Cub Scout Opening Ceremonies

    Following are a series of opening ceremonies, most useful to start Pack meetings or special award events. I used Incident on a London Street as the opening of our 1998 Blue and Gold. I wore a trenchcoat and snap-brim cap, and had my yuounger son play the part of the unknown Boy Scout. Very effective. Have fun with these!

Incident on a London Street -- 1908

(Lights dim, curtains open, spotlite with blue gel [to simulate night] comes on to center stage, fog fills stage)

NARRATOR: It was a foggy night in London, England, eighty-eight years ago, and an American businessman and publisher from Chicago, William D. Boyce, was lost.

(Enter a scout in costume--overcoat, bowler or derby, carrying briefcase).

NARRATOR: It had been a long day, and now here he was -- after dark, in a strange city, looking for a street address during one of London's famous heavy fogs.

(Scout pantomimes the narrative)

NARRATOR: Mr. Boyce stopped and took out a street map and, after looking at it for a minute, scratched his head and tried to get his bearings. It looked impossible, although he knew he couldn't be very far from his destination. Mr. Boyce was almost ready to give up and hail a hansom cab for a ride...

(Enter another Scout in uniform)

NARRATOR: ...when a boy, wearing some kind of strange uniform, appeared mysteriously out of the fog and said, "May I help you, sir?" Mr. Boyce nodded gratefully and showed him the address he was trying to find. "A piece of cake, sir," the boy said. "It's not far. I'll be happy to show you the way."

(Scout leads "Mr. Boyce" off, and they walk slowly around the stage, pretending to talk)

NARRATOR: The boy led Mr. Boyce off. As they walked along, Mr. Boyce asked the boy about the uniform he was wearing, and the boy told Mr. Boyce about a new organization for boys, called Boy Scouting. It had been started the year before by a british army general named Baden-Powell. Scouting had 5,000 boys in it the first year, but now, less than 24 months later, 100,000 boys had joined.

Boy scouts stood for something, the boy said--faith in God, love of family, friends, King and country, belief in self-reliance and personal discipline, and the value of always doing your best. Boy scouts also believed in doing a "good turn" daily.

After a short walk, they arrived at Mr. Boyce's destination. Boyce reached into his pocket to give the boy a coin for a tip, but the scout held up his hand and declined. "No sir," he replied, "this was my good turn today. Good night." And the boy disappeared into the fog, as mysteriously as he had appeared.

(Scout exits the stage. After a brief pause, "Mr. Boyce" exits, too. Lghts come up here)

NARRATOR: Boyce was deeply impressed by this incident, and the next day made an appointment with General Baden-Powell. He returned to America a few days later with a trunk full of uniforms and manuals, and a head full of ideas for starting scouting in America.

And so, a little over a year later, on February 8, 1910, a notice appeared in a Chicago paper, announcing the incorporation of the Boy Scouts of America. Thousands of scouts joined that first year--and the rest, as they say, is history.

Today we in this room are part of a world wide movement, with almost 5 million boys and thousands of adult leaders in this country alone. More than 90 million American men have been scouts since 1910.

As for the mysterious English boy scout--no one ever learned who he was, and his identity to this day remains a mystery. But he lives on in the memories of millions of American scouts, past and present. And in London today, outside Gilwell, the birthplace of the world scouting movement, is a statue of a buffalo, put there by American scouts, to honor and memorialize that unknown English boy scout.

Such is the power of a single, simple good turn.

So boys, as we sit down tonight for dinner with our friends and families and fellow scouts, it's altogether right that we remember this incident, and also remember always that we are part of something great, and important, and meaningful.

Would our color guard please present the colors.

-- Thanks to Pete Farnham, CM, Pack 1515. GW District, NCAC. Alexandria, VA

Opening -- Twelve New Things

ARRANGEMENTS: Have the large cardboard badges with stands for each. Start with all laying flat and set each one up in turn.

Alternate: Print and tape these to the back of the approprite cards. Have a Scout of the appropriate rank bring a card up to the front of the audience, read the paragraph and then stand there until all cards have been read

TIGER: My adult partner and I are having fun learning about the world around us and Cub Scouts. We enjoy the motto Search, Discover and Share. I am a Tiger.

BOBCAT:I have learned five new things. I can give the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. I know what Webelos means. I promise to do my best. I am a Bobcat.

WOLF: I have learned twelve new thing. I grew physically and spiritually. I developed habits and attitudes of good citizenship. As I grew in mind and body, I also grew within my family. I learned to get along with others and gained a sense of personal achievement. It is fun being helpful and doing your best. I am a Wolf.

BEAR: I too have learned 12 new things. They required more skill and effort, but were fun and interesting. Many of the things I learned were preparing me to be a Boy Scout. The electives started giving me ideas about hobbies I might want to pursue in life. I am a Bear.

