Wolf Cub Ceremonies

Animal Spirits Wolf Ceremony by Rick Clements


People Required:

  • Akela (Cubmaster)
  • Baloo (Asst. Cubmaster)
  • Den Leader


  • Campfire
  • Forest Scenery

(The lights are turned off, the fire is lit and the drum starts. Akela and Baloo walk toward the front. When they reach the front, Akela gives the Cub Scout sign, and the drum falls silent.)

Den Leader: The Indians believed in animal spirits. These spirits helped the Indians and gave them special powers. It was good to have the strength from many animal spirits. But, each Indian also had a main spirit. The Indian would not reveal who his guardian spirit was unless he was near death.

Baloo: One advantage to spending time alone in the wilderness, is that you might meet your spirit animal. And, to meet your spirit animal is to make your life more complete. An Indian might be canoeing alone across a lake, when he spies a wolf on the shore. And as the wolf looks into his eyes, he'll just know, that that's his spirit animal. Of course you can only meet your spirit animal when you're alone.

Akela: The wolf gives us two strengths: wisdom and bravery. The wolf is one of the smartest animals in the woods. This wisdom will serve our braves well. The wolf is also very loyal to the pack. Because of this, the pack is much stronger than the wolf by itself. Do we have any cubs who have earned the mark of the wolf?

Baloo: Yes, we have (number) . They have learned how to handle tools and how to display the flag; they know how be healthy and safe. They have learned to serve in the community and to conserve energy. They are physically active and like to read. They have fun with their families and have collected useful and beautiful things. They obey our country's laws and worship God.

Akela: Bring them and their parents forward so I may award them with the honor they have earned.

Baloo: Will (names) please come forward with their parents?

(Hand badge to parents.)

Akela: Parents, would you please present your son his Wolf badge? As is the custom in our pack, please attach the badge to his uniform upside down, with the tape. Once he performs a good deed, it may be permanently attached right side up. The pin is worn by the parents as an indication that Cub Scouting is a family activity.

Baloo: These boys deserve a cheer for their hard work. What could be more appropriate than a wolf howl?

Jungle Book Ceremony for Advancement

by Edward A. Haluska

People required:

  • Akela, the leader of the wolf pack (the Cubmaster)
  • Monkey Person 1
  • Monkey Person 2


  • Wadded paper, frisbees, paper airplanes, foam balls, or other items that the Monkey People will throw


  • Because the Monkey People are not seen by the audience and may be slightly farther away than Akela and the cubs, they should have a very loud voices. If you are using a microphone but only have one, give it to the Monkey People.
  • Have a spare Wolf badge or two on hand for boys that pop up after the badges have been ordered (this can also save you from having to do another Bobcat ceremony next pack meeting). If you use a spare badge, make sure that a replacement badge is ordered in the cub's name. Otherwise, his records at the council headquarters will not be current!
  • If you are using this ceremony for the first time, practice the wolf howl by using it as a spirit cheer at the beginning of the pack meeting.
  • Dim the lighting at the beginning of the ceremony for better atmosphere.
  • With some minor wording changes, this ceremony can also be used for advancement to bear.

Akela: The moon is full, just as it was long ago on that night in the jungle when Mowgli first joined the Seeonee wolf pack. It has been many years since Mowgli returned from living with the wolves. After he returned, he taught us many of the lessons he learned while in the jungle. The most important was that the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf. That is why we are here tonight in this council ring. In the jungle, Mowgli was protected by Bagheera, the panther, and was taught the ways of the jungle by Baloo, the great bear. Tonight, we have several boys who have been following the teaching of the bobcat, the American cousin of Bagheera. They have walked his trail and have learned much. Tonight, in this council ring, we shall welcome these boys to the rank of Wolf. So let us begin. Parents, bring forward these man cubs.

(Akela calls out the names of the wolf candidates. Parents and wolf candidates come forward and face the rest of the pack.)

Akela: My young cubs who want to be wolves, many moons ago, you learned the Cub Scout Promise and the Law of the Pack. Since then, you have followed that law in your den, and you have learned many things. Tonight.....

