Cub Scout Promotion Ceremonies

Baden-Powell Promotion Ceremony

Pack 92, Milpitas, CA

Tonight we are celebrating the conclusion of our Scouting year. As many of you know, Scouting started in England in 1907 when Lord Robert Baden-Powell took 7 boys to Brownsea Island for a camping experiment. But the roots of Scouting go even farther back. In 1899, Baden-Powell was a Colonel in the British Army fighting the Dutch Boers in South Africa. Colonel Baden-Powell was in charge of a town called Mafeking. It was under siege by the Boers. The Boers shelled the town every day except Sundays. When that happened, everyone had to hide in trenches until the shelling stopped. Baden-Powell noticed that the last ones into the trenches and the first ones out were the young boys. He needed to keep these young lads from doing risky things and getting wounded. So he organized them into a Boys Corps. They ran messages from Headquarters to the troops and citizens, and they practiced Army Scouting skills. This helped him enforce discipline on them in a way that they could accept.

The food was running out, the Boer force was 10 times the size of the British force, but Baden-Powell used his cunning to hold the town for 217 days, until British reinforcements could arrive and rescue the town from the Boers. When he got back to England, he found himself a National hero and a small book he had written for the Army, "Aids to Scouting", was being used by British boys to play games of scouting. He remembered those boys in Mafeking and what his Boys Corps did for them. He rewrote his book into "Scouting for Boys" in 1908 and Boy Scouting was born.

The tradition Baden-Powell started in Mafeking, we are continuing tonight. When the boys in Mafeking learned their scouting skills, they were rewarded with a promotion in rank. So too, do Cub Scouts, after showing their abilities in certain skills, earn their ranks of Bobcat, Wolf, Bear and Webelos. Our Scouts have learned many new skills this year. We will now reward there efforts by promoting them to their new ranks for this next Scouting year.

Tiger Promotion:

Would the following Scouts and their Parents please step forward, and to the left side of the bridge (read names of Tiger Scouts). Would the Wolf Den Leader please step forward and to the right side of the bridge. Scouts, you have completed the First Grade and have shown yourselves ready to become Wolf Scouts. Wear your new uniform and neckerchief proudly like all Scouts have for the last 97 years.

(Call the name of each Scout as he crosses the bridge. The Wolf Den Leader places a Wolf Neckerchief around his neck. When all are across, ask audience to Applaud.)

Wolf Promotion: Would the following Scouts and their Wolf Den Leader please step forward, and to the left side of the bridge (read names of Wolf Scouts). Would the Bear Den Leader please step forward and to the right side of the bridge. Scouts, you have learned new skills and have shown yourselves ready to become Bear Scouts. Wear your new rank and neckerchief proudly like all Scouts have for the last 97 years.

(Remove Wolf neckerchiefs, call the name of each Scout as he crosses the bridge. The Bear Den Leader places a Bear Neckerchief around his neck. When all are across, ask audience to Applaud.)

Bear Promotion:

Would the following Scouts and their Bear Den Leader please step forward, and to the left side of the bridge (read names of Bear Scouts). Would the First Year Webelos Den Leader please step forward and to the right side of the bridge.

Scouts, you have learned new skills and have shown yourselves ready to become First Year Webelos Scouts. Wear your new rank and neckerchief proudly like all Scouts.

(Remove Bear neckerchiefs, call the name of each Scout as he crosses the bridge. The First Year Webelos Den Leader places a Webelos Neckerchief around his neck. When all are across, ask audience to applaud.)

Webelos Promotion:

Would the following Scouts and their Webelos Den Leader please step forward, and to the left side of the bridge (read names of Bear Scouts). Would the Second Year Webelos Den Leader please step forward and to the right side of the bridge.

Scouts, you have learned new skills and have shown yourselves ready to become Second Year Webelos Scouts. Wear your Webelos Colors proudly like all Scouts have for the last 97 years.

(Hand each Scout his Webelos Colors, call the name of each Scout as he crosses the bridge. The Second Year Webelos Den Leader pins the Webelos Colors on the uniform shirt arm. When all are across, ask audience to applaud.)