WEBELOS: I am learning and understanding the requirements to become a Boy Scout. The Scout Oath and the Scout Law, and the parts of the Scout badge. I am learning about the outdoors through activities and the outdoor code. I have earned three activity pins. I am a Webelos.

ARROW OF LIGHT: I to am learning about the requirements to become a Boy Scout. I can repeat from memory the Scout Oath and Scout Law. I have earned four more activity pins. I have visited a troop meeting and talked with the Scoutmaster. I have been on an overnight campout. I have attained the highest award in Cub Scouting. I am The Arrow of Light.



I was Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and the first President of the United States. I have been called the Father of our Country.


I was a printer by trade, but I was also a statesman and inventor. I was one of those who signed the Declaration of Independence. I invented the Franklin Stove and Bi-Focal Glasses. I also served as the first Postmaster General.


I believed that the world was round, but everyone called me a square. Only Queen Isabella of Spain believed in my idea of sailing west to reach the east. On my first voyage I accidentally discovered America while trying to sail to India.


I was a frontiersman, a congressman, and a patriot of Texas. I fought in the Indian Wars, but was a champion of Indians' rights. I died in the Battle of the Alamo.


I can outride, outrope, outrun, and outshoot any other varmint from Maine to Californy. One day I was very thirsty, so I dug the Rio Grande river with a stick to get water.


I was a Commodore in the American Navy. I captured the British ship H.M.S. Seriphis in a sea battle where I did NOT say "I have not yet begun to fight!".


I was the biggest "lumberjack" ever to live, and I created many different landmarks across this country. One day I dragged my axe when I was tired, and that became the Grand Canyon.


My real name was John Chapman. I was an itinerant preacher who planted apple trees all over the country.

-- Thanks to Chuck Bramlet, ASM Troop 323, Thunderbird District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Az.

The Four Directions

A opening ceremony for "Akela's Council" theme (4/96)

Needs: 1 scout each to play east, West, North and South. DL or another scout as Chief Akela. If First American regalia is available, one can use it.

Chief Akela (raises arms and looks skyward): "O Great Spirit, bring forth the four directions." (As each 'direction' enters, he lines up behind Akela.)

East (enters meeting area from the east): "I am East. From me comes the sun each day, with its light which all living things need. Just as I am the first direction, cub scouting begins with the wolf."

South (enters meeting area from the south): "I am South. From me come heat and rains, so all living things might have warmth and water to drink. Just as I am the second direction, cub scouting's second step is the bear."

North (enters meeting area from the north): "I am North. From me come cold and snow, so all living things might experience coolness and the beauty of winter. Just as I am the third direction, cub scouting's third step is the webelos." West (enters meeting area from the west): "I am West. To me the sun comes at the end of each day, giving the world darkness so all living things might rest. Just as I am the last direction, so the Arrow of Light is the last step of cub scouting."

Chief Akela: "Brothers East, South, North, and West--will you lead us in the Law of the Pack?" (all nod, and raise the cub scout sign.)

East: "The cub scout follows Akela."

South: "The cub scout helps the pack go."

North: "The pack helps the cub scout grow."

West: "The cub scout gives good will."

(The four directions return to where they came from)

Chief Akela (Turns to assembled pack): "Welcome to all!"

-- Thanks to the George Washington District, NCAC, Cub Roundtable Staff, March1996


Here is something that my Webelos Den used as an opening flag ceremony for a pack meeting. It was adapted from one of the Cub Scout books, maybe "The How-To Book".

I divided it up for five speakers, because I only had five who would participate. It can be divided up for any other number of speakers that you have.

SPEAKER 1: Our country's first official flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes, one star and one stripe for each of the first 13 states. In 1795 two more states joined the union and a new flag was made having 15 stars and 15 stripes. It was this new flag, which Francis Scott Key called the "Star Spangled Banner", that was flying over Fort McHenry when the British bombarded the fort during the War of 1812.

SPEAKER 2: It was during the latter part of August, 1814, that a Dr. William Beans was captured by the British Army. Francis Scott Key, a young Baltimore lawyer, decided to go to General Ross of the British army to plead for the release of his friend.

SPEAKER 3: Going to Chesapeake Bay where the British fleet was massed, Key was kindly received by the British. General Ross consented to release Dr. Beans, but because the British were planning an attack on Fort McHenry, held the American party on the ship.

SPEAKER 4: The British fleet poured a blazing shower of shells onto the fort all through the night of September 13, 1814. Standing at the rail of the British battleship during the bombardment, Key could see from time to time, by the glare from the rockets, that the American Flag still flew over the Fort.

SPEAKER 5: It was at the moment of "the dawn's early light", with the Flag still waving triumphantly over the fort, that Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the poem that became our national anthem.

