CM: Will (Read names of those receiving Bear) and their parents please come forward? You have worked long and hard to earn the rank of Bear. Soon you will be in a Webelos Den. Remember the hard work you have put in and the support of your parents. This will get you to your next step on the Cub Scout Trail. Parents will you pin the Bear badge on your sons. (they do.) Congratulations! Now will the new Bears please take your place on the second riser. Parents, you may return to your seats.

Asst. CM: Would all Bears please stand on the second riser.

CM: Will (Read names of those receiving Wolf) and their parents please come forward? You also have done a good job of working on your Wolf rank. This is the step that will enable you to proceed on the trail to Bear. Parents please pin the Wolf badge on your son. (They do.) Congratulations! Now will the new Wolves take your place on the first riser. Parents you may return to your seats.

Asst. CM: Would all the Wolves stand on the bottom riser, please.

CM: Tiger Cubs and parents, please come forward and stand on the floor in front of the Wolves. You are just starting your trip along the Scouting trail. You have searched, discovered and shared the world around you. These patches show you have graduated from the Tiger Cubs and are ready to become Bobcats. Parents, please pin this patch to your son's shirt. (They do.) Congratulations! Parents, you may return to your seats, New Cub scouts, please remain where you are.

Asst. CM: ________ has been a leader of Den ___ for ___ years. Please come forward. (Repeat until all leaders are present.)

CM: Please accept the sincere gratitude of Pack ___ for your work with the Cubs in your den. This star may be small, but it represents many hours of your time given to Scouting. I am also giving you service stars for the boys of your den. They too have put in many hours toward their badges. Den Leaders please present these to your dens at their next meeting. Would you please stand on the floor at the ends of the risers?

Asst. CM: Tiger Cubs, for the past few months you and your family have explored all sorts of new and exciting things and places. Now it is time to move along the Cub Scout trail to the next part of the program.

Your family is important throughout your whole Scouting Experience. Support in earning each badge comes from your family as well as from your Den Leader. Your parents will help you each step of the way.

CM: On behalf of Pack ___ I would like to welcome you. You will be receiving your Wolf scarf tonight. The Wolf Scarf is gold, like the sun. It stands for joy in a job well done. Have fun as you learn the way of the Wolf Scout. Would the Wolf Scouts please pass their scarf to the New Cub Scout in front of them. (Leaders will need to provide help and a scarf for any boy who doesn't get one from the Cub behind him.)

Asst. CM: Wolf Scouts, you have spent this year learning about Cub Scouting by earning Bobcat and Wolf. You have Done Your Best to live up to the ideals of Cub Scouting.

CM: Tonight you will receive your Bear neckerchief. The Bear neckerchief is blue. Blue stands for truth, loyalty, and obedience. You must learn to obey before you can expect others to obey you. The blue neckerchief stands for obedience to the Law of the Pack. On behalf of Pack ___ I congratulate you. Would the Bear Scouts please pass their scarves to the Cub Scout in front of you. (Again Leaders assist.)

Asst. CM: Bear Scouts, tonight you start the Webelos trail. The Webelos Den has one big purpose. That's to prepare you for Boy Scouting. You will work on very exciting activity badges, learning things that may lead you to lifelong hobbies or professions. At the same time, you will study Boy Scout requirements so you will be ready to become Boy Scouts.

CM: Each of your parents has helped you along the Cub Scout trail this far. It is important now that your parents continue to stay with you in your Webelos den. We will soon have the pleasure, we know, of seeing you presented the Webelos badge. Again on behalf of Pack ___ I congratulate you. Would the New Boy Scouts please pass their scarf to the New Webelos Scout in front of them. (Leaders assist.)

Asst. CM: Would the rest of the Webelos please come forward? Please fill in any open spot on the risers. I would like to recognize the hard work each of these boys has done this year. Each boy has lived up to the Cub Scout motto, DO Your Best, in each activity badge earned. Each boy has also been working to fulfill the Scout motto of Be Prepared by working on the Boy Scout requirements.

CM: The entire Scouting program runs on the volunteers who help teach our sons the principles of Scouting. Without them, there is no program. Would the Den Leaders, Webelos Den Leaders, their assistants, the Den Leader Coach, Tiger Cub Coach, Committee Chair and all members of the Committee please step forward? Parents please give these people a Big round of applause as they return to their seats. Would the Scouts now please return to their seats.

Webelos Graduation

Equipment: Cross-over bridge, red light, flags.

Setting: Darkened room, with red light shining on the bridge. The American and Pack flags flank the bridge. To the left of the bridge are assembled the parents and Webelos Den Leaders, on the right are the Scoutmaster and troop members.