(From an unseen place off stage, the Monkey People interrupt and throw wadded paper at Akela and the boys.)

Monkey person 1: Laws, laws, laws! Rules, rules, rules! What a drag!

Monkey person 2: Man cubs! Come with us to the tops of the trees. Man cubs! Come with us and play.

Akela: Oh no! The Bandar-log, the Monkey People!

Monkey person 1: We have no laws or rules. We are free! Come and play!

Akela: Silence! Once, when Mowgli disobeyed Bagheera, his teacher, he was captured by the Monkey People, the Bandar-log. The wolves despise the Monkey People because they have no law of the pack. The Monkey People think they are so smart that they do not need laws. But because they have no laws, they do not help each other. Instead of following Akela and cooperating, they fight among themselves. Because of this sorry behavior, the Monkey People have no pride, no strength of character, they aren't honest, they do not do their duty to God, and all the jungle knows it.

Monkey person 2: Laws and rules! Rules and laws! Who needs all that! Come and play!

Akela: You irresponsible monkeys! These man cubs have learned better! As they have walked the bobcat trail, they have learned that the cub scout promise and the law of the pack are important!

[list various pack and den activities, (see last section for examples) ...]

... people crying with happiness because these man cubs came to share their love with them. You good for nothing monkeys! You wouldn't do something like that.

... You useless monkeys! You would rather have no laws and play in the tree tops than even to see that your own friends have enough food. Even now these boys have been helping the pack by selling pizzas! You selfish monkeys! You would only work to help yourself!

Monkey person 1: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Talk! Talk! Talk! These boys would rather not bother with all that! They really don't like all your pack laws and rules.

Monkey person 2: Yeah man cubs! You don't need to follow all those promises and rules and all that junk! Come on and play!

Akela: Silence Monkey People! I will show you that these boys have learned better! I will give them each a choice.

(Call each wolf candidate forward, one at a time, ask...)

Akela: (boys name), I have here your wolf badge that you have earned! Do you want to accept this rank, remain a cub in this pack, and go on to study the ways of Baloo, the bear, or do you want to run with the Bandar-log, the Monkey People who have no laws?

(After the boy has answered yes, Akela gives Cub Scout handshake and hands him his wolf badge.)

(After each boy has accepted his badge ... )

Akela: Man cubs, you have chosen wisely. So that those useless Bandar-log will know what we expect of you, give the Cub-Scout sign with your right hand and repeat the Cub-Scout Promise with me.

I promise to do my best,
to do my duty to God and my country,
to help other people,
and to obey the Law of the Pack.

Akela: So let us all now repeat the law of the pack. Will all scouts that are here tonight please stand and give the scout sign and repeat the law of the pack with me?

The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The pack helps the scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

(Akela motions for audience to be seated.)

Akela: Pack ___! Your fellow cubs have chosen wisely! Let us salute them and tell these Monkey People to be gone with a good wolf howl!

(Akela leads pack in wolf howl.)

Sample Activities ...

Last Christmas, this pack gave goodwill by singing Christmas carols at a nursing home. Some of them saw lonely old people crying with happiness because these man cubs came to share their love with them. You good for nothing monkeys! You wouldn't do something like that. This pack has collected food for the hungry. You useless monkeys! You would rather have no laws and play in the tree tops than even to see that your own friends have enough food. Even now these boys have been helping the pack by selling candy! You selfish monkeys! You would only work to help yourself!

Wolf Advancement Ceremony

Assistant Cub Master:
Just as when Akela went into the forest and learned from the WOLF, a Cub Scout in the second grade begins working on the requirements for the Wolf badge. Cub Scouts learn about Akela and the story of Mowgli and his survival in the jungle. When a boy has completed 12 achievements on the Wolf Trail, in such areas as physical fitness, exploring the world around him, fixing, building, collecting, safety, our flag, our family and Duty to God, he receives his WOLF badge.

Would the following boys and their parents please come forward? Parents please stand behind your son.

List of boys.

You have completed all the requirements for your Wolf badge and have moved along the Cub Scout trail. Receive now the mark of the Wolf, a RED mark, symbolizing strength and valor.