Let us now welcome our "Star Spangled Banner". Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the flag of the United States of America.

[continue with normal opening.]

-- Thanks to Chuck Bramlet, ASM Troop 323, Thunderbird District, Grand Canyon Council, Phoenix, Az.


by Hal Robinson and Edward A. Haluska

We approach Thee, oh Great Akela of All the Packs, and ask Thee to join Thy love for the Cubs with ours, making our efforts mighty.

Join with us in this effort to (insert purpose of meeting) as we prepare to present the Cubs to Thee at the Council Rock.

Grant us the patience of Baloo, the great bear who taught Mowgli, as we teach the Cubs the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack.

Grant us the strength of Bagheera, the panther who guarded Mowgli in the jungle, as we protect the Cubs that have been entrusted to our care.

Grant us wisdom that we may lead the Cubs away from the traps and pit falls of Shere Khan, the evil tiger who would devour our Cubs.

Grant us insight that we way lead the Cubs away from the idleness and disobedience of the Bandar-log, the monkey people.

In all that we do, oh Great Akela of all the Packs, help us to unify the Pack by strengthening each Cub.

Help us do our Duty to God and to our Country.

Provide us the opportunities to help other people, and grant us your compassion so that we will recognize those opportunities when they come.

Help us to obey the Law of the Pack.

In all of this we can teach the Cubs in our care by our example, which will speak louder than our words.

In all, help us to do our best.

Grant us success, we ask __(if the group has a common religious composition, insert an appropriate specific phrase here, such as "in Jesus' name")



We approach Thee, oh Great Akela of All the Packs, and ask Thee to join Thy love for the Cubs with ours, making our efforts mighty.

Join with us in this effort to (insert purpose of meeting) .

Grant us the patience of Baloo as we teach our Cubs.

Grant us the strength of Bagheera, as we protect the Cubs that have been entrusted to our care.

Grant us wisdom that we may lead the Cubs away from the evil of Shere Khan and the irresponsibility of the Bandar-log.

Help us to do our best, to do our Duty to God and to our Country.

Provide us the opportunities to help other people and help us to obey the Law of the Pack.

In all of this we can teach the Cubs in our care by our example, which will speak louder than our words.


The Six "Taters"

PERSONNEL: Awards Chairman, six other adults.

PROPS: Signs to identify the Awards Chairman and six "taters". Hold during ceremony.

CHAIRMAN: Scouters, this is our problem. Every year hundreds of red blooded American boys drop out of Scouting in our Council. We are meeting here tonight to do something about this deplorable situation. Have you any suggestions?

DIC-TATER: Yes, I certainly do have a suggestion! Just don't let them drop out; after all, the young whippersnappers don't know what is best. As long as we are bigger and stronger than they are, we can simply forbid them to drop out. A firm hand will solve this drop out problem.

IMI-TATER: Well, Mr. Chairman, that sounds a little rash. Why don't we look around and see what some other groups are doing about this same sort of problem. Seems to me, we could just adopt their plans. Those other organizations are doing quite well, so it might behoove us to copy their tactics.

SPEC-TATER: Mr. Chairman, perhaps we are trying to participate too much. Scouting is after all a boy's organization. Let's just leave it up to the boys and let them work out whatever solution they seem to think is best. We can sit back and watch and let them know that we are behind them 100%.

AGI-TATER: NO! By Gussies, we've got to get in there and fight! We've got to be on our toes with our shoulders to the wheel, pushing at all times. We'll get the Chamber of Commerce and the PTA and the local chapter of Sigma Phi working on this. We'll have a membership rally and a big bonfire and really get things stirred up.

HESI-TATER: Oh now, I don't know. Maybe we ought to wait till after the summer slump and the fall rush. Sometimes it's wise to use a little caution.

DEMONS-TATER: Mr. Chairman, the best way to keep boys in Scouting is to show them what Scouting is and what Scouting does. As proof of what I say, we have here tonight several boys who have not paid much attention to our other "taters" and their thoughts. We can show them what it's really like and the boys will want to go on in Scouting and not drop out. The problem will cease to be.

ALL: And how! (Chairman goes into standard ceremony.)

The Meaning of the Colors Blue and Gold

CUBMASTER: Blue and Gold, the Cub Scout colors stand for some of the good things Cub Scouts gain through the process of advancement as they make progress through the ranks.

Gold stands for Good Cheer. The boys here tonight who have learned the basics of Cub Scouting and have earned their Bobcat badge are full of the good cheer of Cub Scouting. Will these boys and their parents please come forward? (Call the names of the boys receiving Bobcats - give the award to the parents to pin on the boy.)