CM: Tonight we mark a great occasion - the graduation of Webelos Scouts from our Pack. We are sad to see them leave because they have been a great help to our Pack. But we are happy for them because they are going on to the great adventure of Boy Scouting. They have worked hard for this night and have advanced well. Please escort _____ to the front. (The named scout is escorted to the front by a first year Webelos Scout. He takes his place with his parents. The escort returns to his seat. The CM repeats this step until all graduating scouts are presented.)

Webelos Leader: It is with a great sense of pride that I now ask you for your Webelos neckerchief. (After removing scarf, Leader escorts them to the end of the bridge.) You have done well in our den, but our den is no more, you are about to move on to the troop. You will be a part of a new patrol. Thank you for all the hard work you put in and all the fun as well.

CM: I am pleased to see that you are wearing the Arrow of Light, the highest award in Cub Scouting. This is the only Cub Scout badge which you will be permitted to wear on your Scout uniform. And now you take the final steps. As you stand on the bridge between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, please give your pack one last salute, then turn and salute your new Scoutmaster. (Boys cross one at a time, stopping to salute the CM and then the SM.)

SM: We are happy to welcome you to our troop. I can see by the Arrow of Light that you are prepared to join the great fellowship of Scouting. Please repeat after me the Scout oath. (Scouts do, then exchange scout handshakes.) As a token of this important occasion, I would like to present you with the Troop neckerchief.

(Parents move to front of the bridge, where SM joins them.) SM: Welcome to our Troop. I congratulate you on the fine work you have done with your son in Cub Scouting. I am sure you will find new adventures in our troop. (Red Light is turned off. House lights turned on. Participants leave the stage.)

Special Ceremonies

Arrowhead Ceremony

Equipment: Arrowhead on a thong, Arrow for demonstration, Arrow Points to be awarded

Akela: Will (Read Names) and their parents please come forward? Tonight we honor these Cub scouts who have gone the extra mile and earned Gold Arrowpoint/Silver Arrowpoints. (Hold up arrow.) Here is an arrow. Have you ever shot an arrow? What makes the arrow fly straight? Answer: a straight shaft and feathers on the end. What helps it enter its target? Answer: a sharp point and speed.

In order to be effective an arrow must have be all of these things. Straight and true, feathered for guidance and stability, fast and sharp. In order to be an effective Cub Scout, you too must remain straight and true, receive guidance and stability from good leaders, a program that is designed to help you move quickly through the ranks of achievement, and sharp attention on your part in order to make it to the Arrow of Light rank.

(Holding up arrowhead on a thong.) Here is an arrowhead. Making arrowheads requires skill and practice, and a lot of patience, as they are chipped of stone. Your Cub Scout Leaders and parents have chipped away at you to make you a sharp young man. I present this award to your parents to present to you. Now I will place around your neck this arrowhead, which you may keep as reminder of your hard work. You may wish to add it to your trophy skin. Congratulations!

Leader Induction

Equipment: Each Cub Scout who will be in the den of the new leader should have a card with is name, birthdate, address and phone number and parent's names. Attached to this card is a string with a slip knot in the loose end. Also needed is a Cub Scout Leaders' Book.

CM: Tonight we have the pleasure of offering to some parents a position of leadership that will give them some of the most memorable experiences of their lives. Will (Read names of Den Leaders and Assistants) please come forward and join me? We want to welcome you as the new Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader of Den ____.

Committee Chair: I too want to welcome you to a position of leadership in our Pack. I want you to know that we are all here to help you in any way an I am sure all of the parents f the boys in your den will give you any assistance they can and that you need. I would like to present to you the Den Leader's patch and Assistant Den Leader's patch to sew on your uniforms on the left sleeve. And also the Cub Scout Leader's Book which is a very valuable aid.

CM: Now so that you won't forget to remember all that you need to know about your new position we have (Number of boys in the den) strings to tie around your fingers. Will the boys of Den ___ please come forward? (Boys come up and slip their card's string over the Den Leader's fingers. Then lead the leaders back to where their den is sitting.)

Legend of the Thunderbird Leader Induction

Equipment: Thunderbird shield made of posterboard and decorated with feathers (see drawing)

CM: Will (Read names of new leaders) please come forward? (They do.) Thunderbird has visited us here tonight and left an important message. You must understand that he has great powers, including the power to cause lightening and rain. His message tonight is to wish us all health and good luck for future generations. We feel that it is you, who have brought Thunderbird here tonight. We wish to thank you for accepting the Cub Scout challenge as a new Leader for a (Wolf, Bear or Webelos) Den. May Thunderbird cross your path many times. (Detach a feather from the edge of the shield and present it to each leader.)