Arrow of Light Bridging:

Our final recognition this evening is for our Scouts who are leaving Cub Scouting for the new adventure of the Boy Scout program. Would the following Scouts and their Webelos Den Leaders please step forward, and to the left side of the bridge (read names of Bear Scouts). Would representatives of the Boy Scout Troops please step forward and to the right side of the bridge.

(Introduce the leaders representing the Boy Scout Troops present for the Bridging)

Scouts, you have learned the skills of Cub Scouting and have shown yourselves ready to become Boy Scouts. As you cross this bridge to enter the great adventure that awaits you in Boy Scouts, we wish you fun, and safety and great achievement in your efforts. Wear your Boy Scout Uniform proudly like all Scouts have for the last 97 years.

To commemorate this evening we present you with your Arrow Sash, to display your ranks and achievements as a Cub Scout.

(Hand each Scout his Arrow Sash, call the name of each Scout as he crosses the bridge. The appropriate Boy Scout leader shakes his hand, places a Boy Scout neckerchief around his neck, if appropriate. When all are across, ask audience to applaud.)

Bear to Webelos - Broken Arrow

Equipment: An Arrow per boy with their name on it. Notch each arrow on the top and bottom about 3" apart.

Call Bear Scouts and their parents forward.

CM: You and your family have worked together to develop the skills of the Wolf and Bear. Together, you have strengthened your family and the Scouting Family. You will now start on the Trail of the Webelos, your goal is the Arrow of Light.

This group of arrows represents you, your family, your adult Scouting Leaders, the Pack, and the Chartering Organization. Without any of these people, Scouting would not be strong. Take this group of arrows. Together, as a group, the arrows are strong.

As you have noticed, your names are on the arrows. When your arrow remains in the group, the strength of the group is added to it. Without any of the other members, Scouting will break as easily as I break this arrow.

(Break each boy's arrow over his shoulder. Hand the point to the parents and the fletched end to the boy.)

Parents, you have received the head of the arrow. This signifies that you and the Webelos Leaders will guide these scouts over the next two years. New Webelos, you have received the flight feathers. This signifies your travels during the next two years. your journey will end in two years with most of you reaching the Arrow of Light. At the end of that journey, you will have enabled this arrow to fly straight and true again.

When the time for their Arrow of Light ceremony comes, collect the arrows, fit the notches back together and with glue and twine wrap them to become whole again. Present them to the boys at their Arrow of Light Ceremony.

-- Written by Rick McNeal
-- Thanks to Ellen DeVilbiss

Bear to Webelos With Neckerchiefs

EQUIPMENT: Spirit of Scouting candle and holder, badges, colors and neckerchiefs.

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, Webelos den and den leader, den chief.

Webelos den leader, Mr.______ , will you and the den please come forward and join me on stage. Tonight we have (number) Bear Cub Scouts who have entered the fourth grade and are joining our Webelos den. Den Chief,________, escort Bear Cub Scouts,______ , and their parents to our awards table please. (Cubs' names) you have shown yourselves worthy of joining our Webelos den by working hard through the ranks of Wolf and Bear. We would now like to present to you the new parts of your Cub Scout uniform. (Webelos den leader presents parts as they are explained.) Mr._______, please remove their neckerchiefs and replace them with the Webelos neckerchief. Next, place the Webelos badge of colors on their right shoulder. These colors will tell everyone that you are an older boy preparing for the adventures of Boy Scouting. The badge of colors will hold the activity badges that you earn as you explore some of the 20 Webelos activities with your den. Mr. & Mrs. ________, you have helped your sons along the Cub Scout trail this far. It is important that you continue to go along with your sons and learn about the Boy Scout trail in his Webelos den. We know that we will soon have the pleasure of seeing you present your son with activity badges, the Webelos badge, and finally, the Arrow of Light award, the highest in Cub Scouting, Congratulations ______, & ________, and remember to keep the spirit alive in all that you do.