Gold stands for happiness, and no one seems to be more full of happiness than these bright young men, who have completed the twelve achievements necessary for the rank of Wolf. Will these boys please come forward with their parents? (Call names of boys receiving Wolf Badges and Wolf Arrows. Give awards to the parents and have them present them to the boys.)

Blue, the other color of Cub Scouting stands for truth. Truth begins to shine through strong on the faces of these Cub Scouts, as they have completed the achievements for the rank of Bear and have learned that Cub Scout Honor really is important and truth is always the best. Will these boys please come forward with their parents. (Call the names of the boys receiving Bear badges and Bear Arrows. Give the badges to the parents to present to the boys.)

The other meaning for the color Blue is loyalty. This is one of the most important traits a boy can learn in the process of becoming a man. Loyalty to family, God, country, friends, and the most important, loyalty to his beliefs and convictions. There are many adults who do not display this trait, but the boys who have progressed to the rank of Webelos have developed or are developing this trait of loyalty. The boys who have earned honors as Webelos are: (Call off names and at this time graduate boys into Webelos, award activity pins, and also the Arrow of Light and graduate boys into Boys Scouts. Just say a few words about the accomplishments of each boy. Honor the Arrow of Light recipients and graduates into Scouting with more ado than the activity badge recipients.)

These boys honored tonight have been true to the Gold and the Blue by showing the traits represented by our Cub Scout colors....Good cheer, Happiness, Truth and Loyalty. Let's show them and their parents how much we admire their efforts with a Pack cheer.

"Who's the best in Blue and Gold? Pack ____ so we've been told!"

Blue and Gold Traditions PERSONNEL: Cubmaster

EQUIPMENT: Awards for boys, Blue candle, white candle, red candle, and yellow candle

ARRANGEMENT: Cubmaster in front of audience.

CUBMASTER: The Blue and Gold Banquet is the time to celebrate the birthday of Scouting. Tonight, as part of our celebration, some of our Cub Scouts will be recognized for their accomplishments.

(Light the blue candle). The blue candle represents the spirit of Cub Scouting.

(Call Cub Scout candidates and parents forward). You have promised to do your best and to do your duty. That is what you have done by completing the requirements to advance in rank. You have earned the badge. (Present badges to parents to pin on scouts shirt.)

(Use the blue candle to light the yellow candle). The yellow candle glows representing the warm sunlight. These Scouts have lived up to the Cub Scout Promise and completed the requirements to earn the badge.

The red candle stands for good cheer. These Scouts do not do anything half-heartily. They will be awarded the badge tonight.

The light of the white candle is the guiding light on the Cub Scout Trail. The light radiates happiness. The following Cub Scouts have been guided by the light and are on their way to the top of the Cub Scout Trail.

The Story of the Cub Scout Colors

PERSONNEL: Akela, two Cub Scouts dressed as Indian braves.
EQUIPMENT: A tripod with a large cooking pot suspended over a fire. A small pot fits inside the large one and contains a yellow Wolf neckerchief and a blue Bear neckerchief and awards. Dry ice may be packed around the small pot to give a smoking effect (smoke increases as water is added ). Two small clear bottles, one filled with diluted yellow food coloring and the other with diluted blue coloring. An Indian headdress. Awards. ARRANGEMENT: The audience is seated in a semicircle, and Akela is standing behind the boiling pot.

NARRATOR: Many, many moons ago the great chief Akela called a council to see what could be done to make the Webelos tribe the best of all tribes. After many hours he called his two most trusted braves to the council fire. (He pauses as two braves come in and stand, one on each side of their chief.) He told the first brave to climb the mountain and tell the great eagle to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the beauty of the sun. (The first brave leaves.) He told the second brave to go to the forest and tell the sparrow to fly high into the sky and bring back part of the sky. (The second brave leaves, and both return immediately. One carries a bottle of blue water and the other a bottle of yellow water. They take positions, one on each side of the fire, kneel, and hold bottles up for everyone to see.)

AKELA: (Addressing the first brave.) Pour some of the beauty of the sun into our council mixing pot. (The brave pours the liquid over the dry ice, being careful not to get any in the small pot. Akela signals the second brave.) Pour some of the beauty of the sky into our council mixing pot. (The second brave responds, and the boiling action increases. Raising his right hand , Akela speaks again.) From this day forward, blue will stand for truth and loyalty. Yellow will stand for warm sunlight, happiness, and good cheer. (Akela stirs the pot, reaches in, and pulls out the yellow and blue Cub Scout neckerchiefs. He holds them open for all to see, and speaks.) And that is why Cub Scouts use the colors blue and gold. Now let us meet the parents and Cub Scouts who helped to keep the blue and gold of Cub Scouting alive and growing this month. (Akela stirs the pot again and takes the awards from the small pot. The boys and the parents are called forward and the awards are presented.)