[Mark each boy with RED face paint.]

Assistant Cubmaster:
[Present Wolf badges to parents as Cub Master paints faces] It is our pleasure to award your Wolf badge to your parents, who have been your Akela in completing these requirements. Parents, please pin the Wolf badge to your son's left shirt pocket and congratulate him on a `Job Well Done'. Parents, as your son's Akela, you are entitled to proudly wear the parent's Wolf pin enclosed with your son's Wolf badge.

Parents, you have played an important roll in your son's advancement to Wolf. Your son will eagerly be wanting to earn Arrow Points to go under his Wolf Badge. For you son to do this he will still be looking to you as his Akela. Just as your son has committed to the ideals of Cub Scouting by following the Cub Scout Promise I ask you also to make a promise. Please repeat after me:
We will continue to
Do our best
To help our sons
Along the achievement trail
And to share with them
The work and fun of Cub Scouting.

Cub Master:
It is my pleasure to congratulate each one of you on earning your Wolf badge. Boys please step over to the Advancement Ladder and move your clothespin to the Wolf level. Parents and Scouts please return to your seats.


According to Your Wolf Book

EQUIPMENT: Large drawing of wolf badge, 1 blue candle. CUBMASTER: Since our last pack meeting one of our cub Scouts has completed all the achievements for Wolf Cub Scout. Tonight, we honor him and his parents at our wolf Cub ceremony. Will Cub Scouts (names) and his parents come forward?

According to your Wolf Cub Scout Book, you have completed all achievements for the rank of Wolf Cub Scout. I am glad you have attained this honor and hope you will continue to progress through the Gold and Silver Arrow Point electives until you reach the time to start work on the Bear rank. Before you is a picture of the Wolf Cub Scout Badge. You may now wear this badge with pride. Also before you is a candle representing the spirit of Cub Scouting. By advancing from Bobcat to Wolf Cub Scout you have demonstrated the spirit of Cub Scouting.

(To the boy's parents) We want to tell you how much we appreciate the cooperation you have given. Without your help, your son would not be able to reach his goals successfully, and that means not only that your son is advancing to the Wolf rank, but that the whole family has. As the Cubmaster, I haven't earned the privilege of presenting the badge to your son so I am going to give it to you , and ask you to present it to your son. (Parent does so and congratulates son) Now, will all the Cub Scouts in the audience stand and give a hand for a fine job of advancement he is doing (Cub Scout Applaud).

This Badge of Red

EQUIPMENT: RED cloth, and American Flag and Wolf Badges

CUBMASTER: There are symbols of citizenship everywhere we look in church, school, hospitals and in courts. But, there is a more significant symbol that we all see -- Old Glory (hold up the flag). But the flag itself is not just a symbol -- the colors also tell us of American history.

The color red (hold up the red cloth) in the stripes represents the blood of the wounded in America's efforts to stay free. It also represent the first of freedom kindled in the hearts of those patriots that forged America in 1776.

Tonight, you Wolves, also share in the pride of the red of our flag. The Wolf Badge you earned over the last few months is also red. When you look at your uniform after tonight, be proud that you share in the tradition surrounding the color 'red'.

Mom/Dad, please present this Badge of Red to your son.

Achievement Chart Ceremony

Each Cub Scout, the Den Leader, and the Den Chief hold a candle. The Cub Scout, receiving the award, has the honor of lighting these 3 candles. He then receives an award which is a gold star.

Den Leader: (Name) having fulfilled the requirements for Wolf and duly receiving this award at the pack meeting as of (day), is hereby authorized by the members of this den to place the appropriate star after his name on the achievement chart.

DEN CHIEF: (Name) it has been a pleasure to help and assist you in your Cubbing and to prepare you for Scouting. You have learned your lessons well and are now on the trail of Bear. I know you will soon be on the Scouting trail that leads to the Eagle's nest.

Den Leader: Cubs, let us all remember it took hours of work for both (Name) and his parents to achieve this award, so let us all work for the higher goals in Cubbing so that later on we may take our place for God and our country. Now Cubs, let us give a Class A hand clap for (Name).