We have a very active Webelos den. Since our last meeting, every one of our Webelos has earned a new activity badge. As I call your names, would each boy and his parents please come forward. (Call all Webelos)

Each boy, in order to earn his Webelos badge, must earn three activity badges, be an active member of the Webelos den for three months, know and understand the requirements to be a Boy Scout, know the parts of and meaning of the Webelos uniform, and lead a flag ceremony in his den. We have (number) Webelos Scouts that have earned their badges this month. Would and their parents please come forward. (List activity each boy has earned to qualify for badge, and present to parents to pin on his chest.) Congratulations to all of you, and keep up the good work.

Pack, how about a cheer for the Webelos, their parents, and especially for Mr.________ , their leader.

Bear to Webelos Campfire

CUBMASTER: The Cub Scout trail is a long one filled with many adventures. Will the Bears, their parents and their leaders please come forward? Leaders, are your Bear Scouts ready to join the Webelos Tribe?

Bears, you have in the past worked on the Wolf trail and your most recent adventures have been on the Bear trail. You have proven yourself to be good Scouts. You have now earned the honor of joining our Webelos Council Fire. Please cross the bridge and join the Webelos Camp Fire.

As you follow the Webelos trail the Senior Webelos will be there to guide you on your way. Senior Webelos will you take the neckerchieves for the new Webelos and give them to their parents?

May your last trail in Cub Scouting be a happy one.

Bear to Webelos Promotion -- Canoe Neckerchief Slide

Cubmaster calls forward present Bear dens. (Bear leaders are already at the front of the room.)

LEADER # 1: You young men have worked very hard this year. You have achieved so much and are proud to wear your Bear badge.

LEADER #2: You have learned a great deal and found much enjoyment.

LEADER #3: Now you will become a Webelos Scout.

CUBMASTER: Your leaders are now giving you a neckerchief slide in the shape of a canoe. (Leaders shake hands with their Cubs.) Let this be a reminder to you, that before you criticize a person, stop and think what it is like to float down the waters of life in the other person's canoe. Now I would like to introduce to you your new Webelos leader(s). (Webelos leader(s) come forward, Bear leaders return to their seats. Introductions are made.) New Webelos Scouts, return to your seats.

Webelos Broken Arrow Promotion Ceremony

Call Webelos candidates and their parents to the front.

As Cubs, you have passed many tests and feats of skill. You have mastered the Bobcat, the Wolf and the Bear. Now you seek entry into a Den of Webelos. To be a Webelos you must be brave and strong, for you will be required to meet tests far more difficult than any which you have performed up to now. To gain entry into Webelos, you must now pass a test to show that you are ready for this difficult trail.

(Get Arrow.)

I hold in my hands an arrow. I will strike you with the arrow. If the arrow breaks, you will be received into the Webelos Den. But if the arrow does not break, you must return to your old den.

(Break arrow.)

The arrow has broken, you may enter the Webelos Den. But first, to the parents I present the point of the arrow. This is a symbol that, as parents, you must lead and point the way as your son travels the Scouting trail, and the trail of life.

To the boys, I present the feathered end of the arrow. This shows that as a son you must follow your parents and leaders to be successful and for your family to be a complete unit.

For no arrow can fly true and arrive at its mark without both the point and the feathers doing their part.

NOTE: The arrow should be partially cut through so that it will break easily.

Graduation of Cub Scout to Webelos

This ceremony can be conducted in a den or at a pack meeting. All Cub Scouts in the graduate's den sit in a circle with the graduate in middle of circle.

EQUIPMENT: Ten candles, ten cards with verse.
PERSONNEL: Eight Cub Scouts. graduate, Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader and/or Den Chief.

DIM LIGHTS - Candles are lit:

lst Cub: "We've played together and worked together"
2nd Cub: "Had maybe a fight or two"
3rd Cub: " We've taken trips and had some slips"
4th Cub: " And seen many projects through"
5th Cub: "You earned your Wolf and arrow points"
6th Cub: "And earned your Bear degree"
7th Cub: "But now you're earning your Webelos"
8th Cub: "A Boy Scout soon you'll be"
Leader: "We hope you remember Den (#) with delight"
Leader: "We salute you! Good luck! Happy Scouting!"

At this time, a den cheer is given in honor of the graduate, and den leader presents boy to Cubmaster who does the honors and turns boy over to his new Webelos leader.